Reading on (Un) Civil Wars
International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) will host a reading on
(Un)Civil Wars by Dr. Yasmin Tambiah, an award-winning creative writer
with work anthologised in publications in the USA, Sri Lanka and
Australia, including Award Winning Australian Writing 2014, edited by
Chioe Brien, at the ICES Auditorium, 2, Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 8, at
4.30 p.m. on Monday, February 8
Tambiah, who is a researcher, research manager and creative writer,
will read from her work in progress, a collection of prose-poetry that
records and responds to conflict both political and cultural. While
informed by Sri Lanka's long war, settings for the writing include the
USA, Europe, the Caribbean, and Australia.
Trained as a European medievalist, her subsequent published research
has focused on sexuality, ethnicity and criminal law in post-colonial
states; sexuality and militarisation; and gender and governance in South
Asia. Tambiah was a senior research fellow at the International Centre
for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, and a co-director of the Centre for
Feminist Legal Research, New Delhi. She has also managed
interdisciplinary research projects for the Australian Council of
Learned Academies. |