Abroad (North America) living Sinhala B/G parents seek an educated, NS/TT, kind partner for their pretty 24, daughter who is studying for MSc. She is kind, well-mannered & brought up with Sri Lankan vlaues. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Absolutely handsome son sought by G/B parents for beautiful Lecturer daughter. 29 With MSc.IT. willing to settle abroad. E-mail:-
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified groom is sought by R/C parents for their daughter working in Australia as a Medical Doctor in a Base Hospital. She was born in 1988 and parents living in New Zealand. Please reply to E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by respectable B/D parents from Colombo for their only daughter 25 yrs., 5 fair pretty educated at leading School in Colombo LLB qualified, employed. Inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Govi B/C parents for only child attractive 35+ educated mostly abroad, postgraduate from highly prestigious university C.I.M.A. managerial level licentiate pianoforte. Was employed in Sri Lanka. Presently employed abroad. Will inherit substantial assets. Please reply giving family details and contact numbers.
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by B/G family living in New Zealand for their Daughter. She is 30 years, 54, fair, slim and pretty. She is professionally qualified up to Post graduate level and well employed as an Adviser in the Ministry of Education in NZ. Please reply with the horoscope and family details to
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by B/K parents for their daughter 29, height 52, pretty and fair B.Sc. Civil Engineer, reading for M.Sc, drawing six-figure salary and inherits substantial assets. Email :
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son with caring and sharing qualities is sought by affluent professional parents S/B living in Australia for their daughter 28+, very beautiful slim, fair 5.5 feet, well-qualified and employed in Australian government sector. We respect Sri Lankan values. Please reply with horoscope and details.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son 33 years or below living and working in USA or Canada from a respectable Sri Lakan Buddhist family is sought by G/B parents, US citizens for their only child 29 years, fair slim, 51 height daughter qualified in Early Childhood Education and employed in USA. Please reply with family details. Email:
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by Buddhist Govi parents for their daughter 54 27+ currently she is studying for her PhD in (UK). Please Email-
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered, kind hearted son is sought by B/G parents for their attactive, fair, slim, religious and kind-hearted daughter, 1982, 12, 52. Graduated from Moratuwa University. BSc Engineering (Hons), MSc, studied in leading school. Well employed in a leading multinational Software Company and drawing good package.
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified NS/TT kind and caring son is sought by B/K mother from Colombo suburbs for well employed graduate daughter born in June 1977 56 inherits substantial assets including fully funished house and car. Reply with full details, Telephone No. and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
Academically qualified and kind hearted groom is sought by R/C parents living in New Zealand for degree holder daughter who is divorced after a very short marriage. No encumbrances. Born in 1986 currently in Australia. Please reply to - E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically qualified partner is sought by G/B professional parents from USA for their 37 yr old daughter, a Consultant Physician educated and employed in the USA. Please send family details and horoscope to:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified decent life partner preferably age between 26-28 is sought by GB parents (father IT professional, mother retired Bank Manager) for their accomplished pretty daughter, only child, 23 years, studied at a leading Buddhist Girls School in Colombo. Completed a business & management degree at a leading university in Australia, holding temporary Australian visa. Please reply with family details, horoscope and contact numbers to email:
[email protected]
Academically/professionally qualified Son below 42 years with good family background sought by B/K parents from Colombo suburbs for their well qualified Daughter Senior Bank Manager 53, 36 years. Kuja 8th house. Email:
[email protected]
Academically/ professionally well employed son, sought by Buddhist Govi Parents for 1975 born, 56 young looking, pretty daughter, Senior Bank Executive, reputed Private Bank. Substantial assets. Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 suitable.
[email protected]
Affluent professional Govi Buddhist parents living in New Zealand seek academically qualified professional son for their 5 feet 2 inch tall 26 years old slim fair and pretty employed graduate daughter. Please write your family details and the details of the proposed son with a copy of his horoscope.
[email protected]
An only daughter who is divorced after brief marriage parents seek a kind-hearted educated non-smoker, husband divorced or with a small child, preferably working abroad. We are abroad Govi Bodu family with three children. She has two younger brothers, who finished their studies overseas and working. She is 33, slim, tall 55 pretty and working abroad with a degree and CIMA. Father is professionally qualified and I am a housewife. Please reply with horoscope and all the details to:
[email protected] She has Shani Kuja in Fifth House. Punawasa Nekatha. Phone: 0112854861.
A Bodu/Govi respectable parents from Colombo-03 seek qualified well-mannered partner for their CIMA (UK) MBA (Australia) qualified 31 years (1985), 55 v. fair slim pretty well-mannered Accountant daughter well-employed, educated in a leading private Christian school in Colombo, divorced after a very brief unsuccessful marriage as the innocent party. No encumbrances. Inherits assets. Overseas considered. Reply with family details and horoscope,
[email protected]
A professionally qualified partner for early marriage is sought for K/B Dental Surgeon daughter born 1976 February. She is fair pretty 5 tall and extremely young looking. Inherits considerable assets. Self replies appreciated. Email:
[email protected]
A professionally qualified partner here or abroad is sought for Dental Surgeon + Lawyer Kandyan G/B born 1978 May daughter. She is fair, very pretty 5 2 1/2 and extremely young looking. She being of wide ranging interests from Photography, music and literature prefers a partner similarly interlectually inclined. Inherits considerable assets. Self replies appreciated. email:
[email protected]
A Sinhala Buddhist Salagama retired parents in respectable family living in Colombo seek an academically professionally qualified son for their daughter, 38 yrs, qualified in University of Peradeniya (Bachelor of Dental Surgery). She is working in government hospital as a Senior Dental Surgeon, she draws a handsome salary and enjoys fringe benefits of the Department. Brother and sisters living in Australia. 011 3079892.
[email protected]
A successful educated entrepreneur or business manager professional, handsome, teetotaller and non-smoker bridegroom below 33 years is sought by Govi Buddhist well-established business parents for their very fair pretty slim daughter, born in December 1987, height 5, studied in a leading girls school in Colombo, a Business Administration Graduate, CIMA part qualified, a Managing Director of a company, owns substantial assets. Reply with the family details and horoscope preferably compatible with Kuja in the 2nd and Rahu in the 7th.
[email protected]
A well-employed partner with sober habits is sought for a qualified teacher residing in Colombo. Catholic Tamil born in 1976 good looking with a pleasant disposition 55 in height. Possesses sufficient assets.
[email protected]
A well-mannered kind son is sought by Canadian citizen Sinhala parents in Canada for their 29 years old slim only daughter. Please reply
[email protected]
Bodu Govi parents from a well established respectable family living in Colombo suburb seek a professional partner living in Sri Lanka who is less than 29 years of age with sober habits for their well established very fair and pretty daughter 24 years of age and 52 height business graduate from a reputed foreign university and educated at a leading Buddhist school in Colombo with substantial means. Pleas reply with full details and horoscope to
[email protected]
Bodu Govi parents from Colombo suburb seek an educated well mannered groom for daughter 25 years 57, CIMA qualified, Admin. Degree, hoping to migrate to Australia. Kuja 7th House, for more details. Email :
[email protected]
Bodu Govi professional family, father Medical Consultant, seeks academically and professionally qualified family oriented son with a respectable social background, for their very pretty, fair, slim 54 daughter, flawless character, Senior Lecturer in UK University, having a doctorate from the London University, born in 1978, looks in her late twenties, she possesses and inherits substantial assets, has dual citizenship. Marriage delayed due to academic activities. Those residing in UK too are welcome. Country of residence after marriage with mutual consent. Please send full family details and copy of horoscope.
[email protected]
Bodu,Govi professional parents in Canada seek a very handsome, professionally qualified nonsmoker, teetotaler Son below 27 years and height above 58 to introduce to their elder Daughter for a decent relationship for future marriage. She is fair, very pretty, well- mannered, 55, born in mid- 1994, University student in Canada. Reply with horoscope, and details through Email:
[email protected]
Buddhist Bathgama Caste parents seek a suitable partner for their pleasant religious daughter born 1983, height 54 graduated in England in Information Technology and was employed in private sector Colombo. Please write with horoscope, address and telephone number. Caste immaterial.
Buddhist mother seeks a qualified partner for her government employed graduate daughter 38 yrs, 53 inherits assets. Please send horoscope family details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Buddhist parents seek educated son their daughter 35, 54 CIM (UK), MBA (Aus) Manager bluechip company car house other assets. Caste immaterial.
[email protected]
Buddhist Salagama parents residing at Maharagama for their pretty smart attractive eldest daughter aged 32 years 55, tan complexioned, educated in a reputed Buddhist Girls School Colombo 7, academically qualified Graduate from an English University and employed in a foreign Company, drawing an attractive salary seek a partner below 35 years, handsome with a good character, academically and professionally qualified (non-malefic horoscope, Singha Lagna, Sitha Nekatha, Raaksha Ghana, Kuja 4). Reply with family details and horoscope. 0112804869.
[email protected]
B/G educated family seeks academically qualified groom over 40 yrs. from Australia USA UK Sri Lanka for never married post graduate professional daughter very attractive fair slim possesses dowry Divorcees after short marriage can also be considered.
[email protected]
B/G parents from suburbs of Colombo seek academically and professionally qualified well mannered son for their only daughter, 25+, 5 7, BSc. Qualified software Engineer in a leading IT company, reading for MSC. Reply with family details and horoscope suitable to Shani in 1st Kuja in 4th Sitha Nakatha and Raksha Gana
[email protected]
B/G parents living in Sydney seek a professionally qualified partner living in Australia for their 23 year old final year commerce degree student daughter. She is 54 pretty, fair and slim Looking for a kind and caring partner between 24-28 years to build up a relationship leading to marriage. Please reply with complete details & horoscope
[email protected]
B/G parents seek suitable partner for their pretty & fair daughter 52, 27 yrs. studied at leading private school in Colombo and a graduate in the field of HR. Presently, in Australia following higher studies at University. Divorced after very brief marriage as innocent party. Inherits valuable assets in Colombo. Has two elder brothers, both married and settled down in New Zealand.
B/G, born in 1981 very young looking (5, fair, slim) working as Accountant in a leading company in Colombo Graduate in BA following CIMA Shani / Guru 7 Kuja 4.
[email protected]
B/K parents seek academically professionally qualified partner, for 1985 born, 51, well educated working daughter. E-mail:
[email protected]
Christian parents seek a professionally qualified handsome partner for their very fair pretty daughter, 32, BSc (IT) and CIMA, living and working in USA. A US permanent resident looking for a Christian partner only. Preference given to residents of USA or should be willing to migrate.
[email protected]
Christian parents seek a professional for their only daughter aged 37 years. Legally separated. No children. She holds double degrees and is a teacher by profession. Owns two houses in Colombo. She is smart and 56 tall. Catholics and others considered. Email :
[email protected]
Christian professional parents from a respectable family in Kandy seek a suitable partner for their daughter fair and attractive with an excellent character. Age 23 height 52 presently studying MBBS in the final year in China. Looking for a suitable partner Catholic or Christian for marriage. An educationally and professionally qualified with good character pleasing personality and with good values is welcome. Please reply with your Phone Number on the letter.
[email protected]
Christian Tamil father seeks a partner in Colombo or abroad for born again Christian daughter age 31 years BSc MBA employed as an Asst. Manager in a multinational company in Colombo. Contact email
[email protected] Telephone: 0112694623.
Close to Colombo B/G parents seek professional partner for daughter slim and pretty, 56 height, 34 years 5 months, B.Sc, MSc IT graduate works leading IT Company Softsare Engineer. Inherits house land cash and new car. Malefic horoscope. Reply H/C and family details. Email :
[email protected]
Colombo B/G parents look for (B. Arch) qualified 34 yrs, 54, pretty, slim, younger looking daughter working in Australia with PR having valuable assets in Nugegoda. Reply with horoscope & family details.
[email protected]
Colombo Govi Catholic mother seeks partner for daughter 49, 5 professional Banker reading for PhD, owns house in Colombo differences immaterial.
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs, Bodu , Govi, 1986 November born. Height 54 Computer Science Degree (UK) holder. Qualified in PMP, work in a private company (as Project Manager). Reading for MBA, fair complexion, slim figure, parents seek for a suitable partner for their eldest Daughter. (Berana nakatha, prathama padha, Dhanu Lagna) Especially looking for a Computer or Management Degree holder . Also consider migrated families. Please inquire with the horoscope copy. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo suburb Bodu Govi parents seek an educated partner for their daughter 24 yrs, 54 educated in a leading Colombo girls school, holding postgraduate qualifications & currently teaching in an International School. Send all family details & horoscope copy / or email:
[email protected]
Colombo suburb S/B professional parents seek professionally qualified partners for their daughters - both MBBS Doctors well mannered pleasant attractive & cheerful employed in Govt. Service studied in a leading Buddhist Girls School in Colombo. Elder born in mid-1984 & other mid-1985. Please forward all details with copy of horoscope
[email protected]
Doctor mother seeks a professional son for daughter 27 y, 5 3, convent educated in Sinhala medium BSc Mgt. employed, late father Tamil. Race immaterial willing to migrate. Please mention telephone numbers.
[email protected]
Educated partner sought by G/B family residing in Sydney for daughter Accountancy professional, slim, fair, pretty, 53, born 1971. Reply with horoscope and details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist well established parents seek educated handsome partner for their US graduate very young looking daughter 30, very fair & attractive. She is legally divorced (Plaintiff) with a child getting six figure monthly income.
[email protected]
G/B educated family seek educated partner for only daughter highly qualified Civil Engineer, born 1974 height 53. Reply with horoscope and details. 011-2853522. E-mail:
[email protected]
G/B parents residing in Melbourne Australia (Australian - Sri Lankan dual citizenship) seeking academically qualified partner with Australian PR for their well mannered and kind hearted 26 years old daughter 5 3. She is currently employed as a registered Nurse and Midwife at a well reputed tertiary hospital in Melbourne. Horoscope has Shani in 7th house and Kuja in 2nd house. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
G/B parents seek professional partner, preferably a doctor for 28, 52, fair pretty MBBS Govt. doctor daughter. Valuable assets including furnished large house. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
G/B parents, professionals, living in the US, seek a partner for their pretty, slim, 56, 26 yrs old, US born daughter. She is a graduate of a prestigious, Lvy league University in the US, and is currently employed by the same University. We are looking for a well brought up, slim, tall, professionally qualified partner below 30yrs of age. We would consider proposals from both US and Sri Lanka. Should be wiling to migrate to the US. Please reply with details and horoscope to
[email protected]
confidently is assured.
G/B professional parents living in Australia seek a suitable son for their pleasant, fair, 59, 29 daughter. She is a Law / Commerce graduate, working in a senior financial position for multinational company in Australia. Caste immaterial. Email family details, horoscope & contact number to:
[email protected]
Honest, well-employed in Executive Grade, Doctor, Engineer etc. for daughter, born in 1980, height 55, pleasant, pretty, fair, well-employed, undergone higher studies, in Australia, of a Colombo Govi, Buddhist, business / entrepreneur family, having so much properties. Tel: 0114-377173.
Kandyan Buddhist (Bathgama) mother seeks academically professionally qualified partner for her 34 years old daughter (53) educated BA (Languages) and with Masters from University of Colombo and working in a Semi- Government Organization. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Kandyan G/B parents seek a partner for their fair, pretty, 21 year old daughter, height 54 studying Engineering in a recognized University in the UK. He should be below 27 years old, well mannered with sober habits, academically/ professionally qualified or studying. Looking to build a relationship leading to marriage. Please reply with family details and horoscope to
[email protected]
Kandy Bodu-Govi mother seeks an educated son urgently for beautfiul daughter educated in Australia; age 53, age 33, businessman is also considered.
[email protected]
Long term Australian resident professional parents seek to introduce a suitable partner for only daughter, 36, 56, slim, attractive, educated in leading Australian University, professionally employed in a senior position, interested in music, literature, travel. She is overseas born with dual Australian and Sri Lankan citizenship. We are looking for a tertiary educated, professionally employed person from a compatible background with matching interests. While our family is SBG, differences are immaterial. Email:
[email protected]
MBBS qualified son with Buddhist Sri Lankan values below 30 is sought by GB parents living in Australia for their MBBS qualified daughter, 27, 56, fair and pretty, kind-hearted well-mannered, working in a leading hospital in Australia. She has been brought up with Sinhala, Buddhist values. She loves music, cooking, travelling and helping needy. We are looking for a MBBS qualified specialist doctor, from a good family background, non-smoking teetotaller willing to migrate to Australia. Preference will be given to those who live in Australia and New Zealand. Reply with family details, contact number and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Moor parents from Central Province residing in Colombo seek a professionally qualified partner for their professionally qualified working daughter who is 26 yrs old, 56 tall. Overseas grooms considered. E-mail:
[email protected]
Moor parents from Colombo seek an academically qualified professional partner for our daughter who is a MBBS Doctor. She is 57 tall and aged 27 pretty and fair with lots of scence of humor, Fluent in English, Dresses modern and wearing a hijab (head cover) looking for a partner who is above 59 in height. If interested please contact direct on 0112724461 or mail details to
[email protected] May Allah guide us correct.
Moor parents from Colombo seek a professionally qualified partner, for Doctor daughter 29 yrs, 53 tall, willing to relocate overseas. E-mail:
[email protected]
Muslim Mother from a respectable family Colombo seeks a suitable partner, professional or established Businessman for Daughter 34+, 54 , Teacher. Qualified, religious.With means.
[email protected]
Parents of a respectable Sinhala Buddhist Deva family in Colombo suburbs (Gampaha District) seek an educated, employed son, with sober habits, for their well mannered, fair elder daughter 27, 53 who is an employed BCom graduate and inherits a dowry Kuja 2, Sikuru Kethu 7. Please reply with horoscope.
Parents respectable family seeks suitable partner for only daughter 37 years, 53, pretty, fair, good charactered (never married). She inherits all our assets. She is an Attorney-at-Law and working in a company as Legal Executive. Differences immaterial. E-mail:
[email protected]
Parents seek partner for their British born 25 yr. 51 daughter to build up a decent relationship leading to marriage in the future. Please reply with horoscope and contact details.
[email protected]
Professionally qualified kind hearted well mannered son from a respectable family is sought by G/B professional parents for their 30 years 58 daughter with a pleasant smart and outgoing personality. Completed LLB (UK), Attorney at Law earns substantial monthly income She is legally separated from unsuccessful arranged brief marriage. No encumbrances. She studied in a leading international school in Colombo. She owns substantial assets including two storied house in Colombo and new car. Please reply with horoscope, family details and contact number. Email:
[email protected]
Professional parents S/B in Colombo suburb seek a suitable qualified partner for their attractive & friendly daughter born in mid-1985 employed in Australia as an Accountant after Masters Degree, had excellent school career in sports & other extra-curricular activities. Please send all details with copy of horoscope to:
[email protected]
Respectable G/B professional parents living in Australia seek a professionally qualified son living in Australia or willing to migrate. Our daughter, an MBBS Doctor, brought up with Sri Lankan/Buddhist values, is 28 years, 53 tall, slim and fair. Malefic horoscopes with kuja in 7 or 8 preferred. Please respond with family details and horoscope to
[email protected]
Retired parents seek B/G below 30 yrs, smart educated son having PR/citizen status in USA for their 5/26 yrs attractive daughter studied in Colombo 7, premier convent presently living in USA in the process of completion of highest studies, horoscope essential. Request correspond by email:
[email protected] TP: 011 2912571.
Sinhala G/B professional parents living overseas, seeking a suitable match for their daughter a medical doctor, was born in February 1987, 57. She will be in Sri Lanka for a week vacation from March 5th. Please reply with family details to:
[email protected]
Sinhala parents of mixed religion would like to welcome an academically / professionally qualified well-established son, for their daughter of 36 years, a legal professional based in Australia. He should be from a stable family background, kind and caring by nature. We value honesty and transparency. A non-smoker, unmarried. Non-malefic horoscopes are best suited with 1st and the 7th house empty. Genuine replies only. Please email to:
[email protected]
Sinhalese Roman Catholic parents from Gampaha District seek a suitable educated partner between 33 and 36 yrs. for their daughter 32 yrs. height 5 6 fair and slim who is in Canada. Respond with family details to e-mail:
[email protected] or tele. 031-2235293 preferably after 8.00 p.m.
Southern, Buddhist / Karawa, respectable family, residing in Colombo, born 1985/07 height 52, employed, Software Engineer pretty daughter, mother seeks well employed partner. Puwapal Neketha, 7 Budha, Kuja, Govi considered.
[email protected]