ComBank wins 'Asia's Best Integrated Report' award
The Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC was adjudged 'Asia's Best
Integrated Report' at the Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards in
Commercial Bank’s Head of
Finance M. P. Dharmasiri (left) receives the award from
Director, South East Asia Climate Change and Energy Network,
British High Commission, Singapore, David Vincent. |
The awards ceremony recognised companies under 14 categories and one
winner was selected in each category.
Organised by CSR Works International, Singapore's leading
sustainability advisory, research and training firm, the Asia
Sustainability Reporting Awards attracted 180 entries from companies in
Hong Kong, China, Japan, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka,
the Middle East, Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines.
The finalists included corporate giants such as Maybank Malaysia, YES
Bank India, Airport Authority Hong Kong and Chungawa Telecom Taiwan.
Besides its victory in 'Asia's Best Integrated Report' category,
Commercial Bank was a finalist in the categories of Asia's Best
Workplace Reporting; Asia's Best Community Reporting; Asia's Best
Stakeholder Reporting; and Asia's Best CSR Communication within the
Annual Report.
Commercial Bank's award was presented to the Bank's Head of Finance
M. P. Dharmasiri by Director, South East Asia Climate Change and Energy
Network, British High Commission Singapore, David Vincent, at Eden Hall,
the British High Commissioner's residence in Singapore, on January 28.
Themed 'Combanking', the award-winning 2014 Annual Report of
Commercial Bank is a 432-page volume. It received five awards - the
Edmund J. Cooray Memorial Trophy for the Best Annual Report among
banking institutions in Sri Lanka, the Gold award for Management
Commentary, the Silver award for Corporate Governance Disclosure, the
Bronze award for the Best Annual Report overall across all sectors and
the Bronze for CSR Reporting at the 2015 Annual Report Awards of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka).
The Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards recognise and honour
sustainability reporting leaders in Asia. The Awards celebrate best
practices in sustainability reporting and communications. |