The evening star
Twinkling and shining,
Smiling at me,
Truly a beauty,
As legends say,
You are always,
The first star,
To twinkle in the dark sky,
And I'm guessing,
You are the queen,
In the kingdom of stars.
Ashen Anushka,
Grade 8,
Brilliant Stars College,Matara.

My dreams
Will my dreams come true?
My little dreams,
Those childish dreams,
Flow like streams,
In my little head,
While I lay asleep,
On my wee little bed.
These dreams are,
Too long to read,
These streams are,
Too far to swim.
But I'm not sure,
Whether these dreams,
Shall come true,
At all, at all, at all.
Narmada Bharathi,
Grade 5B,
Sussex College, Kandy.

"Meow, meow",
I still hear his voice,
But no one, nothing there,
When I turned around.
Pale, yellowish with,
Black spots,
All over the back,
What a nice fellow he was!!
Ceaseless "meow, meow",
When the food is served or not,
Filled our home,
Coiling on the foot mat,
Or stretching his arm,
In the chair,
Slept nicely,
Dreaming and dreaming.
"Meow, meow",
I still hear his voice,
He is still haunting in my mind,
Because he is no more with us!!
Ashi Liyanaarachchi.

It is pleasant when it is made,
In order to bake a tasty cake.
But it is bad and such a fear,
When it burns one from foot to ear,
It can destroy a whole green forest,
But no one ever can catch and arrest.
Sometimes it arises in the hearts of men,
And they take guns to kill others then.
But for every fire its power only remains,
Till the water comes with the high spirits of rains.
Then it soon dies with the grand mighty power,
And no one will be there to protect and cover!
W. N. Shehani Dharmathilaka,
Grade 10C,
St. Sebastian's Girls' School,

In the gloom whiteness,
In the great silence of snow,
A child was sighing,
And bitterly saying,
“Oh,they have killed a white bird
Up there on her nest.
Hashini Kodithuwakku,
Grade 11,
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
Model School, Matale.