SF enjoying dual privileges
JVP concerned, calls for new regulations:
by Chathuri Dissanayake
JVP Parliamentarian Vijitha Herath raised an issue of concern over
the dual privileges enjoyed by the newly appointed MP and leader of
Democratic Party, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka.
Fonseka already enjoys a high level of privileges equivalent to
ministerial perks afforded for his rank as Field Marshal. He is given
security detail as per his rank in the armed services, and also draws a
salary. “Most of these privileges are not afforded to a normal member of
Parliament, creating inequality among the MPs,” Herath pointed out to
the Sunday Observer, adding, “We are concerned over the situation and
have highlighted the issue.”
Herath likened it to the dual roles played by former President
Mahinda Rajapaksa, where he too enjoys the privileges afforded to a
former President of the country while engaging in active politics as a
MP in the current Parliament.
“This is a new situation for the country, before this we have never
had a Field Marshal in the forces and we haven’t had an MP holding the
same post. So there is a void in the regulations,” Herath said, adding
that new regulations should be introduced to address the situation. |