'Musica Sacra' at St.Lucia's Cathedral today
'Musica Sacra' to celebrate a solemn concelebrated Mass in Latin will
be held at St Lucia's Cathedral at 6.00 p.m. today.
His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo,
told a media briefing at the Archbishop's House in Colombo on Wednesday
that the purpose of the concelebrated Mass at the celebration of the
Eucharist on February 14 to introduce the rich choral heritage of the
church to the younger generations and to the future generations. "And it
is with that intention we formed a group of musicians," he said.
The Holy Mass will be presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Ranjith
with a combined choir of over 100 professional singers in attendance,
supported by an orchestra of 30 eminent musicians. Picture shows some of
the performers at a rehearsal. |