rendered blah
Valentine’s Day extravagance begs the question why
any healthy society would celebrate something as complex and subjective
as love in a superficial manner:
by Hana Ibrahim
Today is Valentine’s Day, a grotesque farce as any, mercilessly
commercialised and animatedly promoted by a segment of society looking
to cash in on one of the most powerful human emotions – love.
The modern day profligacy, which sees everything from chocolates to
lingerie, jewellery and dinner for two packages, even in ordinary
restaurants, taking on a pricy Valentine tinge, is quite alien to the
notion of heartfelt or unconditional love and far removed from the early
liturgical celebrations of Christian saints named Valentinus. History
records St Valentine’s Day for the several martyrdom stories invented
for the various Valentines that belonged to 14 February, with the most
enduring story being that of Saint Valentine of Rome, who was imprisoned
for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for
ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire.
Legend has it that during the imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the
daughter of his jailer. An embellishment to this story states that
before his execution he wrote her a letter signed ‘Your Valentine,’ as a
we should blame Geoffrey Chaucer for Valentine being converted into a
romantic affair at a time when courtly love flourished in middle era
England. But would he have dreamt the simple expression of love through
flowers, modest confectionery and handmade Valentine cards would
transmogrify into the commercial travesty Valentine’s Day has become
The modern day decadence is no doubt a ridiculous concoction fraught
with a certain kind of peril for men and women whose amorous relations,
deemed perfectly fine on 13 February and 15 February, is not able to
survive the day in between - 14 February - without conspicuous and pricy
displays of mutual reassurance. Conventional wisdom deems that healthy
couples would reaffirm their love and support to each other on a daily
basis. And pray, which starry-eyed lovers in the bloom of new romance
would need a calendar to remind them to say, “I love you”?
Valentine extravagance also begs the question why any healthy society
would celebrate in a one-dimensional and, yes, bromidically blah
fashion, something as complex and subjective as love. The ancient
Greeks, wise in the ways of the matters of the heart had not one, but
four words for this multifaceted emotion, viz agápe, éros, philía, and
Agápe was ascribed as love in the spiritual sense, something akin to
general affection or deeper sense of ‘true unconditional love’, the type
shared within a family, rather than the attraction suggested by éros,
which referred to ‘physical’ passionate love, with sensual desire and
longing, pure emotion without the balance of logic and even ‘Love at
first sight’. Storg? was used to describe an affectionate, accepting
love, like that felt by parents for offspring, while philía denoted
affectionate regard or friendship with a lot of give and take, and
included loyalty to friends, family, and community, as well as between
complexities are lost in today’s Valentine Day events, which only serves
to perpetuate a simplistic and self-defeating belief in the magical
powers of corny peripherals and fancy trappings, ignoring the sacrifice,
disappointment, compromise and other unhappy shadows that fall across
every durable relationship and marriage? What Valentine’s Day does today
is give credence to the reality show concept of love that doesn’t really
have any redeeming quality in the real world.
Yet, the question remains, why do we put up with Valentine’s Day
every year, albeit cribbing about its über commercialisation? The bottom
line is, in a world torn by war, mired in economic strife, marred by
injustice, hatred and intolerance, love is something to be celebrated,
no matter who is giving it or receiving it. Few people have ever been
unhappy to be told, “I love you,” by the ones they love. It is genuinely
difficult for even the most cynical, unromantic person not to
acknowledge – and even benefit from – Valentine’s Day.
One way or another, we all tend to wind up thinking about love, and
about the people we love, on Valentine’s Day. There are indeed worse
things that can happen to us in February. |