China-the missing piece to the Pakistan puzzle
by Suhasini Haider
Of all the casualties from the Pathankot attack, perhaps the one
least spoken about was the India-China dialogue.
By calling off his visit to Beijing that was due at the beginning of
January, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval may have sent a signal
that dealing with the crisis at hand with Pakistan was more important
than the next chapter of the protracted border talks with China. Yet
nothing could be further from the truth.
For a number of reasons, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s engagement
with China is not just more connected than ever with its Pakistan
outreach, it is a natural consequence of his desire to connect with all
of South Asia.
The first reason is that the Pakistan-China bond, often termed an
‘all-weather friendship,’ is deeper than ever before, reinforced by the
concrete to be used in their biggest infrastructural initiative, the
US$46-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) announced in April
2015. Second, China is involved closely in other subcontinental
developments, such as the Afghanistan-Taliban talks, that will have a
bearing on India-Pakistan ties.
Third, the biggest source of tensions between India and China – the
border issue in Jammu and Kashmir – is geographically linked with
Pakistan. And fourth, on the subject of terrorism, it is China that has
had a higher rate of success in controlling the levers in Pakistan that
run terror groups than most other countries.
New axis
However, despite all those reasons, 2015 saw a strain in India-China
ties grow. Paradoxically, this is not a strain in bilateral ties, but
borne of their ties with other players in the region.
The year began with India heralding a decided shift towards the US,
signing the joint vision statement for the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean
region with the US when US President Obama visited New Delhi. The
agreement was the first of its kind, committing India to ties with the
US outside of South Asia, specifically mentioning ‘ensuring freedom of
navigation and over flight’ in the South China Sea as a goal.
China did not react well to the snub, and just a few months later,
and a few weeks before Prime Minister Modi’s visit to China, unveiled
the CPEC, making the road through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Pakistan
an integral part of its One Belt, One Road (OBOR) plan. Significantly,
maps issued in 2014 had no mention of Gwadar port in Pakistan, but
mentioned Kolkata as a possible stop, but since India remained cold to
the OBOR/Silk Route initiative in 2015, a new line through Pakistan
connecting Gwadar port to the Maritime Silk Route has become much more
Indian strategic ties with the US and Japan, both allied against
China on the South China Sea issue, also got closer. The year began with
President Obama’s visit and ended with President Shinzo Abe’s
visit. Trilateral talks and military exercises were institutionalised
among the three countries, which China has always read as an attempt at
its ‘containment.’
Balancing the gains
While India’s move to the US –Japan corner will no doubt win it
strategic power in one respect, it must also consider what it could
lose. China today is a close friend to Russia, controls much of the
Asian economy, and has most of Europe in its debt. It also remains
India’s largest trading partner. China is also involved too deeply with
each of India’s neighbours, including Afghanistan, the Maldives, Nepal,
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and especially Pakistan, for it to be cut out of
India’s equations with them.
Afghanistan’s decision to trust China as a guarantor for its talks
with the Taliban, or the agreement between China and Nepal for fuel
supplies and the opening of trade routes and port access after the
standoff between India and Nepal, should only underline that point. It
must be remembered that even the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
(TAPI) pipeline will draw from reserves developed by Chinese loans.
The truth is that while China is seen as a hegemonist power by its
maritime neighbours, it is seen as a stabilizing force that invests in
long-term development by its neighbours on land in South and Central
It is puzzling why India would pick a battle with China outside of
its own neighbourhood, when it benefits India to engage China in
promoting infrastructure and fighting terror in the neighbourhood. It
also makes little sense to unite Pakistan and China in their antagonism
to India, when previous decades have shown that it is possible to appeal
to China to use its influence with Pakistan for peace in the region.
In his superb discourse of the relationship in his recent book, The
China-Pakistan Axis, Andrew Small gives a detailed account of the
Chinese role in forcing General Pervez Musharraf to withdraw troops
during the Kargil war (1999), its push for peace during Operation
Parakram (2001-2002) and its Vice Foreign Minister’s “shuttle diplomacy”
after the Mumbai attacks.
Given all of the above, premier Modi might find that a new push to
Beijing is worth making in a year India hopes to push for the elusive UN
Security Council seat, and also given his desire to pursue the spirit of
May 2014, when he invited leaders of all SAARC nations, including
Pakistan, to his swearing-in ceremony.
“A distant relative may not be as helpful as a near neighbour,”
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had said during a visit to Delhi in 2013. The
Prime Minister may well find that eastern neighbour helpful when
considering its vexed relations with India’s western neighbour as well.
-The Hindu