Colombo City poised for Rabies Free City by 2018
Only three positive cases last year:
By Carol Aloysius
Colombo city, once overrun by stray dogs which carried the dreaded
rabies virus in them, is now poised to be declared a Rabies Free City by
the year 2018.
"We have almost achieved our target to be a rabies free city, due to
our successful intervention programs," Chief Veterinary Surgeon, CMC, Dr
Dharmawardene told the Sunday Observer.
He said before 2000, there had been fifty positive cases of rabid
dogs in the city. The number plunged to three in 2015, with no cases
reported this year upto now. "If we can sustain this zero score for the
next three years, we can declared Colombo city to be Rabies Free by the
year 2018", he said.
He attributed this reduction to the on going vaccination and
sterilization programs conducted by the Vet department. "Human rabies
Hydrophobia) which is caused by a bite from a rabid dog, is hundred
percent fatal. There is no cure for it. Vaccinating these dogs which
cause this dreaded disease and sterilizing them is the most effective
way of eradicating it," he said.
He said the CMC Vet. Department annually registers and vaccinates
around 10,000 domestic dogs in the City. Vaccination of owned dogs are
done by conducting: 1) House to House Vaccination programme, where the
veterinary supervisors visit each house which owns a dog, 2) Centre
Vaccination programmes at temples, playgrounds and community centres
etc, 3) and at anti rabies clinics which are conducted every Thursday
from 8am to 12 noon. "All vaccines as well as sterlisations done free
under supervision," he noted.
Almost 95% of human rabies deaths have been caused by bites from
unvaccinated dogs, with the highest number of rabies positive samples in
the Western province followed by Galle a study from accumulated data
from 1999 through 2010 compiled by the Dept. of Rabies Diagnosis and
Research, MRI, Colombo has shown. |