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Sunday, 27 March 2016





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It is not sinister to be left-handed

Just about one in ten of us are left-handed or lefties. Those of you who are part of this club know all too well the pitfalls of being a lefty in a righty's world. Scissors, can openers, mugs, spiral note books, number pad keyboard, trouser zippers! They make you go mad.

US President Barak Obama                                            - Google image

For centuries, the idea that left-handers are somehow both wicked and inferior has been so persistent and powerful that the word sinister-front the Latin for left-comes down to us only as describing something evil and ominous.

Outwardly at least, the world has moved a long way from such a slanderous sentiment. Today, lefties are increasingly tolerated at the dinner table. Especially some shops offer left-handed versions of almost every manual implement you can think of, from can openers to wristwatches to playing cards.


Aside from feeling somewhat different from others, there seems to be a history of discrimination toward the left-handed people, embedded in language. For example, there are over two dozen negative references to left-handedness in the Bible and some common English phrases portray the left as negative - such as a 'left-handed' compliment.

One of my left-handed friends told me recently, "One of the things that I have also heard my whole life is that I am clumsy and have no eye-hand coordination. But as I have learned by researching, this is probably not due to a default in my natural abilities, but in having to use right-handed tools and items that are backward for me."

He has a good point there. Given all this negativity surrounding us, it's hard not to feel a little cold-shouldered. But there are some really great things about being left-handed. Next time somebody tries to bring you down for being a lefty, point out these things that might make him wish he was part of the left-handed crew.

Plus points

Being left handed is an advantage in many sports You might just come out ahead in athletics if you're a lefty. Since most players are right handed, many are unused to dealing with those who are left handed. Take for example, boxing or tennis.

Lefties have a greater chance of being a genius

Researchers have found out that lefties make up a disproportionately large part of those who are highly intelligent. For example, twenty per cent of all Mensa members are left-handed. (Mensa is an international organisation for people with high IQ). When you consider that less than ten per cent of the total population is left handed, this makes for a lot of smart lefties.

Left handed men may make more money

According to studies, left handed males who have gone to university earn 13 per cent more than their right handed counterparts. The causes of this difference are unknown, but the gap is statistically significant enough that it's not a simple anomaly.

Lefties are better able to multitask

One of the advantages of being left-handed is that it forces your brain to think more quickly. What this means for everyday life is that those who are lefties may find it easier to multi-task and deal with a large, sometimes unorganised stream of information. Researchers found that conversations between the left and right sides of the brain happen more quickly in left handed people.

Lefties are better at playing video games

Some of the traits that make lefties better thinkers also make them better at playing video games. Research shows that lefties are better at handing large amounts of stimuli, making them naturally better at killing zombies, playing virtual tennis or fighting off alien hordes in the virtual world.

Left handed stroke victims recover fast

While the reasons behind this aren't entirely clear, some believe it's due to left handed people having to strengthen both sides of the brain when navigating a right handed world. Because many lefties are better able to use their non-dominant hand, it is easier for them to recover from a stroke that damages one part of their brain.

Left-handed people are likely to succeed in artistic pursuits

Research has shown that university students are more likely to major in visually-based, as opposed to language-based, subjects when they're left handed.

If you want to be an artist this is an amazing benefit, putting you in the likes of greats like Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Rembrandt.

Left-handed drivers are good drivers

They are more successful at learning to drive than right handed people. If driving came easy to you, it might have a good deal to do with your left-handedness.

A driving school poll found that 57% of left handers passed their driving test first time compared with only 47% of right handers

Why differ?

Why most people are right-handed and only some are left-handed remains a bit of a mystery. Since scientists have noticed that left-handedness tends to run in families, it's assumed that left-handedness has a genetic component to it. In other words, left-handers are born that way.

In 2007, scientists discovered a gene that appears to be related to left-handedness. However, researchers are quick to point out that it's a complex issue and no definite conclusions can be reached yet.

Scientists continue to study handedness. Some believe that rather than looking at handedness as an either-or question - either right or left - it may be better to think of handedness as a spectrum. Some people may be very strongly right-handed or left-handed, while others may be in between these extremes and have a certain level of comfort with both hands.

Great names

If you are not yet convinced that to be left-handed is a privilege, just look down and see for yourself a selection of the celebrities who succeeded in life.

Barack Obama, Benjamin Franklin, Joan of Arc, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Charlie Chaplin, Tom Cruise, Robert De Niro, Harpo Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Pele, Mark Spitz, Larry Bird, John McEnroe, Randy Johnson and Lou Brock.


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