Panama - not only a canal but a source of leaked
damning info :
Omigosh! My, my! Cream to this catty cat!
was away from home and newspapers and TV for a couple of days and on her
return, bang, she is thrust in the Panana Papers with TV showing the
strip of land connecting North and South Americas, white. Maybe the
colour of some persons who secreted hora salli and now will be exposed
by the leaked data.
I can well imagine the shivers going down the spines of them who took
financial shelter in offshore banking et al. As stated, Sri Lanka is
featured too, in the leak! We await with bated breath the revelation of
names, said to be business companies but there sure would be individuals
too for some in our land exceeded in wealth the monetary holdings of
business houses, reportedly.
As I note this down on Wednesday, April 6, Sri Lankans have not been
mentioned but by the time you read this, the curiosity that is supposed
to kill my kind may be satisfied with names and games they played. On
the other hand, our ones may be safe, having trusted more the desert
‘The biggest leak in the history of data journalism’ screamed
headlines. “An investigation published by the International Consortium
of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ), a German newspaper – Suddentsche
Zetung – and other news organisations around the globe, reveals offshore
links of some of the world’s most prominent and influential people.”
Ian Cameron is one – father of the British PM; Putin’s close
associates are in it and the Prime Minister of Iceland has already
resigned. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Sharif’s relatives are in the net.
The leak is large with 11.5 million documents based on data from IMF,
World Bank and Central Banks of 139 countries which show that 21-32
trillion USDs are stashed away in tax havens. The period covered is from
the 1970s to the spring of 2015.
How did this scam originate, if I may use the word scam to cover all
the business deals put through with people’s money that they wanted to
keep secret.
Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca got into the offshore business by
forming a law firm headquartered in Panama. They may have started clean
since some of the monetary work they got into is legitimate. But they
overstepped the mark when many of their clients turned out to be
criminals, members of the mafia and corrupt heads of State and their
associates; with 12 national leaders and 143 politicians involved.
They aided and abetted tax evasion and money laundering, offering
anonymous shell companies for as little as USD 1,000. They soon became
the fourth largest offshore law firm, hiding the true owners of the
money, its origin and avoiding paying taxes on the money.
Then the German newspaper and ICIJ got curious, started sniffing
around, analysed and verified a few documents that leaked. Next came the
deluge of leaked documents.
Who will be caught?
It is said that the impact of the leaks may be limited in
least-developed countries. Is Sri Lanka least developed? This cat
thought we were classed as developing. So if there is incriminating
evidence of Sri Lankan companies or individuals having used the services
of Mossack Fonseca, it will be out soon.
Hence this lean cat’s delight that high flying, dishonest Sri Lankans
will get caught. If you steal or do wrong you have to pay for it, very
often in this life itself. This feline believes in the eternal truth of
every action has a reaction; tit for tat sort of; and one has to pay for
one’s sins.
See how the boomerang effect demonstrated itself on two Joint
Opposition big guns. Messrs Gamanpila and Bandula Goonewardena went to
Geneva to supposedly sneak on yahapalanaya.
Earlier they dashed coconuts at Seenigama and other places. Was it as
a competition to test the strength of each throwing wrist or dashing
arm? Not on your life!
They were sending curses along with the coconut water that flowed.
They wished others ill. This feline could not believe her eyes that
coconuts which are so expensive and hardly affordable by the less
affluent were just dashed and wasted.
So the duo went to Geneva. Lo and behold their bags did not come
along the circling belt to be retrieved. Did they have to stay in their
hotel rooms dressed in towels or were the bags carried so far away that
they needed to do shopping?
Whatever said and done, it is a bothersome nuisance losing your
baggage. Gamanpila also took a toss at a huge rally of the Jt Op. Learn
your lessons seemed to be the message of a divine being that saved him
from broken bones and injured muscles.
Festive time is here again
Let’s get away from talking of politics and politicians. The Sinhala
and Tamil New Year is almost upon us. Have you, dear reader, done your
avurudhu shopping of gifts for others and indulgences for yourself? I
have not even peeped into a shop nor walked along a hawker-ridden
It’s too hot to think of going out; creature comforts of staying home
are more important than walking from shop to shop. True feline! So
Menika stays home and connects with friends and relatives via email. But
come the day of the old year slipping out making room for the new,
Menika will rush around remembering this old retainer and that helper
who need to be given presents. After all Sinhala Avurudha comes but once
a year. She’ll also buy some kavun and kokis and munch and crunch away
as the country goes into holiday mode and laissez faire.
So it’s subha pethum for a fine avurudha for you with joyful family
gatherings and good eating, in spite of the heat and high prices of
groceries and vegetables.
- Menika