Post Operation Sovereign Borders initiative:
Subsequent to the introduction of a new initiative, no Sri Lankan
boat carrying undocumented persons have reached Australia, says Major
General Andrew Bottrell, Commander of Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB),
the military- led border security initiative of the Australian
Major General Andrew
Bottrell, Commander of Operation Sovereign Borders |
During his visit to Sri Lanka last week, OSB Commander in his single
English language interview to the Sri Lankan media, told the Sunday
Observer that many conditions have changed in Sri Lanka, thus reducing
the number of Sri Lankans boats being intercepted.
He added that Australia fully supported Sri Lankan’s resettlement
initiative and therefore has invested Australian $250 million to assist
post war reintegration initiatives.
By Dilrukshi Handunnetti
Q: Explain briefly the rationale behind Australia’s Operation
Sovereign Borders (OSB) initiative, launched in 2013 to prevent persons
without visas from reaching Australia?
A: It is a new policy borne out of necessity to protect
Australia’s sovereign borders.
There are two main reasons behind the policy. Australia has lost
control of its sovereign borders. On the other hand, some 1200 had died
en route to Australia which means, unauthorized entry is putting people
at grave risk. We believe the numbers to be higher than that and this
includes Sri Lankans as well.
These ‘illegal arrivals’ undermine Australian sovereignty and
violates its borders.
For those who wish to enter Australia through legal means and settle
there, a legal and formal migration process is made available. Through
that, Australia annually absorbs some 190,000 foreigners. Through our
Refugee and Humanitarian Program, another 13,500 persons are annually
Despite these programs, people use illegal methods to enter Australia
and the nation appears to have lost control over its sovereign borders
due to ongoing human smuggling.
We have governments collaborating with Australia to protect our
borders and theirs. We receive support from international agencies to
curb and control human smuggling. These rackets thrive largely due to
the lack of knowledge. So we work at different levels.
Q: In your view, what makes Australia one of the top choices
of undocumented migrants?
A: Australia is inclusive and receptive to humanitarians
Q: You mentioned initiatives to educate people on the
consequences of reaching Australia through unlawful methods? Please
A: We educate people about the consequences of human smuggling
and the risk attached to it, physically. There is loss of money and on
top of all that, there are legal consequences of detention and/ or
Illegal means will result in surveillance, detection, interception
and return. Australia is very clear about it.
There are far-reaching consequences to such detection. Such a person
will e never be allowed to enter Australia legally. There is a carefully
constructed deliberate program to absorb persons who wish to migrate
through the legal mechanism. There is also the refugee and Humanitarian
Program for vulnerable people. No other doors exist.
Australia’s sovereignty needs protection. The OSB has proved
effective and it has achieved its intended outcome. No boats have
reached Australia since the OSB initiative was launched in 2013 In
achieving that, Sri Lanka has proved an invaluable partner.
Q: What support was sought and received from the Sri Lankan
Government to curb boat arrivals?
A: Sri Lanka is a key collaborator. As a country, it has
positively responded to our call. Though this collaboration, we detected
122 boats in 2012, and by 2013, the number was reduced to just 14 boats.
The Navy Coast Guard and the government itself have remained
extremely supportive.
Q: There is a marked reduction in the number of undocumented
migrant arrivals in Australia since 2013. According to the Australian
Department of Immigration and Border Protection, out of some 53,000
persons, some 10,000 persons were Sri Lankan nationals, making Sri
Lankans a category of nationals seeking to enter Australia through
illegal means. Is there a reverse trend now?
A: Yes, some conditions have changed in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankans form a significant number of those seeking illegal entry.
Australia has taken deliberate measures to prevent entry. It is also the
reason why Sri Lanka is a significant partner to this initiative OSB but
also because of Sri Lanka’s level of genuine reciprocity. Australia
values that.
Since this initiative, no Sri Lankan boat has reached Australia. All
were diverted.
Once detected, the return will expose them to domestic legal
consequences and permanently deny all opportunities of legal migration
to Australia. This message is important.
Q: Has here been an increase in Sri Lankan professionals from
migrating to Australia?
A: There is a regular flow. The 190,000 managed migration
program has embraced thousands of Sri Lankans over the years. This
includes 60% skilled persons and 40% joining families in Australia. This
is Australia’s acknowledgement of persons who wish to legally enter
Australia and adopt it as their new home.
Q: What is the general profile of the Sri Lankans who attempt
to reach Australia by boats? Are they asylum seekers, economic refugees
or persons leaving the former war zones due to fears of persecution
based on ethnic/religious identity?
A: They are mostly economic migrants.
Earlier, there were many who were running away from Sri Lanka. That
backdrop no longer exists. The new political landscape should encourage
people to enter Australia through legal means than risk being prey to
human smugglers.
Q: The Australian immigration policy has been severely
criticized in the recent past by Australians themselves and many
rights-based organizations. Australia is viewed as a humanitarian
country that embraces people of all colour. Is this image now dented due
to the introduction of the OSB initiative?
A: Not at all. Australia also offers no excuses. Some
organizations have not been happy with the new initiative and have been
criticizing it. Yet, it is a government decision and the government has
the right to decide on the best ways to protect its sovereign borders.
As explained, for those who wish to enter Australia, mechanisms do
exist and Australia is not willing to entertain illegal methods that
violate its borders.
Q: Rights advocates have raised concerns about the new policy
and practice both. Firstly, there are concerns about lack of legal
access by the undocumented arrivals, transparency in the process and
absence of independent review of the process of processing arrivals. It
is dubbed a secretive process by some. Secondly, poor conditions of the
processing centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru are a concern. What is
your response?
A: As the Commander of the Operation Sovereign Borders, I have
visited both these places. The environment is austere but in terms of
facilities, I think all the required basic standards are being met. It
caters to the basic requirements of the people who remain there through
We have an agreement with these two territories and they are not a
part of Australia. When Australia resends the undocumented persons back
home, it is effective to do that from there.
Q: UK courts have suspended forced return of undocumented
migrants. The UN too has recognized that people who are at the risk of
harm such as persecution and degrading treatment should not be sent
back. How do you view Australia’s policy in the backdrop of this global
response to swelling numbers of undocumented migrants everywhere?
A: Smugglers’ are undermining policies deliberately for money.
Some advocates don’t like the policy. The Australian policy is
consistent with international law and international humanitarian law.
Australia complies with all its international obligations. Our policy
may sound tough. But that’s a government decision.
Q: OSB launched an ambitious campaign in Sri Lanka by putting
public hoardings and sponsoring radio spots to educate people on
Australia tightening its laws and that ‘boat people ‘will be diverted to
the processing centers or re-directed to Sri Lanka. Is your campaign
A: It is a successful initiative. It seeks to educate people
of the choices that are available to them – or the sheer lack of them,
if they resort to illegal methods to reach Australia.
The fact that the number of ventures being reduced backs up the view
that these messages intercepted with the dose of the Nauru and PNG
reality, deter people.
It is an enduring message and we need to educate the people. Also, we
inform people about the legal methods and encourage them to use those
mechanisms. Being smuggled into Australia is a grave risk to their lives
and results in return and loss of their resources. It is not worth the
effort. That’s our core message.
Q: You earlier mentioned that due to the war’s end, people no
longer flee Sri Lanka in fear but the ‘new’ boat people are economic
migrants. Nearly seven years after the end of the war, it would still be
incorrect to state that in the former war zones, people are well-
settled, though there is more normalcy than before. There are serious
concerns about resettlement, reclaiming land and homes as well as
infrastructure and employment needs that are largely unaddressed. These
people do not have the means to go through the formal process and may
still opt for the risky boat rides.
A: I agree that there is much to be done in the post war years
and it would be too early to assume that conditions are completely
conducive for return and resettlement. But we know that the Sri Lankan
Government is working on it and Australia wants to stand by Sri Lanka in
this effort.
This is why Australia contributed Australian $250 million to the
resettlement and reintegration program. That is recognition of the
existence of these problems that compelled them to flee their country
and a means of supporting them to build a new future. Australia wishes
to assist in the resettlement process.
(Photo: Australian High Commission - Colombo) |