More buses and trains during New Year
By Isuri Kaviratne
More trains and buses have been added to ensure an uninterrupted
transport service during the forthcoming New Year. National Transport
Commission Chairman M.A.P. Hemachandra said highway buses will operate
on April 13 and 14 as the permanent bus-permit holders have agreed to
take turns to run buses on these days.
He said the new transport schedule that was initiated on Friday,
April 8, has been a success and will continue throughout the New Year
season. Adding more buses to the highway routes from Maharagama,
Kadawatha, Kaduwela and Negombo will reduce the number of commuters
coming to Colombo for transport to the outstations, thus easing city
traffic as well.
“Over 10 temporary highway bus permits were issued within the past
few days and more will be issued as the need arises,” Hemachandra said.
The number of temporary permits for air-conditioned buses along the
Galle Road is much higher.
The police have been instructed to take action against errant highway
bus drivers and conductors who overload passengers and aggrieved
passengers could call the NTC Hotline 1955 or 0112333222, he said.
Deputy General Manager, Ceylon Transport Board Raja Gunathilaka said
seat bookings have been cancelled due to the large number of passengers
travelling during this season This would not cause any inconvenience to
the public as the CTB has added 400 additional buses on the busiest
routes. Buses will operate on April 13 and 14 April as well. If there
are any complaints about the times of buses or bus fares, he called upon
commuters to lodge a complaint on 0117555555. |