Srinath Goonerathne heads Scouts
Vice President, Srinath Goonerathne has been appointed President of
the Sri Lanka Scout Association succeeding Chandrasena Batuwangala who
passed away recently. Gooneratne who received the President's Scout
Award in 1979, was a scout of the 20th Moratuwa Open Scout troop
attached to St Joseph's Church in Uyana, Moratuwa.
Goonerathne had participated at a Wood Badge training course in 1983,
was Vice President of the Moratuwa-Piliyandala Scout Branch Association
and President of the Sri Lanka Queens and President Scout Guild.
He has previously worked at the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) and Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), gaining over twenty
years of wide experience in Project Concept Evaluation, Donor Grant
Management, Project Implementation and Monitoring, Project Expenditure
Verification and Donor Reporting.
He was also a member of the Colombo Toastmasters Club. |