Auspicious times
April 13 Wednesday -
1.24 p.m. - The Punya Kaalaya (Nonagathe)
begins. Light no fire and draw no water. During this time,
visiting the temple takes place while no work, or reading,
etc. is done. Abstain from any form of work.
7.48 p.m. - Nekath Udawa - the dawn of the
New Year.
8.06 p.m. - Aahara
Piseema. (Preparing of meals).The time of
lighting the hearth and preparing food consisting
traditional kiribath. You face south and wear green as you
8.54 p.m. - This is when you can partake
in food. This is also when people exchange gifts and do
trading and go visiting.
April 16 Saturday -
10.41 a.m. is the time to ceremonially
anoint one's head with oil and Nuga leaves while facing
West. The auspicious colour is blue.
April 18 Monday -
6.27 a.m. is when you ceremonially leave
for work. The auspicious colour is white while the direction
is East. You leave after eating kiribath. |