3D Cat A mour
you ever watched your cat go into battle with a bird, or been concerned
by the late night travels of your cat? Have you ever listened to your
beloved cat scrapping with the neighbour's cat? Well.... the latest in
feline inventions is for you, and your cat!
With a 3D printer and the internet, you can make your very own cat
armour. Created by Print That Thing, the instructions have been uploaded
to Thingiverse. One eager cat protector has trialled the pattern using
ABS filament and jewellery hoops, and he was thrilled with the result.
Boy sends letters to every country - and gets
eight-year-old Toby started writing letters to people in other countries
three years ago, he didn't expect to get many replies. He just wanted to
find out about how people in other countries lived.
Since then he has received more than six hundred replies from people
all over the world telling him what life is like in their country. Toby
has been showing his letters to the media.
Google makes animal noises
searching now extends to making animal noises.
Searching for 'what noise does a [animal] make' and you will now get
results featuring a short audio sample of the animal in question,
ranging from your standard farmyard animals to the more exotic bowhead
whale and elephant. Alternatively, try searching 'animal noises' for one
of the sounds at random.
It might be intended as an educational tool for children, but is
possibly more likely to be a time waster!The selection of animals is
fairly limited, with the range limited to 19. The zebra and (rather
disgruntled) cat noises are particular highlights.
Google is famous for its hidden search features. Typing 'do a barrel
roll' into the search engine and Google will oblige, while searching for
Pacman will result in a special playable version of the game.
But, there's still no answer to What Does The Fox Say
11-year-old lemonade maker
you ever made your own lemonade to sell at the end of your driveway to
get some money?
Well, 11-year-old Mikaila Ulmer from USA has landed a multi-million
dollar deal with Whole Foods!
Her 'Bee Sweet' lemonade is to be sold in 55 of their US stores.
The young entrepreneur uses the mint, flaxseed and honey lemonade
recipe she inherited from her great-grandmother, and gives a portion of
her products to foundations that rescue bees.
She calls herself a 'Bee Ambassador' and first found fame with her
product on ABC's Shark Tank, where she secured a $60,000 investment from
the show.
Mikaila came up with the idea for the lemonade when she was just
four-years-old, when after she was stung twice, she investigated why
they sting and was intrigued by their integral role in the ecosystem.
The entrepreneur took part in local competitions until she landed a
place on Shark Tank. Since then, she's served lemonade to Barack Obama,
and has won several awards including the African American Harvest
Foundation Story Changer award. |