'South East Asian Splendour'
The Young Muslim Womens' League (YMWL) will present 'South East Asian
Splendour' on May 4, from 10 am to 3 pm. at 'The Excellency',
Charlemonte Road, Colombo 6. It is the annual fundraiser of the YMWL.
The proceeds will be used to fund on-going projects.
The YMWL currently funds the upkeep and maintenance of a creche for
underprivileged children in Kirulapone, grants scholarships to deserving
and needy students for university education and funds the welfare and
education of 22 tsunami-affected orphans in Galle and Kirinda.
The YMWL maintains a female surgical ward at the Teaching Hospital,
'South East Asian Splendour' is a cultural and musical extravaganza
drawn from diverse cultures of the South East Asian region followed by a
scrumptious lunch, bringing the rich flavours of the South Asian region.
Many surprises are on the cards.
The event will also host a number of stalls selling a variety of
For tickets contact: 0776138382 or 0771154493. |