Staph in your sinks
Antibacterial soap has a dirty little secret... it contains chemicals
that increase the risk of infection, disrupt hormones, cause cancer,
liver fibrosis and more.
fortunately for you, the secret's out. Mounds of research has surfaced
in recent years confirming the dangers of this common household product
that most people use countless times per day.
The ingredients that make antibacterial soap one of the greatest
household health hazards are the chemicals triclosan and triclocarban.
Triclosan, which can be absorbed through the skin or ingested orally,
has become pervasive in many people's bodies, having shown up in their
urine, blood, breast milk and snot. To break it down in a more specific
- and disturbing - way, triclosan has been found in the breast milk of
97 per cent of lactating women and 75 per cent of people's urine.
So the chances you've been contaminated are pretty good.
What's even more disturbing is that a 2014 study conducted by the
University of Michigan found that if you do happen to have triclosan in
your snot, you also have a 50 per cent greater chance of having the
'Staphylococcus aureus' bacteria in your nose... you know, the bacteria
that causes potentially deadly staph infections.
Another study published in 2014 found that mice exposed to triclosan
over six months (which would equate to 18 years for us humans) were more
likely to get liver tumours... and larger tumours at that.
That's because triclosan causes liver toxicity and liver fibrosis,
which eventually lead to cancer.
The most recent research on antibacterial soap shows that rats
exposed to triclocarban pass it along to their young through their
breast milk, and it messes with their babies' gut microbiota. Nursing
pups exposed to the chemical had significantly less beneficial bacteria
in their gut than pups who weren't exposed.
By now, you are probably well aware of the impact your gut health has
on your overall health. If your body was a coal mine, your gut health
would be the canary. And the chemicals in antibacterial soap would be
the carbon monoxide that kills this canary (and eventually kills you if
you don't heed the warning).
But these chemicals aren't only found in antibacterial soap.
- Easy Health Options