About our daughter: She was brought up with Sinhalese Buddhist values, 29, pretty and fair complexion. She is educated up to postgraduate level, well-employed with great future career prospects. We are dual citizens, established bodu govi professional parents residing in Australia with our children, looking for a son from a similar background. She will inherit substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope, and family details. Email only:
[email protected]
Absolutely Attractive Govigama fair tall slim lady early forties owning new house seek honest groom. 0112289578.
[email protected]
Academically and Professionally qualified partner with good family background sought by B/S/G Professional partners living in Colombo for their pretty ,fair ,slim 27yrs , 56, MBBS doctor daughter. working in a government hospital. educated in a leading Colombo school.Brothers Engineers, working and living in Australia citizens.please respond with family details and copy of horoscope.
[email protected].
Academically and professionally qualified N/S T/T son from Australia or New Zealand is sought by B/G professional parents dual citizen living in Australia for their pretty, fair, slim, 26 yrs., 52, Australian qualified MBBS Doctor daughter. She is working in Australia and has assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. Please reply with horoscope and family details
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner between 29-33 years is sought by respectable, GB professional parents for their well employed, slim, pretty daughter 28 years, 53, attended a leading private Christian School in Colombo, B.Sc (Hons), MBA, Meena Lagna, Rehena Nekatha, Manushya Gana, Guru/Rahu 1, Kuja 8. Please reply with family details and malefic horoscope.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner (45 - 50 yrs), preferably in USA or Sri Lanka is sought by parents for their daughter a Scientist US PhD and PR, 45, 51 fair very attractive younger looking never married with Buddhist cultural values, inherits substantial assets. Currently attached to an academic institute in US. Reply with phone number and full details.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Colombo suburb B/G mother for their pretty slim, 32, 54, BSc., MBA qualified daughter, employed as an Accountant in Australian Company, inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified caring partner below 35, N/S, T/T is sought by respectable B/Vishwa parents for their daughter 30, 55, kind hearted caring fair, pretty, brought up with Buddhist values, BSc, MSc qualified Senior Software Engineer in a leading IT company earning a six figure salary. Reply with copy of horoscope and family details. Email:
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified partner sought by affluent well settled Bodu Govi parents from Colombo for 33 years slim 58 tall IT professional daughter Primary Secondary Education obtained overseas and local leading Schools. BSc. IT well employed Senior Software Business Analyst PR Australia. Worked in USA seven years IT field. Visiting home September inherits substantial assets, reply with family details copy of horoscope. Write email
[email protected]
Academically qualified partner is sought by B/G, professional parents living in Australia for their only daughter 26, 54, slim, fair, pretty, well-mannered, studied in Musaeus College and in Australia. At present, she is practicing as a Lawyer. We are looking for a kindhearted professional son. Please reply with family details and horoscope in first communication. Email:
[email protected]
Academically qualified son is sought by well educated G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their attractive pretty daughter BSc in IT Moratuwa. Software Engineer in a reputed company 26 yrs. 53. Kuja/Shani in 11th House. Reply with family details & horoscope.
[email protected]
Academically & professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G professional parents for their 27 yrs. old, pretty, slim, 57 tall daughter, she is currently studying in the final year of Masters Degree in a Prestigious University in Australia. Please reply with family details & horoscope. Email -
[email protected]
Academically/ Professionally qualified son below 42years with good family background sought by B/K parents from Colombo suburbs for their BBA, ACMA, MBA qualified daughter 53 pleasant young looking 36years. email:
[email protected]
Academically, professionally qualified, well employed, absolutely NS/TT, below 36, who respects Buddhist values is sought by B/G, Colombo suburbs originally from Down South parents for their November 1984 born, very much young looking, 50, slim, pretty fair religious well mannered daughter with assets. She is a graduate at NUS, Singapore on ACMA / CGMA member, employed at a MNC Colombo as an Accountant. Reply with comprehensive family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Affluent & respectable K/B parents from Colombo, seeking an academically qualified son, from a very respectable family for their well accomplished and kind-hearted doctor daughter 31+, working in a Govt. Hospital. Reply with horoscope to:
[email protected]
Australian dual citizen. Buddhist G/K (father Govi) parents seek a qualified sober son for their pretty fair, 25, 55 daughter. She is well educated with postgraduate qualifications and holds a high position in a global company. Please email with horoscope.
[email protected]
A kind professional son (preferably Doctor, Engineer or PHD) based in UK sought by respectable Govi Buddhist parents for their fair, slim, pretty daughter MBBS Doctor (Registrar in specialist training) age 28, 55 broughtup with Srilankan buddhist values. Kindly reply with family details to
[email protected]
A well-educated, mature, caring son is sought by expatriate SB parents for their fair, pleasant daughter. Our daughter is academically qualified and well employed. An Australian citizen between 33 and 39 years is preferred. NZ, UK, USA or Canadian residents considering relocation to Australia are also invited to respond. Please send full family details and copy of horoscope to:
[email protected]
Bodu Salagama respectable Western Province parents seek kind son for very attractive fair very young looking English Postgraduate qualified 1978 September born 57 daughter excellently employed in a reputed semi govt. organization in Colombo. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
Bodu/Govi Respectable parents from Western Province seek a suitable partner for their Daughter who was born in February 1987, Completed her Masters in an Australian University. She is 53 tall, fair and pretty. Her horoscope is non- malefic. Please reply with Contact Number and horoscope to
[email protected]
B/G born in 1981 very young looking (5, fair, slim), working as Accountant in a leading company in Colombo, graduate in BA following CIMA, Shani/Guru 7, Kuja 4.
[email protected]
B/G Colombo suburb parents seeking professional partner for 1981 born 55 BSc/MSc bank employed pretty daughter. Divorced brief arranged marriage innocent party. No encumbrances Owns assets including house and property Colombo suburb. Email:
[email protected]
B/G middle class parents from suburbs of Colombo seek academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son for their only daughter 26+, 57 BSc qualified Software Engineer in a leading IT Company. Reading for MSc. Reply with family details and horoscope. Suitable to Shani 1st, Kuja 4th, Sitha Nekatha and Raksha Gana.
[email protected]
B/G mother in Western Province seeks an educated son for her daughter 33 years, 53 Accountant employed in a reputed company. She inherits valuable assets. Please write with full details and horoscope.
B/G parents seek for their daughter born 1990 Dec. Height 53, Makara Lagna, Uthrasala Nekatha, London, BSc, MSc qualified, with sober habits daughter currently residing in Australia with relatives. Hoping to obtain suitable employment, on a temporary residence visa. Inherits considerable dowry. Respond with horoscope, family background and contact data will be appreciated, confidentiality assured. E-mail:
[email protected]
B/G parents (very close to Colombo) seek educated suitable partner for their slim smart daughter, born in 1984 Dec. 56 in height working as a Director / Marketing in an international IT Co. in SL. Reply with family details & horoscope.
[email protected]
B/G Retired Executive parents invite Academically qualified Groom below 46 yrs for Extremely young looking pretty smart Daughter born late 1976 unmarried educated in local and foreign Universities drawing high salary abroad endowed with a worthy dowry. willing to relocate.
[email protected]
B/K middle class family from Galle seeks a suitable partner for their younger sister never married fair pretty, born in 1970, 53, brought up accordingly to Sinhala Buddhist values and employed in a private bank. She inherits substantial assets, including a land.
Ceylon Moor aunt has been given a brief to source a groom for her niece. She is in her twenties, pretty, 56 with prestigious professional qualifications. She is bubbly, career minded, grew up, studied and works in the West. Expected groom should be matching with similar blend and equal to the task. Families from the UK, US, Australia and Canada are most welcome. Please email comprehensive details to
[email protected] Confidentiality respected. Thank you.
Christian Tamil parents seek for their very fair, slim, pretty, daughter 32, 51, a Software manager working in USA, holding US PR, a handsome professionally qualified Christan partner preferably living in USA. Race and Caste immaterial. No horoscope Please.
[email protected]
Christian / Buddhist retired parents from Western Province seek a suitable partner for their daughter 36 y., 53, slim, fair, BSc., MSc. living in UK with (PR) employed as a Software Engineer in a reputed Company. She owns a house in Sri Lanka. Please reply with horoscope family details & contact number. Email :
[email protected]
Colombo Buddhist parents seek a suitable partner for their divorced without any encumbrances 32 years, 54 pretty daughter currently employed and residing in Australia. Please reply with family details, Tnumber and horoscope. 011-2828849.
[email protected]
Colombo Buddhist / Deva pleasant educated well mannered daughter 40, 56, divorced, no encumbrances, professional, inherits substantial assets. Seek a son with some status. Reply with complete details & horoscope.
[email protected]
Colombo Govi Buddhist respectable affluent parents seek a well brought up good natured academically qualified partner for pretty fair slim 27 years, professionally qualified, well mannered, kind hearted daughter with virtuous qualities. Employed in a prestigious organisation. Reply with family details and horoscope copy preferably shani 8th Kuja 2nd.
[email protected]
Colombo Govi Catholic mother seeks professional partner for daughter 49yrs, 5, medium complexion banker pursuing PhD. Owns house in Colombo. Differences immaterial. email:
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs professional G/B parents seek an educated partner above 510 below 43 yrs. for their attractive daughter BSc. CIM-UK, 39+ and 57 permanently employed in Australia. Apply Australian resident or willing to migrate.
[email protected]
Colombo well connected professional family seeks a decent professional partner 45-50 years for daughter 43 years, fair and very pretty, young looking divorcee, no children, BSc graduate in the government. Owns new upstair house in Colombo differences immaterial. E-mail:
[email protected] Tel. 011 3024583.
GB parents Colombo seek partner for daughter 38 graduate ex-Bank employee currently an undergraduate in a university in U.S.A. Brother is an Engineer in U.S.A. Owns substantial assets and a modern house in Kotte, close to Colombo.
[email protected]
GB parents from Australia seek an MBBS Doctor from Australia for their final year medical student daughter, 22 years 56 (will be 23 years end of this month). We are looking for a NS/TT son for a relationship leading to a marriage. Please reply with details.
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist professional parents seek a suitable partner for their 28 year old, height 57 graduate daughter who is presently pursuing her post-graduate studies abroad. Apply with horoscope.
Govi Buddhist respectable upper middle class retired parents with means living in Colombo suburbs are looking for a well mannered caring, loving life partner for their 30 years old, 58 tall, pretty, well accomplished, academically and professionally qualified, only daughter just returned after completing Postgraduate Studies abroad. Horoscope has Kuja in 7th house. Ideally the son should be B/G, age 33 or below, height 510 or above with a good personality. He should be academically and professionally qualified employed and be fluent in English. Please reply with family particulars and copy of horoscope to
[email protected]
Govi Catholic mother seeks suitable partner for her 38 yrs, daughter pretty, young looking well educated unblemished character working in a Bank in overseas. She possesses newly built house worth 10 million will be in SL for short vacation. Reply to:
[email protected]
Govi Catholic parents from Kurunegala seek a professionally qualified partner for their eldest daughter 1985 Nov. born, 58 in height, working at a reputed company as an Executive. Inherits assets.
[email protected]
Govi / Buddhist parents are seeking academically and professionally qualified partner, who prefers to settle down in the UK, for their attractive and well mannered daughter 28, born and raised abroad with Sinhalese, Buddhist values, 53 in height and with an M.Sc in Science. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email -
[email protected]
G/B Lawyer parents living close to Colombo seek an educated well employed faithful son around 36 years of age for their second daughter studied at a leading Colombo Girls College, graduated (overseas) & employed at a private Bank. She is 31+, slim, pretty, fair in complexion and divorced. No encumbrances. She owns a vehicle and will inherit assets, eldest daughter is married. Interested persons may email family details, sons horoscope copy and his educational / professional / employment background to
[email protected] Contact: 011 2882192.
G/B mother seeks professionally academically qualified son for her daughter, BSc Accountancy, MBA qualified pretty, slim, attractive, born in 1976, 52, works at International Airline in Qatar attached to finance division.
[email protected] 031-4922532.
Kandyan BG family seeks a Doctor or Engineer son who is willing to migrate to Australia for their daughter 31, 53 a leading Scientist with a Biomed PhD from a Australian University.
[email protected]
Kandyan B/G retired parents from a respectable family seek a suitable partner preferably a doctor or an engineer, with sober habits a good character and good looks for their fair, pretty, slim 5 tall 1984 born MBBS doctor daughter with an unblemished character.
[email protected]
Kandyan Govi Buddhist parents living in Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified groom height above 5 6 below 36 years Engineer Doctor or Any other professional Non-malefic horoscope born in 1984 March studied at Visakha Vidyalaya Colombo LLB (Hones) graduate from the University of London and an Attorney at-law. Practicing in the Supreme Court/ Appellate Courts in Colombo Sri Lanka. We prefer Udarata Kandyan partners horoscope has to be free from Kuja Shani Rahu and Kethu in 1, 7, 8 houses. If satisfied with above details, Please foreword your family details along with your telephone number and address to
[email protected] or Call us 0112514244.
Kandyan, Govigama, Buddhist recently passed out (exceptionally well) Engineer, 25 years, 56 tall, fair, very pretty, attended leading Buddhist Girls College in Kandy, down to earth with humble Buddhist values. Presently reading for Masters in Engineering. Excelled in sports too. Only brother is an engineering student at same University. Father postgraduate Chartered Engineer managing own lucrative company in Sri Lanka with foreign collaboration. She will inherit substantial assets with company shares.
[email protected]
Kandyan, Govi, Buddhist parents live in Canada seek an academically and professionally qualified groom height above 56 below 32 years, Engineer or any other professional or someone reading for his postgraduate studies in USA, Canada, Australia or UK for their daughter (B.Sc. and M.Sc. Chemical Engineer) born in 1987 August, pretty, slim and grew up with parents. She is employed as a Chemical Engineering Project Manager in Canada. We prefer Udarata, Kandyan families. Please reply to -
[email protected]
Kandy B/G respectable parents seek professionally qualified son below 40 years studied in a leading school who is fluent in English NS/TT for their pleasant , slim, smart daughter 35 years 5 working as a senior sales manager of a reputed organization in abroad. Please reply with horoscope and family details (Dubai, Qatar preferred)
[email protected]
Kandy buddhist parents seek son for pretty, slim, graduate English teacher born 1976, 53.
[email protected]
Kandy resident Southern Bodu Govi assistant manager in a state bank 1981 born only child. Retired father seeks suitable partner who is wiling to settle down in Kandy area. Give full family details and send copy of horoscope.
Kurunegala Christian father who is a Lawyer seeks an academically and professionally qualified son who is fair or tan in complexion with a sound character for marriage for his pretty fair slim daughter an English medium graduate from a state university, 26 plus 51 currently working in a diplomatic mission in Colombo. Email:
[email protected]
Moor parents from Colombo suburbs seek a religious and educated groom for their daughter, 30 years and divorced(innocent party) without any encumbrances. She is a professionally and academically qualified non-working girl with a religious outlook and observes the hijab. She is 5 3 in height, fair, slim and pretty. Please send in your responses to
[email protected]
Moor parents from Dehiwala seek professionally qualified graduate groom for their daughter final year medical student 25 years height 54. Email:
[email protected]
Muslim parents looking for a groom for daughter 34 years. Daughter educated and works for Canadian Government. Prefer a Sri Lankan Muslim in Canada with excellent qualities and education.
[email protected]
Muslim respectable parents from Colombo seek from a respectable family professionally qualified a religious kind hearted groom with good character for their daughter She is 29 yrs, 54, slim, pretty, professionally qualified with a pleasant nature and sound religious values. She is divorced (innocent party), only a marriage function took place and did not start the marriage life. The groom should be in his early / mid thirties with compatible values. Please send all relevant details to:
[email protected]
Muslim respectable parents living abroad looking for a religious, kind hearted, teetotaller, professionally qualified son from a respectable family for their daughter well mannered, family oriented, lively girl, religious, pretty, slim, 54 21 yrs. studying for her degree in the University. Please send complete full details at the first mail itself.
[email protected]
Negombo Roman Catholic mother seeks suitable educated Catholic partner for educated daughter slim, fair, Music lover, born 1974, 53 ½ Executive in Pvt Company. Inheriting substantial assets. Gift a house. Please respond with full family details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Parents from a respectable Sinhala Buddhist family living in Colombo seek a well-mannered handsome and professionally qualified son for their 1991 born pretty fair daughter 56 who was educated Colombo school and graduated in USA and presently intends to do her Masters in USA. Preferred who lives and works in USA. Reply with horoscope and full details in the first letter or email:
[email protected]
Parents seek caring educated life partner from Australia/NZ for daughter 33, 55 attended leading private school in Colombo with tertiary in Australia employed in Australian public service, interests include travel reading outdoor / fitness activities. Divorced no children.
[email protected]
Pretty, smart outgoing educated lady in her fifties from very good background, educated professional seek a kind educated gentlemen from similar background (no bogus callers). He should be in his late 50s-70s. Please reply with details and telephone no. to.
Professionally qualified lady employed and living in Colombo invites a kind-hearted gentleman for marriage widows divorcees with a child welcome. Sinhalese Buddhist in late forties over 5feet Never married. Reply with details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Roman Catholic parents living in England seek for their daughter a suitable partner between 28 - 32 yrs. She is 27 yrs. old, very pretty slim 5ft, 1 inch tall. NHS works as a Consultant Pharmacist in one of Londons leading teaching hospitals. Please reply with all details. E-mail :
[email protected]
Roman Catholic, Sinhalese affluent parents from Colombo seek for their 24 years, fair and pretty, convent educated daughter employed in a leading bank while pursuing professional studies, a partner academically / professionally qualified, below 29 years. She owns assets. Reply with full family details with contact number to e-mail:
[email protected] or call.
R/C parents seek a respectable caring partner for only daughter a divorcee with no children 43 years 55 attractive young looking. Reply with details. Email:
[email protected]
Salagama Buddhist parents from Colombo seek for their daughter 37 MBBS Doctor with full Australian Practice qualifications a suitable partner with acceptable professional qualifications. She is fair, medium size with 5 feet height. She has assets including a house in Colombo and other. Please reply E-mail :
[email protected]
Sinhala G/B, Engineer father & housewife mother living in Colombo suburbs seek a partner for slim fair daughter inheriting a house, 26 years. Management graduate attached to a reputed organisation, presently reading for Masters at the University of Colombo. Only brother attached to a private commercial bank in a managerial capacity married and residing seperately.
[email protected]
Well established Physician father in USA, a Sri Lankan Buddhist now US citizen, seeks a partner, exclusively a physician preferably US qualified for their only daughter US born pretty and smart university graduate 26 yrs of age 54 in height and slim. He should be around 30 or less, smart with a strong personality and willing to settle down in the US. Caste, wealth immaterial. Contact email:
[email protected]
Western Govi Buddhist parents seek well employed virtuous son for their fair daughter 1987 height 5 Diploma holder working in private sector posseses house in Colombo, 3 million in cash and other assets. Email :
[email protected]
Western Province, Gampaha District, B/G/K Professional parents seek for their Daughter (Only Child), 1988 November Born, 52, Slim and fair, Lawyer with LL.B. and LL.M. (both UK), Currently attached to a leading Law firm in Colombo, a suitable N/S and T/T partner. Reply with family details, Tel. Nos. and Horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
W/P G/B retired parents seek a partner for daughter, Government University Senior Lecturer, presently, abroad reading for PhD, with a five figure salary, 52, born 1981 Dec. (looks much younger), slim, pleasing personality, owning a brand new car and a land worth millions (Preferably those who are academically qualified and living in USA).
[email protected]
1987 December born Doctor (MB) daughter (currently practicing at a Government Hospital) slim very fair pretty well mannered and smart, educated at a highly reputed school in Colombo, owning assets respectable educated Sinhala Bodu Govi business parents seek a suitable educated son as a partner. Please send family details, horoscope and photographs or facebook) by email -
[email protected] Tel. 2885962.
1989 July born Engineer daughter, MSc graduate very fair & pretty working at a well known organisation as Manufacturing Engineer, educated at a highly reputed school in Colombo owning assets respectable, educated Sinhala Bodu Govi business parents seek a suitable educated son as a partner. Please send family details, horoscope and photographs (or facebook) by email -
[email protected] Tel. 2885962.