Dengue fever rising to its zenith:
By Carol Aloysius
As the numbers of dengue patients sky rocket, authorities are blaming
the public for not taking an active part in mitigating the dengue
menace. Appeals to clear their surroundings have been ignored,
authorities complain, as they struggle to get a grip of the situation.
Dedicated to Dengue:
Kalubowila Hospital has entire wards dedicated to dengue
patients as the number soars |
At nearly 22,000 estimated Dengue cases islandwide, by June end,
Dengue Fever (DF) is clearly running wild, since its escalation since
December end last year. The monsoon rains have done little to ease the
problem. Small pools of rainwater on pitted roads, and hundreds of water
collecting receptacles that freely mingle with garbage mounds in heavily
populated human habitats have been said to be proven culprits in dengue
spread. Irritated by constant blame on local municipalities, Colombo
Municipal Council Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr Ruwan Wijeymuni
lashed back saying, “The real dengue breeders are the public who have
not responded to our calls for sustained cleaning up of their
environments.” His charge was reiterated by both, the Dengue Control
Unit and the Epidemiology Unit.
The Western Province is the worst affected with 47.09% cases.
Epidemiology Unit Chief Dr Paba Palihawadana, has thus reiterated her
plea to the public to eliminate mosquito breeding sites, while assuring
fullest support from the Health Ministry. Taking up the same plea,
Community Consultant Physician , Dengue Control Unit Dr Preshilla
Samaraweera said,, “That includes ALL water collecting containers like
coconut shells, tyres, ant traps , flower vases, empty jam jars, yoghurt
cups and lunch sheets. Even the tray under the fridge if it collects
excess water can breed mosquitoes.” Since the dengue carrying vector can
fly only four kilometres, she said, “ask your neighbours to get rid of
their breeding sites as their mosquitoes can fly over your wall”.
To stem the fearsome rise in dengue fever, the Health Ministry said,
it has recently stepped up Dengue Prevention Campaigns under an
Accelerated Program.
Medical Officer , Dengue Control Unit, Dr Deepal Perera said , “These
programs are now being held frequently. Out most recent program
concluded yesterday ( Saturday) in the Western Province and in selected
areas like Kandy, Galle, Matara, Gampaha and Kurunegala, coupled with a
blanket fumigation program in Colombo and Gampaha”. However, he noted
the biggest problem was the lack of sustainability on the public’s part
in maintaining clean environments. “Sustainability is the key to
reducing dengue. It must be a continuous process by all, not just the
Health Ministry”, he stressed.
The good news is, the number of deaths and serious complications in
very young children has been drastically reduced, thanks to the
awareness raising programs and training of medical officers, nursing
staff and even para medics, to detect and diagnose the symptoms. The
Dengue Control Unit said, only 1-2 infant deaths had been reported , in
the first six months of the year, which were from out of Colombo.
was confirmed by Paediatrician, Epidemiology Unit, Dr Jayantha Weeramuni.
He said, the number of deaths at the premier children’s hospital, the
Lady Ridgeway Hospital ( LRH) was zero as of now, mainly due to the
excellent team work of the hospital staff.
Allaying public panic as the disease mounts, Dr Weeramuni said fifty
Sentinnel Hospitals had been set up islandwide with High Dependency
Units in general wards equipped with multi monitors to check pulse rate,
blood pressure, oxygen circulation etc.
Minister of Provincial Council and Local Government, Faiszer Mustapha
meanwhile last week allegedly charged, the highest number of Dengue
patients in Colombo were reported from Dehiwela and called for an
immediate Accelerated Program in the area, especially targeting
construction building sites and schools, said to be main ‘dengue
The Colombo South Teaching Hospital ( CSTH) at Kalubowila , the
country’s second largest Teaching Hospital which has made its mark for
its excellent management of dengue, when contacted had this to say.
Director , CSTH Dr Asela Gunawardana said, “This hospital looks after
patients from Dehiwela, Ratmalana , Mt Lavinia and beyond. Spreading of
the disease is the responsibility of the MOH. If there is a dengue case
we notify the MOH, and in the hospital, we primarily treat patients.”
Preventive measures
With over a thousand in- patients daily, and 3,000 daily at the OPDs
, we asked how the hospital managed to prevent the spread of dengue
within its walls.
He said, “The problem is the high number of dengue patients, which
has led to an inside spread of the disease. However, we are controlling
it by fogging inside and outside the hospital every other day, and
providing PPD to the staff members and patients. We also give mosquito
repellents and mosquito nets to patients wherever possible.”
Explaining the treatment procedure of a suspected dengue patient, he
said, “The patient’s first point of contact is the OPD doctor, who will
go through the patient’s history, examine him, and decide whether to
admit him or treat him at the OPD. If the patient needs admission, he
/she will be admitted to a ward and the ward staff will take care of
them. All the doctors and nurses have training in dengue management.”
Asked of a likelihood of misdiagnosis of the disease at its early
stage, he said emphatically, “Misdiagnosing and giving wrong drugs have
not been reported still at our hospital. However, to avert this we have
laid down treatment protocols given by the Health Ministry which we
should practise.”
He said, the hospital had an OPD fever corner and dengue fast track
screening, as well as separate laboratory screening facilities for
dengue patients with specialised staff trained in dengue management.
Dengue deaths
The CSTH has reportedly had no dengue deaths for this year. Asked the
secret for its zero dengue mortality rates, Dr Gunawardana said, “The
credit should go to the consultants, doctors, nurses, minor-staff and
supportive staff who work 24hrs/365 days . Thanks to the dedicated ward
management unit and team work of the hospital staff, we have prevented
dengue related deaths. Unfortunately, last month a patient was brought
in with complications developed at a late stage . We could have saved
him, had he come earlier. The hospital staff worked tirelessly to save
him and the parents later wrote to the newspaper ( Sunday Observer I
think) praising our efforts even though their son had died in our
hospital. “
Dr Gunawardana said, the CSTH had a bed strength of 1,100, and only
three medical units. “This is grossly inadequate to manage wards full of
patients. A majority of the patients share beds and some patients have
only chairs . We have two ICUs, with only 12 beds.”
We have the facility of detecting dengue antigen for a limited number
of patients, but no virus isolation facility,” he lamented.
What the hospital needs right now he says, is a fourth medical unit
and a dedicated unit for dengue patients management. We also need more
staff- doctors, nurses and para medics.” He would like the idling
Millennium building to be completed quickly.
Does a deterrent mechanism exist?
With fingers clearly pointing in the direction of the public for the
current dengue spread, we asked the Dengue Control Unit if there wasn’t
some legal mechanism to act as a deterrent to their un civic minded
Consultant Dr Preshilla Samaraweera informed, “Legally, a PHI can now
take an offender to court if he has a dengue breeding site,” but added,
it hadn’t done much to deter the dengue breeders. Hence, a few Municipal
Councils such as the Colombo Municipal Council ( CMC) had started a
Rewards scheme to give green stickers to houses with the cleanest
gardens. “But even that has failed to sufficiently motivate the public,”
a CMC spokesman said.
So is this problem beyond solution? Can we become a dengue free
nation by 2030?
Over to the readers