The Strange
by Dilshan Boange
Several years ago I asked dramatist and filmmaker Indika Ferdinando how he
believes the premise and authority of the writer and director are maintained as
separate functions when they are done by the same individual. He said it is
somewhat a contest between the egos of two ‘cultured savages’ when both those
functions reside within one individual

Director Malith Hegoda (on left) and the scriptwriter
Boopathy Nalin Wickramage. |
How close to the true experience of marital life and all its strive can two
bachelors get when they set out to deliver a story of a married couple of around
thirty five years of age with a six year old child where a painful breakdown of
communication has given rise to a household ripening with domestic discord? It
may sound like a heady proposition for argumentative discourse or debate, and
that is why I for one would look forward to the chance to watch the Sinhala film
- Dekala Purudu Kenek (which has its English title as The Strange Familiar)
written by Boopathy Nalin Wickramage and directed by Malith Hegoda.
Several years ago I asked dramatist and filmmaker Indika Ferdinando how he
believes the premise and authority of the writer and director are maintained as
separate functions when they are done by the same individual. He said it is
somewhat a contest between the egos of two ‘cultured savages’ when both those
functions reside within one individual. However, when I sat down to discuss with
Wickramage and Hegoda it was obvious through what they shared with me that
scriptwriter and the director of Dekala Purudu Kenek, had no savagery arising
between them to claim dominance over whose ‘vision’ must prevail. Rather it
seems the two young artists who share a camaraderie rooted in their school days
at Ashoka Vidyalaya had mutual respect for each other’s talent factor that goes
into the creation process of the work, and willingly offered the other exclusive
space to perform his respective function to ensure Dekala Purudu Kenek
successfully made it from paper to cinema.
This is the first feature film the duo have created although not the first
script that was intended to be collaboratively realised as a film. “The first
one we wanted to do is still a pending aspiration.” Said Wickramage to which
Hegoda added, “And we are still hopeful of making it happen.” Budgetary
constraints which are the bane of nearly every filmmaker in countries like ours
stand as the obstacle in that regard.
Wickramage said the topic of the ‘family’ and its evolution as a unit that forms
human society from both a sociological and anthropological basis has been of
interest to him for a long time. When it came to scripting Dekala Purudu Kenek
he then had already considerable theoretical/academic material on the subject in
his arsenal to begin his approach to form the deeper underpinnings of the story
to reveal the present form or nature of the human collective known as the
‘family’ and how it has changed from what is perceived in its traditional sense.
Wickramage as an art critic admits to being a political activist with a decided
left-wing orientation. He believes his approach to politics and engagement of
ideological discourses bears a leftist basis and that it has reflected in his
scripting of this film.
“People can ask how two bachelors can get a sound idea of the inner workings of
a young married couple. I think there are enough scientific approaches in the
study of human psychology and behaviour to allow us to gauge it fairly well even
though we may have not lived out that experience personally.”
I asked if their objective was to deliver a point of observation or to speak
from a point of empathy as insider perspective. They both said their project was
intended to take on the vantage of bachelors looking at a domestic problem with
empathy where the point of view they adopted was to bridge the gap between
observation and subjective empathy. That is what they are attempting to deliver
to their viewership.
Looking at what social conditions affect young families and how young parents
deal with domestic issues is no doubt a subject area that will kindle the
interest of many a Sri Lankan. At a time when the divorce rate in the country is
skyrocketing perhaps the perspectives works of cinema that deal with this
subject can offer food for thought. “We spoke with a lot of people and about how
relationships have problems.” They said admitting that it was not a formalised
interview research method that was adopted to gather perspectives of people
whose life experiences can offer material to the development of the script. And
the investigation of relationship problems was not limited to married couples
alone they added.
By and large the responses the duo have got from within the Sri Lankan cinema
community have been positive after it was first screened on 5th of December 2014
as part of the European film festival held in Colombo and then afterwards was
screened on 6th of May 2016 as part of the Derana Film Festival where the film
bagged the award for Most Promising Director.
While a host of interesting comments had come their way one person had even told
Wickramage he should stop writing art critiques and write more scripts. Although
Wickramage and Hegoda had a process of ongoing discussion between them about the
story the actual writing was done by Wickramage alone and was not intruded upon
by the designated director. And of course the courtesy had been reciprocated
when the time came to bring the script to life before rolling cameras. There had
in that sense been a very strict division of functions between the writer and
the director who had shared a common idea as to what the artistic outcome of
their collaborative efforts would be. Trust and mutual respect for the others
skills and abilities had clearly played a decisive factor in the fruition of
this project.

A scene from the film |
One rather decisive turning point had been when M.D Mahindapala had commented on
a certain scene in Wickramage’s script. “It’s not that I wasn’t open to
constructive input and suggestions from others when it comes to creative
content.” Said Wickramage who along with Hegoda admitted that the suggestions
advocated by Mahindapala had enriched the scene in question, and as a result it
was one of the scenes most enjoyed by those who had watched Dekala Purudu Kenek.
In terms of style and technique the duo told me what they envisioned and
designed on was a realistic style that reflects speech and body language
patterns that can be seen in urban middle-class Sri Lanka. I said that I believe
bilingualism is a reality of urban Sri Lanka which is not largely dealt with in
many works of cinema today. Both the writer and the director immediately said
that was a factor they kept sight of and adduced into the dialogue of the film.
This significant factor had been material in their casting decisions they said.
“It’s a very talkative film you could say.” Said Wickramage and further
commented on the dialogic factor. “We Sri Lankans talk a lot. It’s a social
fact. And the talk may not always be relevant to the main subject or issue that
is at the centre of a conversation. If you think about it a lot of people talk a
lot of nonsense when they intend to talk about some matter and should be talking
to the point. And sometimes people keep talking about the problem rather than
addressing the problem.” This factor said the duo was very consciously made
visible in their narrative.
Between Wickramage and Hegoda there had been a covenant with several principles.
Each will maintain his authority while performing his respective function and
that the outcome will be acceptable to both of them. They both had agreed there
would be no changes to dialogue. Bringing out the ‘character flavours’ as
Wickramage put it would be a fine development between what’s in the script to
what Hegoda envisions as ‘cinematically linguistic’ if I may so give phrase to
their idea, in delivering the essence of the story.
Hegoda feels due to unavoidable budgetary constraints the directorial output
couldn’t fully recreate what Wickramage ‘readout’ to him before the camera was
set to bring into ‘motion’ the scripted words. Wickramage however said he
believes Hegoda did justice to the script.
Produced by Lal Hegoda, Rasanga Dissanayake, Mohomed Adamally and Nadheera
Adamally, Dekala Purudu Kenek will hopefully reach the cinema circuit soon and
prove to be a work of cinema that speaks of our times and reflect a facet of how
the modern urban Sri Lankan family with its myriad of issues and complexities
wades through ‘life’. |