The magic of words
Children of all ages were given a great opportunity at the three-day
literary event 'Words on the Mount' marking Mount Lavinia Hotel's 210th
Anniversary. Famous British writer Nicholas Allan flew down to Sri Lanka
especially for these workshops held at the hotel premises.

Nicholas has been much in demand not only for being a very talented
author and illustrator but also becauses he uses visual images to
inspire children. He employs creative ways of engaging with them.
Both the Queen of England and the British High Commission have
endorsed his work and has received high commendation for his achievement
for work with children.
A series of three fun workshops were set up to cater to the children
of all ages who participated and enjoyed them.
The first two workshops were based on Nicholas' own popular books,
'More and More Rabbits' and 'The Queen's Knickers' where children were
able to illustrate templates specially designed for each workshop. A
competition was held to judge the best designs.
The older children designed a picture story book following Nicholas'
own example of a journey in a three wheeler, winning a race against a
motor car. The children themselves showed their creative abilities by
displaying a range of interesting ideas which they made into a story.
Acting British High Commissioner Laura Davies judged the best designs
at the closing ceremony and gave out the awards.