Dutch police arrest seven LTTE suspects

Police arrested seven LTTE suspects and also searched the homes and offices and seized equipment of LTTE suspects in the Netherlands.

"They are suspected of raising funds for the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) through collections, fundraisers, the sale of DVDs and calendars and illegal lotteries," said a statement from the national police.

Investigators searched 16 homes and businesses in different towns and seized computers, telephones, photos, DVDs and a cash sum of more than 40,000 euros (53,000 dollars).

The group, whose nationalities could not be immediately confirmed, included a 45-year-old man from The Hague who is suspected of being the organisation's main representative in the Netherlands, police said.

The LTTE was placed on a European Union list of terrorist organisations in 2006.

"Financial support of this banned organisation is an offence," the police statement said.

Those arrested could also face charges of membership of a criminal organisation.