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Sunday, 13 January 2002  
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SLIM Awards in March

by Elmo Leonard

SLIM Awards 2002, the annual awards show of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), is scheduled to take place for the 13th time on March 9. The closing date for entries is February 1. Entries could be made for advertisements which were utilised between January 1 to December 31, 2001, Chairman, SLIM Awards 2002, G.S. Sylvester told a media briefing.

The SLIM Awards is an annual contest between local advertising agencies to determine excellence they had reached in the diverse fields of advertising during the year past.

The benefits of holding an event of this type are manifold. On the side of the client, it helps to evaluate which agency they could choose for the different categories of advertising they employ. For the agencies, it helps to improve themselves, and learn from one another. For the consumer, it helps to understand the products and services available in the marketplace, and towards making the choice of purchase. For the economy, it facilitates good marketing, and helps lubricate the wheels of commerce.

To make the event possible, SLIM, which is a representation of persons in advertising, would cooperate with Sri Lanka's 4As - Accredited Advertising Agencies Association.

An important feature of the event this year will be the consolidation of a number of `macrom' awards, together with the traditional advertising awards for various product categories, Vice President of SLIM, Taslim Rahman said. While a few such macrom awards were a feature in previous years, this year, 10 such award categories in areas ranging from direct response marketing and corporate promotional material to outdoor and point-of-sale are included.

In media advertising, there will be 12 product categories ranging from food to finance, with a new slot for `fast developing retail advertising'. These categories will be judged with separate awards for the print, radio and television media. `Transnational advertising' too has been included to accommodate advertising adapted from concepts generated abroad by multinational marketers.

In total, there will be 145 awards with four grand awards for best television, radio and print advertisements, and the 'Campaign of the Year'.

This year's contest would also introduce a `Creative Person of the Year' award.

The panel will comprise three marketing professionals and six creative professionals from the advertising industry.

The current worldwide recession was proving to be a vital learning experience for advertising and marketing professionals, 4As President, Lilamani Dias Benson said. "When times are good, you need to advertise to stand apart; when times are bad you need to advertise to gain an unbeatable advantage. SLIM and 4As will underscore this theme in designing and conducting the awards ceremony," Ms Benson said.

The media sponsors of this event are Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, ETV, Sun FM and Gold FM. Promoting the event are Dulux, Coca-Cola, Swedish Trading, VFX Headquarters, Graphitec, Trans Asia Hotel, SriLankan Airlines, Business Today, Sign Tech and Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre.

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