With Gamini Dissanayake
Planets in
Signs and Nakshatras for the week
(Sunday 23rd 0600h-Sunday 30th 0559h)
Coordinated for the City of
Colombo, Timezone: + 6 hours from GMT
Ayanamsa /Precession: Chitrapaksa:
- 23:53:14
* The Sun in Gemini 07*29'-14*09'
on Ada. Note: Unfavourable Mrityu Bhaga/MB transit Thu 2334h-Sat
* The Moon in Scorpio 13*15' on
Anura. To Deta today @ 1154h. Sagittarius and Mula Monday @ 1112h.
Puvasala Tuesday 1055h. Uttrasala Wednesday 1107h. Capricorn
Wednesday 1716h. Suvana Thursday 1152h. Denata Friday 1313h.
Aquarius Saturday 0205h. Siyawasa Saturday 1506h. Note: Transits
unfavourable Gandantha Khestra/GA Monday 0521h-1705h.
* Mars in Gemini 22*47'-27*19' on
Punavasu. Note: Mars passes Gemini Lagna MB until 1352h today. And
its own MB Wednesday 1557h- Friday 0502h. Mars transits favourable
PushKara Navamsa/PN Monday 0212h-Saturday 0546h
* Mercury in Taurus
15*02'-23*44'. Rehena to Muvasirisa Saturday @ 2319h. Transits PN
until tomorrow 1823h.
* Jupiter in Gemini 27*18'-28*49'
on Punavasu
* Venus in Cancer 15*37'-23*42'.
Pushya to Aslisa tomorrow @ 0328h. Passes its MB Monday 1022h-
Tuesday 0706h.
* Saturn in Taurus 26*19'-27*12'
on Muvasirasa
* Rahu in Taurus 23*18'-22*56' R
[Mean] on Rehena.
* Ketu in Scorpio 23*18'-22*56' R
[Mean] on Deta. Note: Transits Scorpio Lagna's MB until Saturday
Rahu Periods: For day and
Sun: 05:07-06:36pm/05:19-06:48am
Mon: 07:57-09:26am/08:29-09:58pm
Tue: 03:27-04:56pm/03:59-05:28am
Wed: 12:27noon-01:56pm/12:59-02:28am
Thu: 01:58-03:27pm/02:29-03:58am
Fri:10:58am-12:27/11:29pm -12:58am
Sat: 09:28-10:57am/09:59-11:28pm
Sun, Mars, Jupiter combo can also cause respiratory, allergy, and hurt to
arms especially when they pass bad degrees. Ruler Mars transits
obstructing, health challenging Mrityu Bhaga/MB Wednesday 3:57 pm thru to
Friday 5:20 am.
Ketu in your 8th house is on Scorpio Lagna's MB degree [the 23rd] until
Saturday 4:05 am. The Sun on his MB in Gemini Wednesday 11:34 pm -
Saturday 12:45 am. The Moon on dangerous Gandantha Field Monday 5:21
am-5:05 pm. Venus on her MB tomorrow [see box] Not forgetting Pluto on
Mars's MB in Scorpio the whole year.
The bottom line is tensions around the world get aggravated: more
violence and natural disasters etc. when planets especially the natural
bad guys pass bad degrees. For Mars there is also a plus side as he
transits a fortunate Push Kara Navamsa thru Monday 2:12 am - Saturday 5:46
am. The Moon is nice on the 10th and 11th houses Wednesday 5:16 pm onwards
but not today and tomorrow.
Sunday I said that from July 5 both Mercury the-money-man and ruler Venus
will be on 2nd and 4th houses and that means nice for financial gain,
investments, to buy capital assets etc. So the $$$ scene looks good and
validated by Mercury and Venus.
In the interim watch for some unexpected gain and also a surprise loss
if not watchful. The planets on 2/8 axis are capable of both. This week
urges you to be cool and watchful [see Aries or box for details of MB
transits] Mars on MB [Mrityu Bhaga/Death Degree] is not good for $$$ and
health : face, reproductive area, . The Sun on Friday and ruler Venus
tomorrow on MB have the capacity to block good results. Mercury on
PushKara Navamsa until Monday sunset is nice for effective
communication/teaching plus $$$. Go easy.
week begins with the bad guy Mars on your Lagna's MB or Mrityu Bhaga [the
22nd degree] until afternoon tea break today [See box or Aries for other
MB details] Mars on his own MB the 25th degree Wed 3:57pm- Fri 5:02am.
When several planets are on bad degrees in a given day or week it requires
much consciousness/awareness.
Because it is your head and generally the whole physical structure
signified by the Lagna can suffer if other energies like unfolding bad
Dashas in your natal charts are supportive right now. Both Mars and Sun
are not benefics for the Gemini individual. On your CPU they can cause
hurt thru confrontation, strong emotions and macho. Monday is when the
Moon is on dangerous Gandantha field. Which is even more dangerous as the
Moon represents our mind. Simply she can be eclipsed or darkened and that
means darkening the mind. Even Venus gets hooked on MB on Monday.
indications of Mars and Sun on the 12th like gain thru foreign connections
can suffer as both planets are passing their unfavourable Mrityu Bagha/MB
or Death Degrees in Gemini. Of equal significance or more is ruler Moon
getting stuck on the dangerous Gandantha field/GA [last Navamsa of Scorpio
and the 1st in Sagittarius] Simply it means the capacity to restrict good
results and ability to cause hurt to feet, bones and the digestive system.
See notes in box for Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Ketu. When a bunch of
planets pass hostile degrees like MB, GA, Dangerous Drekkana it aggravates
conflicts and disasters around the world. The weekend merits much cool as
the Moon gets hooked in your frustrating 8th house.
and public life is fine especially with Mercury on fortunate PushKara
Navamsa until Monday 6:23 pm. But the week in general urges us to be very
safety conscious. New job offers or change within career is the major
indication for the next four weeks that I wrote last Sunday shows a sudden
change or break Monday 10:22 am - Tuesday 7:06 am when Venus is on her
Death Degree or MB, the 17th degree in Cancer.
The 11th house of gain suffers, today until 1:52pm, Wed 3:57 pm- Friday
5:02 am [Mars] Thu 11:34pm- Sat 12:45am [Sun] Monday Moon on GA [See notes
for planets in box] Ketu on MB the whole week in your 4th house of
emotional joy/delight. Note that 11th house is also and alternative house
for hurt.
Mrityu Bhaga transits [see other signs above or Notes for Mars, Sun, Venus
and Ketu in box] of the Sun and Mars: both not benign for the Virgo unfold
in your 10th house of career/public life. Note the times and be proactive
[see Leo for easy reference] Blood problems injury to hips can be
experienced if other energies of your natal charts are supportive right
Arms and respiratory area can be affected too with Ketu on MB of
Scorpio Lagna. Once we sit out these hostile moments we get more control
of our lives and we evolve well as well. Vedic Astrology is essentially a
spiritual science. It is about self knowledge. Its close links to
meditation/yoga and ayurvedha makes it very holistic. While nothing
significant happens outside your true natal charts, we are able to control
some portion of Karma, past and present by understanding the planetary
in the 8th house of surprise can cause a sudden elevation pertaining to
your career/status in the outer world tomorrow. This could be a
significant thing if ruler Venus would not be on her MB [see box and other
signs above] tomorrow's working hours. But Venus gains strength after 7:06
pm tomorrow to help you with your career [Music and creative/performing
arts gets specially blessed] and the Sun on the 9th can give you more $$$
except Friday.
And Mars too once he is out of his MB periods. Today until 1:53pm and
gain on MB Wed 3:57pm- Friday 5:02 am. The 10th ruler Moon on Gandantha
tomorrow can lead to communication problems at work and Ketu on MB and on
the 2/8 house axis the whole week can cause face/neck problems.
sign is most profound for both good or evil. Evolved types have good
capacity for research, and also to explore the depths of the mind. These
are also denoted as the positive traits of the 8th house which is heavy
right now with Mars, the Sun and Jupiter. On the plus side they can
positively help to enhance above indications.
The downside is Mars, Sun, Ketu, Venus on Mrityu Bhaga/MB [see notes in
box and other signs above esp Aries and Leo] When planets are on MB they
obstruct. On the 8th [which is a killer house they can cause hurt/surgery,
loss of dignity, wealth etc you name it] The Moon suffers in Lagna [seen
by Saturn and Rahu] and in the company of Ketu and Pluto the latter duo on
MB. Tomorrow she would be on obstructing Gandantha degrees until about
sunset. Be very cool.
rajayogas caused by the Sun, Mars and Jupiter can stall this week as five
plants are on Mrityu Bhaga/MB or Death Degrees, and the Moon on dangerous
Gandantha field . For above hostile periods see other signs Aries down and
notes in the box. On the 6/12 house axis which causes losses, fines,
hospitalization, litigation Ketu and Pluto are on MB the whole week and
the Moon gets hooked up in Gandantha field tomorrow and this requires much
safety consciousness.
The 7th house is traditionally a killer house and planets on MB here
the Sun and Mars can cause sudden challenges to harmony in intimate
relationships, status in the outer world, and problems in the urinary
tract. Tomorrow Venus is also on MB in the 8th house. Note these hostile
periods. It pays to be proactive. Like this safety slogan in Toronto:
"Don't run a red [light]. It won't kill you to stop".
continue from last week Mars and the Sun may not be good for health [can
cause accidents and hurt] but on the plus side they generate great power
of endurance and competitiveness. This week both Sun and Mars are on
Mrityu Bhaga/MB [see Aries down] The Sun Thursday 11:34 pm - Friday
midnight and Mars today until 1:52 pm and again Wednesday3:57 pm - Friday
5:02 am. So we see the 6th house of disease/hurt, debt, fines, suffering
badly during above time frames. The Moon suffers too tomorrow on Gandantha.
And she is responsible for relationships/partnerships and long travel.
Mars represents vehicles and note his MB periods and drive carefully.
Tomorrow YogaKaraka Venus on MB can hurt your affairs of the heart and
also shine in career. Ketu and Pluto on MB get meaner as their dispositor
Mars passes is MB. Be cool.
planets on Mrityu Bhaga this week, and the Moon on dangerous Gandantha
Navamsas [see Aries down and box for their time frames.] mean it is a week
that can witness sudden eruptions or escalation of conflicts around the
world. And in the wake of two recent eclipses to boot.
In your case it is the fortune, judgment, and the advancement career
that can suffer in the main. Or if any of the five afflicted planets Sun,
Mars, Venus. Ketu, Moon happens to be the Gnati Karaka in your natal
chart, has the additional capacity to cause sickness or aggravate sickness
that you already suffer from especially heart. A famous Aquarius
individual , movie-star Amitabh Bachchan had a near fatal auto accident in
The MB of is 8th house and their transits over by Sun and Mars were
crucial factors. All this is meant to raise your sathi or mindfulness,
never to bug you. We will discuss Amitabh planetary dynamic in detail in
week like this one can be obstructing and eruptive when a bunch of planets
mount their Mrityu Bhagas/Death Degrees, Gandanthas and supported by other
planetary dynamics like the recent eclipses of the Sun and the Moon.. See
Aries down. First be more mindful when you drive especially during the
Sun's MB periods. Thursday midnight to Friday midnight plus 45 minutes.
He is your significator for hurt and accidents currently in the house
of vehicles and house and property. If we take the 2nd house [a killer
house] lordship of Mars his MB periods are not great for relations with
masses and one's career and public life. Venus and Moon suffering on MB
can see you failing to reach goals tomorrow. Poor Jupiter your ruler will
work his heart out to protect you, like your liver trying to cope with
those popular pain-relievers.