launches her website
since she won the 'Observer Talent Search - Junior Section' for the year
1969/70, there was no looking back for Mariazelle. As a singer she moved
from strength to strength into centre stage and is now a star in our
musical galaxy. Two weeks ago on July 16, Mariazelle launched her brand
new interesting website - - to the media. It was a
simple ceremony at the Trans Asia Hotel in Colombo but her interesting
website took the media on a 'guided tour' by compere Kumar de Silva giving
a insight into her career as an established singer. Her website comprises
six pages.
"The Profile" page which clues you into her personal life and
career details while the page entitled 'Kandy Lamissi' gives you in detail
the birth and evolution of the song and the lyrics. 'What They Say' is an
interesting compilation of the many comments by a wide selection of peers
and colleagues in the music industry. If you wish to know all about her
more than 70 audio cassettes and of her CDs then you can click on to the
'Music Shop' page and find the answer to your questions. Then of course
there's the 'Calender' page which informs you about her performance dates
in Sri Lanka and concerts abroad. Quite naturally page six of the website
is titled 'News Updates' and gives you exactly that, on a regular basis.
launch was graced by two other leading singers who spoke about Mariazelle
and of shining her career. Singer Sohan Weerasinghe said he was happy to
be associated with Mariazelle at this launch because both of them started
their music careers on the same day and what's more he knew Mariazelle
from her young days when she was running around in her 'jungies' in his
father's ancestral home! Antoinette de Alwis singer, wished her further
success in her career which was launched by her supportive father whom
they then fondly called 'Wijebada' and said that she was one singer who
with sophistication, successfully bridged the gap between oriental and
western singing.
Mariazelle will be featured in the forthcoming "Sthri Music"
a mega concert that will be held on Sunday, August 11 at the Bishop's
College Auditorium in aid of the Kidney Patients' Welfare Society.