Starscope With Gamini Dissanayake
Planets in
Signs and Nakshatras for the week
(Sunday Jul 28th 0600h-Sunday Aug 04th 0600h)
Coordinated for the City of
Colombo, 79E51, 6N56. Timezone: + 6 hours from GMT incl 30 minutes
DST. Ayanamsa /Precession: Chitrapaksa/Lahiri: - 23:53:19
* The Sun in Cancer 10:52- 17:34.
Pushya to Aslisa on Saturday @ 07:19h.
* The Moon in Aquarius 22:18 on Puvaputupa. To Pisces today @
Uttraputupa Monday @ 04:03h.
Revati Tuesday @ 06:58h. Aries and Asvida Wednesday @ 09:56h.
Berana Thursday @ 12:49h. Keti Friday @ 15:19h. Taurus
Friday @ 21:52h. Rehena Saturday
@ 17:17h
Note: The Moon on fortunate
Pushkara Navamsa/PN: Today 21:22- Monday 04:04h. Monday
10:46-17:29h. Friday 02:07-08:44h. Friday 15:19-21:52h. Saturday
10:51-17:17h, and 23:40- Sunday 06:00h
Mrityu Bhaga/MB Monday
21:31-23:33h, Friday 14:00- 15:59h and Saturday 21:08-23:02h.
Gandantha/GD: Wednesday
* Mars in Cancer 15:19- 19:47 on
Pushya to Aslisa on Tuesday 08:39h..
Note: Mars in debility degrees thru to Aug 17th 02:50h. Also on
challenging Sarpa Drekkana thru to August 4th 13:50h.
* Mercury in Cancer 18:34- Leo 01:50. Aslisa to Ma and Leo on
Saturady 05:37h.. Note: Mercury Gandantha/GD: Thursday
10:27-Monday 01:57h.
* Jupiter in Cancer 05:03-06:36 on
Pushya.. Note: Jupiter in exalted degrees thru to 23:18h on
Saturday Jul 27th .
* Venus in Leo 25:04- Virgo 02:33. To Virgo on Thursday 20:11h.
Puvapal to Uttrapal on Monday 17:34h
* Note: Venus on PN: Monday 17:34h-Thursday 20:11h.
* Saturn in Gemini 00:32-01:17 on Muvasirasa..
* Note Saturn on 1st Libra Navamsa owned by Venus thru to 18: 14h
August 26th.
* Rahu in Taurus 21:27- 21:05 R [Mean] on Rehena.
* Ketu in Scorpio 21:27-21:05 R [Mean] on Deta.
Note: Ketu on dispositor Mars'
Scorpio MB thru to 18:35h on Aug 24th
When we reckon the orb or range
of influence for MB which is 30 minutes /Kala or half a degree it
is operative now and extends to 05:11h on September 3rd
Note: Pluto [the war planet] is
on Mars+ Scorpio Lagna's MB virtually the whole year.
Use PN in auspicious activities.
Be more conscious when planets on MB. GD, Sarpa Drekkana |
now in your 3rd house thru to May 26, 2005, is not only filling you up
with positive energy to reach your goals but he can stabilize your
fortune. The 3rd house gives prowess, intelligence, brings out your hidden
talent/gifts apart from relations with younger siblings and neighbours,
and also short journeys. Saturn from a friendly sign Gemini can support
all these plus short travel. From the current location he sees the fifth
and ninth houses of fortune and luck, and the long travel houses the ninth
and twelfth.
Since Jupiter also sees the 12th house and the 10th house from Cancer:
your 4th house , the career shows progress, and likely to get foreign job
offers or job offers with foreign connections. These have to be supported
by Dashas or planetary periods unfolding in your natal charts. If the Moon
was sitting in Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, the elevation
of your status and advancement in career gets additional burst because
Jupiter connects with her in transit.
or the most helpful Saturn has gone to your 2nd house. He sees or aspects
the 4th house which is nice for wealth and expanding capital assets and
the 11th house of gain with Jupiter the 11th lord. Now the upside of this
is gain of wealth.. But the 11th house has a downside of excess or over
extending or over doing things. On house correlation the 11th shows hurt
and sickness, similar to the 6th house.
If Saturn is involved with badly placed Mars, the Nodes or Jupiter he
could contribute towards these adverse indications. His aspect thrown to
the 8th house is good for spiritual or research work, but can cause
tensions on the work place. By the end of week Rahu and Ketu will mount
their exaltation degrees which is a relief, literally to your head,
partnerships and travel
in your Lagna or CPU can bug Geminis who might have the Moon sitting in
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio Capricorn or Pisces in their natal charts
because it can cause 4 different forms of Saturn Return/Sade Sath/Anga
Sani/Kantaka Sani/Erastaka etc but these have to analysed deeply in the
larger matrix of planetary relationships. Strong AstakaVarga [Samudaya and
Binna] strong placements in Janma Kundali and the Navamsa Charts [D 1 and
D9] and in good company can turn traditional hostile transits to yoga
producing ones. S. From the Lagna Saturn can give long travel specially
because he aspects the 3rd and 7th houses.
He also aspects the 10th house jointly with Jupiter. Here they can
raise you up significantly if supported by the unfolding Dashas of well
placed planets like Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn and planets sitting
on kendras and trikonas
not get carried away if Saturn thru to May 26, 2005 gives you a surprise
yoga, prestige, sudden honour , recognition with a foreign angle or
connection because he is also capable of giving you sickness, over
expenditure, and tensions in relationships. Since both Saturn and Jupiter
see the 9th house of fortune [overseas too] wealth from foreign sources
stands out nicely.
If Mercury is also involved well in running Dashas. this could work as
early as last week of August this year all the way thru to April 2 next
year. By the end of this week Rahu who works best on the 11th house to
give you wealth begins his exaltation degrees and Ketu too on the 5th
house of fortune. Ketu will be much better after Aug 24 because he is
still mixed up in some Mrityu Bhaga/MB and with Pluto also on MB. Venus
gets to your 3rd house on Thursday night but his debility or Neecha here
is cancelled and can give you some more wealth with Rahu. Your ruler Moon
is fine after 9:22 tonight.
week we discussed Saturn's arrival at your 11th house. The other aspect of
Saturn [along with Jupiter] is the one thrown to your 8th house. If Saturn
was placed in Pisces or had exchanged houses with Jupiter [specially if
Jupiter was placed in Capricorn ] it could have been a very interesting
Yoga: a double Vipareeth and a Neecha Banga making way to a Raja Yoga.
Generally, Saturn's aspect to the 5th house from Gemini may not be good
for our relationship with children, and again if Mars or the Nodes were
sitting in Sagittarius this could aggravate the tensions, and cause
miscarriage or difficult child births too.
Basically Saturn for Leo is good for public life, and for endurance.
Now Rahu can give you some unusual skills on the work place and also some
psychic insights to mass trends/tastes etc. The best this week is the 10th
house lord Venus on fortunate Pushkara Navamsa from tomorrow 17:34h-
Saturday 20:11h
continue with the Saga of Saturn... From your 10th house he sees or
aspects the 12th house, travel connected with career, new job offers and
this is the foreign house. Over expenditure, sickness, problems with the
law, tensions with children if associated with badly placed Mars, the Sun
or the Nodes. He also sees the 4th house which is nice for public life but
if associated with planets badly placed in your natal chart can cause
damage to vehicles and property.
Finally with Jupiter, Saturn jointly aspect the 7th house, very nice
again for public life or status in the social world. Specially if Mercury
were sitting there or when he transits Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces
while Saturn is in Gemini thru to May 26, 2005. For those seeking fortunes
away from home or land of birth Venus will be very helpful this week.
Mercury will be supporting Venus to find new job offers with foreign
connections after Wednesday sunset. Count on Mars too after Aug 20
Saturn is now liberated from the 8th house and Rahu, the latter too by the
end of this week will be starting the transit of his exaltation degrees in
Taurus. And that can make him less evil if the ashtakavarga of Taurus or
your 8th house are high or above 28.
A strongly placed Saturn in a natal chart and if associated with
running Dashas or planetary periods with Mercury. The Sun or the Moon or
planets on 4, 5, 9, 10 houses Saturn can even give assets abroad. Like I
said last week he is the rock-like-friend- you can lean on to. The
downside of his aspect to the 6th house if associated with Jupiter, Mars,
Venus or the Nodes chances for hurt or sickness are likely. Specially if
such planets were sitting or transiting Gandanthas, Mrityu Bhagas etc. The
weekend needs watching as your Moon connects with Rahu in the 8th house.
now in your 8th house sees or aspects your 10th house of career which is
nice for prestige and progress, the 2nd house for $$$ and finally, 5th
house jointly with Jupiter thru to end of July next year. When Saturn
connects with the Sun like this Aug 17- Sep 17 or if the Sun was placed on
the 10th or 5th house or when the Sun passes your 2nd house Dec 16- Jan 14
next year or even better if the Sun was associated in Pisces, you can
expect a significant rise in your career.
This Saturn does with Jupiter. So we see that the mere presence of
Saturn in the 8th is not scary. Even more important is Ketu starting his
exaltation degrees in your Lagna or CPU after being involved with 2 death
degrees or MB the past few months. Those seeking new job offers Venus on
fortunate PushKara Navamsa can help. Both ruler Mars and the Sun will be
on the 10th house too in August. If they cannot raise you up no one can.
Gemini , your 7th house of partnerships, travel and public life Saturn
aspects or sees the 9th house of fortune [see Aries] the Lagna, your body,
wisdom, livelihood, fortune, peace of mind, mannerisms or how you project
yourself to the outer world, and finally your 4th house of inner jour,
home environment, prestige, popularity, $$$. [The 2nd and 7th houses are
traditionally hostile or Maraka houses] With Venus, Moon or a weak
Jupiter, a badly placed Saturn in a natal chart can cause harm or
It can also delay marriage or if Mars, Venus , Moon or the Nodes were
sitting in Gemini they could be very challenging to harmony in
partnerships if the same planets are associated with running Dashas until
June 2005. On the other hand with Mars and the Sun, Venus or planets
placed in Lagna, 6, 7, 9, 12 houses, Saturn could give long travel. As
early as August thru to the end of this year
week most helpful Venus is on fortunate PN until she gets to the 9th house
of fortune on Thursday night. And Rahu and Ketu begin their transits of
exaltation degrees by the end of the week which is big relief too for they
can now generate some more wealth for you., Specially Rahu/Venus
connection from Friday Ruler Saturn could get all your cylinders firing
from the 6th house.
And because he connects with 12 and 3 houses by aspect he could
literally give many journeys and some long ones too. For the next five
years. But more until August next year, assisted by Jupiter on the 7th
another house for travel.. This week can cause a surprise raise for you in
the work place as Saturn connects with the 10th lord Venus who is on PN
[see note in box] Progress in career comes as no surprise after September
1 and a fine new job offer in February next year, and that has a foreign
Vipareetha and a Neecha Banga Yoga involving Mars and Venus
your most helpful planets the rulers of 9th and 10th houses. If they are
involved in current Dashas with Saturn , Jupiter or planets placed in 4,
5, 9, 10, 11 houses it could be a sudden gain like gifts, insurance,
inheritance, lottery luck. Interesting phenomenon, thru to August 20.
Mercury your 5th lord gets to the 7th house on Saturday and will be
blessed by Saturn from the 5th house of fortune and luck. And Saturn and
Jupiter jointly aspecting the 2nd house of $$$. Some Aquarians will be
lucky. The feelings of restriction relating to emotional joy or the home
environment and obstructions on the career path caused Rahu and Ketu will
now recede as both planets begin their transit of exaltation degrees in
Taurus and Scorpio.
praised your ruler Jupiter to the stars last week and this Saturday Aug 3-
Aug 22 he is put to test by Saturn and Mercury. That is to block any
hurt/accident/or injury. Mercury to the 6th house is like a
double-barrel-son-of- a- gun. He owns vehicles and property and he goes to
the house of accidents/ sickness/enmity/damage.
He also owns the 7th house of partnerships /public life and he goes to
the 6th house this Saturday morning. In extreme cases where the natal
charts going thru real bad periods this could cause hurt to both partners.
From the 4th house Saturn aspects the 10th house which gives mixed results
depending on individual charts. Finally he sees the Lagna along with
Jupiter. Once again it is Jupiter who is asked to protect you, and most
likely he will. Next week he begins the transit of the fortunate 2nd
PushKara Navamsa in Cancer and that will be an additional help like a vial
of strong Panax Ginseng.