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Sunday, 6 October 2002  
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House and trance his 
first choice

DJ Wayne from Chennai was in Sri Lanka mixing grooves at the re-launched MKOP Taj Samudra to coincide with the ICC Champions Trophy tournament. Off the mic he is a fast talking DJ loaded with humour and is happy the way, he is. Wouldn't like to change anything about himself. Given a chance to rule the world he would ensure there's peace everywhere and make sure everybody is happy. Open to music of any rhythm DJ Wayne thinks Sri Lankan night clubbers are American R&B fans.

Name: DJ Wayne (Wayne Beck)
Birthday: September 26 (Oops! we missed it. Belated wishes for a Happy Birthday)
Status: Very much a single man, but, but I'm hoping to get married. I'm a mobile DJ I travel a lot, I keep wondering whether I should get married
Fav colour: Blue and grey. (Why do most of the DJ's favour blue we wonder?!)

Trendy outfits: Not exactly crazy about them. I wear slacks and T shirts. I'm not into kinky clothes. If it is a trance night, I might go kinky. It all depends on the ambience.

How did it all start off for you: You mean DJing. It was a mistake. I went to someone's party and some one else made me play the discs and I took off from that point.

An embarrassing day you remember: I haven't made a mistake like that to remember and shudder. I played a wrong song. I stopped a wrong record and everyone thought I was doing the right thing!

Qualities you like in your future wife: She should have a sense of humour and a lot of patience. In my work as a DJ I'm moving around, I'm hardly in one place for a long spell.

Fav music: House, progressive house and trance. It's big in India. I play music recorded by others too.

There's Shan who has a big commercial Hindi hit and Anamika she has a Punjabi Bangra hit. I have recorded an album which will be out next June, containing couple of songs of my tracks and Hindi songs where I got a friend or two to sing over them.

How much of a party guy are you: I go out. But there is a limit. I used to be wild, but now I'm less wild. Actually I travel a lot Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ludhiana and Bangalore entertaining youth above 18 years - that I have hardly any time to party.

How do you reject advances from girls: I don't. When I start off playing, may be it's 'no,' but towards the end of the gig its 'yes'!

Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes. It happens for a short while. Couple of times. I take it as it comes. Once it lasted five days!

What other profession would you like to be in: Horse racing. I love racing. I was an assistant trainer, but I'm a rider as well.

Is it patter or segue for you: In India it's a trip with music. If I'm on the dance floor, I'd like to listen and dance to music.

Fav DJ: Mauro Picatto and Paul van Dyke.

Does the success of a DJ depend on hype or skill: You need a fair share of both. Hype plays a part. A DJ needs that, because a crowd makes you - they come to watch you. You can't dispel skill, a DJ's success also depends on it too. In a country like ours there are good DJ's they play abroad - in the States, London, Switzerland, Paris and New York.

Your top tip to be a successful DJ: Concentrate on the music and everything will fall in place.

HNB-Pathum Udanaya2002

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