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Sunday, 6 October 2002 |
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The forest is on fire. Everyone is shouting at the same time and the noise was so unbearable that Oberon came down and asked what exactly was going on. 'Your Maj... I beg your pardon Maj... Oh dear... I mean your Majesty..... Bottom didn't get a chance to continue the elaborate apology he had begun. 'Yes, yes, what on earth is going on here?' asked Oberon who was not in the best of moods. 'You see, your maj... oh dear... I mean.... 'I don't care what you mean, Bottom, but I want to know what all this noise is about.' 'Sire, it's just that some want to go to Sri Lanka for the cricket carnival and some don't. That was Quince trying to cover up the little spot Bot had got into with Ob. 'We want to go to see Naz,' came some small, reed-like voices from inside a bluebell. 'Yes, we want to see Naz!' This time a little louder. It was Mustard seed, Cobweb and Peace Blossom who wanted to go all the way to Sri Lanka to see Nazeer Hussain. 'Who ever heard of such nonsense! Go all that way to see Naz when we can see him everyday right here at home,' said Oberon in a rather commanding voice. Silence. Those little blithe spirits of the night are terribly afraid of Ob and would never dare to say anything after he has said something himself. Actually, I was prepared to go all the way myself-to see Naz! He is my favourite cricketer... looks so aristocratic on the field. Like a duke or a prince. I'd like to see how he looks in that terrible hot weather over there. Must have already got a good tan in all that blistering sunlight. I also like Sachin, he is terribly sweet, and the Prince of Calcutta as well and, of course, Wasim the Pathan Prince 'Some of the Sri Lankans are quite nice too,' said Starveling, but he did not get much of a response, I wonder why. 'Then there's that guy called Muri... Muri.... 'Murali, you silly,' came back Puck, from apparently nowhere, correcting Starveling. 'Oh! The one in the Sri Lankan peace process.' That was Starveling who doesn't know his cricket or his politics as well as he does his tailoring. Things were getting out of hand so it was half decided that those who wanted to go to S. Lanka would go, and those who didn't would stay behind-which of course, is very logical. But Oberon was not having anything of the kind. 'We all go or we all stay.' His command was not going to be repeated. 'But King Oberon, we want to see our Naz playing in the sun,' said Puck. 'Naz also plays in the sun here,' was Ob's reply. 'But it's always raining here,' lamented Bottom from the bottom of a tree. 'And in Sri Lanka it's always sun, sun, sun-so much of it that terrible droughts are created, and you can't go out in it, it's so hot and humid. Give me my lovely English weather anyday.' That was Oberon-and no mistake about it. Everyone who wanted to travel went glum-so glum that Puck and Starveling started an imaginary cricket match near our tree. Which gave the brilliant Oberon an idea. 'I know what,' Ob said. 'We shall have a cricket carnival right here in our forest.' Cheers from some, nothing from the rest. 'But Your Majesty,' that was Quince,' summer is over and the autumn breezes have almost started to blow, and then soon it will be winter.' 'Quince,' Ob said,' I thought you had more intelligence than that. We shall not be playing through autumn and winter. Whoever heard of such nonsense! We are not going to be playing through autumn and winter.' Bottom nodded, trying to look like some wise sage-which he did. 'Don't be so daft, all of you,' he said,' the king only means a cricket carnival for a few days while there is still some light left after summer.' Cheers all round. Oberon made an announcement that preparations would have to get under way soon. That did it. Everything was turned upside down as the crowd started getting busy. 'I want to play Naz, I want to play Naz!' That was Bottom who was rushing in and out of some trees in the complex with Puck bringing up the rear. 'Invitations have to be sent out to everyone who is anyone.' That was Quince, the Master of Ceremonies, already issuing orders. 'And don't forget Robin and the rest. They say Will Scarlet is a top batsman,' said Starveling, brightening up at the thought of having to design new clothes for the cricket carnival as well as cushions and curtains for the benefit of the visitors. 'What about chairs and tents and all the cricketing gear?' asked Ob from the tree. 'And the food?' That of course was Snout who loved his food. 'And what about the drinks?' asked Bottom with glee at the very thought of days spent watching cricket with his favourite drink in his hand. As for me, I was going to have a busy time thinking of what to wear and having discussions with Starveling on the clothes. 'Folks! Folks!' shouted Snout coming rushing in as though he had seen the Bard himself.' We are getting a carton of the best wine from Robin and the rest!' 'How do you know that? asked Quince the communications man. 'Because I went along to that com centre in the middle of the forest and told Robin's Press secretary about the cricket carnival and he got in touch immediately with the F and B man and that's how I know!' said Snout with great pride and glee that he had been first with the story. - Titania |
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