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Sunday, 27 October 2002  
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Starscope With Gamini Dissanayake

The Sun in Libra 09:30-16:29 on Swati

Note: In debility up to 10:00 in Libra

The Moon in Gemini 12:48 on Ada. Enters Punavasu today @ 19:34. To Cancer Monday @ 14:08. Pushya @ 20:15. Aslisa Tuesday @ 20:15. Ma and Leo Wednesday @ 19:32. Puvapal Thursday @ 18:09. Sa Friday @ 12:45. Virgo @ 21:34. Hatha Saturday @ 13:42.

Note: The Moon on fortunate Pushkara Navamsa/PN: Monday 01:50-08:01 and 14:08-20:16. Tuesday 02:21-08:22. Friday 05:14-10:43 and 16:10-21:34, Saturday 08:22_13:43, and 19:03-Sunday 00:22 Mrityu Bhaga/MB : Wednesday 10:54-12:39, Friday 11:49-13:27 and Saturday 15:20-16:55 Gandantha/GD:

Wednesday 13:48-Tuesday 01:16 Mars in Virgo 13:17-17:46 on Hastha. PN: up to Friday 12:30 Mercury in Virgo 27:51 -Libra 09:31. Sitha to Sa Friday @ 12:45. To Libra Monday @ 12:50 On Mars'MB in Virgo today up to 22:25 Jupiter in Cancer 21:55-22:39 on Aslisa .

Venus in Libra 16:40-12:29R on Sa. Venus in her own house Saturn in Gemini 04:58-04:44R on Muvasirisa.

Note: Saturn Retrograde Oct 11th 2002, 18:11- Feb 22, 2003 @ 14:05 Re-enters Taurus Jan 8 @14:25 and Gemini Apr 7 @20:41 Rahu in Taurus 16:38-16:15R[Mean] on Rehena Note : Rahu on PN thru to 13:56 on Dec 28 £ Ketu in Scorpio 16:38-16:15 R [Mean] on Anura. Note: According to some authors Rahu and Ketu are exalted up to 20 degrees in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. The Nodes on exalted degrees thru to 2003 Sep 6th 04:19h Use PN in auspicious activities. Be more conscious when planets on MB. GD, For notes and explanation on above terms visit Rahu Periods: For day and night Sun: 05:07-06:36pm/04:41-6:10am Mon: 07:57-9:26am /07:51-09:20pm Tue: 03:27-04:56pm/03:21-04:51am Wed: 12:28-01:57pm/12:21-01:50amThu: 01:58-03:27pm/01:51-03:20am Fri:10:58-12:27am-/10:50pm-12:19amSat: 09:28-10:57am/09:20-10:49pm



The Sun, Venus and Mercury on the 7th house are very helpful to achieve in the outer world. The method andbeauty get very refined in your professional approach. These are vital if you need significant success thru social interaction. The three planets help you cooperate well with others. Thereis also an additional Sanka yoga for power and prestige [Sun and Mercury in a Kendra] . All this happens in your 7th house of public life and travel. As for partnerships /intimate relationships be conscious of spontaneous heart-connections.

Ruler Mars is nice on PN thru to Friday Noon for positive energy and will to win, but the weekend urges you to be very cool. With the Moon in your 6th house of hurt and accidents with ruler Mars [who represents your body] after 21:34 Friday go easy when your drive/travel. Especially Moon on her MB Saturday 15:20-16:55. So is today up to 22:25 when Mercury is on Mars'MB in Virgo.


What is said above about hurt and accidents [see Aries] applies to you as well and the players here are the Sun and Venus [the ruler of the 4th and Lagna lord who represents the body] Rahu on PN thru to Dec 28 is a blessing because generally Rahu acts first [or shoots first] and thinks [asks questions] later. On PN Rahu gets better: daring still but less dare-devil.

While Mercury gives you a high sense of duty or service he can also cause tensions with kids, difficulty in child births and tensions with partner. Be cautious if you think of big investments. Your dealings with government agencies can also cause frustrations. For those seeking heart-connections for long term relationships Mars on PN can help. Especially in the weekend with the Moon. And also for those seeking long travel for employment


Tomorrow @ 12:50 ruler Mercury goes to Libra and 5th house to join Venus and the Sun. Mars and Mercury have been together on the 4th house since the 6th. I write about possible hurt/accidents and Mercury is on Mars' MB today up to 22:25. Meaning you might want to be more safety conscious today.

There is also a plus side of Mercury and Mars on the 4th house. Analytical intelligence and capacity to boost capital assets, plus aggressive emotions/attitude to succeed in the outer world. . Any way a far more better period begins tomorrow thru to Nov 15 when Mercury and Venus meet on the 5th house of fortune, creativity, dignity, success in higher learning and thru hobbies and pastimes. Success to children. This is also the house of dignity and the power of thoughts and words.

You might be concerned about having the Sun there but we have seen how Bill Gates' [ who has got Mars and Mercury in the 4th house and Saturn, Venus and Sun on the 5th house] on the 11:46 degree here [just out of debility degrees] has given him so much power and prestige. The Sun being the 3 SU


Mercury goes to your 4th house tomorrow Noon and this is extremely nice for those seeking higher knowledge and spiritual expansion. He is the ruler of your 12th house of yoga and meditation bent of liberation of the soul and the 4th house is part of the Moksha or Liberation trine, the other being the 8th house.

He owns your 3rd house also and here he can give you more prosperity in the home, and success in real estate, vehicles, shipping, hospitality trades etc. But if he is weak and afflicted in natal charts he can cause mental restlessness, tensions with mom and siblings and neighbours, problems with vehicles, house/property and with educational pursuits. Rukler Moon does fine transits from Tomorrow afternoon for rest of the week for power and prestige, and success in career

Mercury joining Venus and the Sun tomorrow thru to Nov 15 is excellent for success. First the positive energy all these planets can generate and without the right attitude propelled by positive energy we cannot achieve in the outer world. Writers/journalists will do outstandingly well. Nice for other trades and professions as well.

A period of growth. We have discussed both shine and turmoil Saturn is capable of causing connecting in retrogression with Rahu on the 10th house. Be very conscious. Especially about your status in public life.

Rahu and Saturn can suddenly cause unpredictable things and if you are not conscious all the time [sathi or mindfulness] you might wonder what hit you and got you down, after the fact, of course. A weak Sun your ruler is no problem. [See Bill Gates in Gemini] Debilitated 3,6,8 house rulers give raja yogas and we can extend this to planets debilitated in 3, 6, 8 as well.


One of the best periods I have been writing about in the past weeks is ready to roll from tomorrow noon thru to Nov 15. The dharma/karma or the conjunction of 9th and 10th house rulers or the two most fortunate and powerful houses in a chart.

Venus and Mercury [some say debilitated 12th ruler also gives Raja yoga, and that is your Sun thrown in with them] They give wealth and more earning thru career/trade or business, refined taste and speech, success in educational pursuits, communication/sales marketing skills. Saturn being friendly may not cause much damage in retrogression unless he is afflicted or weak in natal charts. But he is capable of causing frustrations in love-affairs, interaction with kids, difficult child births, miscarriages or health/financial problems to father. It is the restlessness, and the possible aggressive emotions and attitude fully capable by Mars that needs watching/monitoring for 3 more weeks.


Mercury going to Lagna and joining Venus and the Sun is very nice for overall fortune. More financial gain, benefits thru overseas travel, spiritual advancement, divine grace, and luck. Mars on PN helps long journeys but not bliss in intimate relationships. Retro Saturn can cause sickness and losses to house and property and also happiness of children and your mother.. These will not be so bad as Rahu is both on exaltation degrees and on PN. The Moon passing 9/10/11 this week helps shine on the work place and more earning thru career. Those going for job interviews in the weekend for overseas careers will do well unless running bad dashas in natal charts. The weekend is also helpful to successfully clinch other business deals with foreign agents/sources. Monday-Wednesday is best for power and prestige


Mercury your ruler of 8/11 houses goes to the 12th tomorrow. Generally he helps spiritual knowledge, yoga/meditation towards liberation of soul. Also humanitarian ideals and community service like in hospitals, orphanages, detention centers etc. Some can get more funds thru various sources [mostly foreign] for such activities. A sudden elevation of status in a foreign land or thru foreign sources is also likely if Mercury is connected to 12 th ruler [like exchange of houses] in natal charts. If badly placed, however, Mercury can cause fines/detention, spiritual fanaticism, eye, feet and sleep problems, problems in foreign places. This week with Venus and the Sun new job offers I have been discussing in the past few columns can materialize. With the Sun out of debility degrees any obstruction to career path can get cleared. With ruler Mars on PN finances have to improve too.


Mercury cause another good yoga or combination with Venus and the Sun on your 11th house major gain and benefits thru friends, associates and elder siblings. While Mars is capable of bestowing more recognition, honour in your career especially on PN this week, Mercury can increase career-earnings. If well placed in natal charts and associated in current dashas or planetary periods, Venus, Mercury and the Sun can help major gain or abundance.

Those seeking new jobs or careers and working on them can expect successful change after Nov 15. With the Sun supporting gain thru foreign sources stands out but that is after 2 weeks. The duality of Mars also helps change in career and supports those seeking employment with foreign connections. Cross- overs likely in the political scene.

While most things written last week are still good, Mercury will now cause that powerful yoga for fame and prestige, wealth and divine grace with Venus on the 10th house or highest point in your chart. Planets here can serve well to raise you up. Interestingly a debilitated Sun also causes a raja yoga. Spiritually, the 10th house indicates good Karma. The Sun being your 8th house ruler of profound knowledge and transformation can [with Mercury and Venus supporting] light up your spiritual path as never before. Most planets are sitting in fortunate kendras and trikonas this week. This gives more strength to your transit chart and to the most fortunate dharma/karma yoga caused by 9/10 rulers Venus and Mercury for the next 2 weeks. Only you can blow it.

Tomorrow noon Mercury goes to the 9th house of fortune , luck and divine grace. And joins Venus the 9th ruler and the Sun the 7th house ruler. Mercury incidentally is your 5th house ruler. When the Kendra and Trikona rulers meet they cause fortune. If they meet in good spots they give more fortune and glory. This time they party on the 9th house.

Those waiting to hear wedding bells [for themselves] will now be blessed. Those seeking childbirths/conceptions too. Father's well being , your fortune and grace, fulfilling foreign travels, connecting with spiritual teachers, evolved foreigners, glory in foreign lands, outstanding success in intellectual pursuits etc will be well supported for the next 2 weeks. More glory to come after Mars goes to the 9th house on the 22. This week Mars is on fortunate PN thru to Friday.


The 8th house gets loaded tomorrow with the Sun, Venus and Mercury. A scene that generally causes anxiety in the less evolved types. This week the Sun will be out of debility degrees and can still cause an unexpected raja yoga for glory. It could also be some unexpected gain like thru a law suit, inheritance, insurance claim etc. Mercury can refine counseling skills.

Helps mother's spiritual advancement. Partners can also financially support relationships. On the whole a loaded 8th house is ideal for research and profound knowledge. The downside can hurt you with jealousies and physical harm, sickness especially chronic and mysterious ones, and also mother's health and well being. Once again it will be your Jupiter who will be your guardian angel from the 5th house Internet access plans that fit your lifestyle - join MSN. Click Here

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