SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 3 November 2002  
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Government - Gazette

Daily News

Budusarana On-line Edition

Muslim representation in N-E Joint Task Force

Statement of the Council of Muslims of Sri Lanka issued by Mr. A. H. G. Ameen, Secretary-General: We reliably learn that a Joint Task Force comprising three representatives from the LTTE and three representatives from the Government of Sri Lanka of whom one of the representatives on behalf of each party shall be a person taking part in the Peace Talks in Thailand, will be set up for the purpose of improving the living standards of the people in the Northern Province and the Eastern Province of the country.

The Joint Task Force will be a policy formulation entity working in partnership for resource mobilisation and will be a selection and over-sight body for implementation.

It will also engage in identification of needs, prioritisation of efforts and beneficiary selection process relating to Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement.

Divisional and District Committee with representatives from the Rehabilitation oriented affiliates of the LTTE and others will be the consultative structure.

The Planning and Programme Unit, PPU will be set up and the LTTE is expected to play a dominant role in this Unit. Further, financial allocation from the National Budget to be provided for and the Board of Governors of the Fund under Act No. 58 of 1993 is to be reconstituted. It is noteworthy that the Power of reconstituting the Board vests in the Prime Minister.

We are of the opinion that the Joint Task Force is to play an important role in the development of the said provinces vis-a-vis Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement, RRR.

Three communities live in the said provinces and the representatives of the LTTE will look after the interests of the Tamils; the representatives of the Government of Sri Lanka will, undoubtedly look after the interest of the Sinhalese as well, and interests of the Muslims are in jeopardy.

One-Third of the total population of Muslims in Sri Lanka are concentrated in the two said provinces and in the Eastern Province alone Muslims are about 33%. According to Mr. Bradman Weerakoon 15 lakhs of people in Sri Lanka are displaced of whom nearly one-half are internally displaced and 66,000 are in refugee camps in India and 700,000 have gone abroad living in Western Europe, North America and Australia.

It is our considered view that most of those living abroad and living in the refugee camps in India are Tamils. Thus majority of the internally displaced persons are Muslims. Then the question arises who will look after the interests of the Muslims in the said two provinces?

We are of the considered view that equal representation should be given to the Muslims in the Joint Task Force in respect of the Eastern Province and Northern Province. It is only then justice could be meted to the Muslims of whom those who lived in the Northern Province were completely driven out from their ancestral homes and Muslim refugees from both provinces are living in various parts of the country without proper care and basic comfort.

Therefore we the members of the Council of Muslims of Sri Lanka jointly founded by the respected leaders of the Muslim Community namely Sir Razik Fareed, Dr. Badiudin Mahmud, Dr. M. C. M. Kaleel, A. Aziz and others, which Organisation is represented by various Muslim organisations, unanimously resolve that the Government of Sri Lanka take steps forthwith to provide equal representation to the Muslims in the proposed Joint Task Force.

The Quest for Peace


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