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Sunday, 3 November 2002 |
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The Blessed Month of Ramadhan by Ayesha Yusuf As we enter the Holy Month of Ramadhan, the blessed month of peace, and mercy of Allah, we have to remind ourselves of our obligations to the Lord our creator and sustainer. Fasting was prescribed for man that he attains Taqwa. It is the month of sincere repentance whereby we seek forgiveness for our past sins. Let us strive to fast in complete submission to our Lord, and rediscover our lost faith, whilst also seeking his help, to live as he has ordained for us always, and not only in this sacred month. Repentance has a status, that does not exist with any other form of worship. Allah loves those who repent, and diligently seek purity. This is the month of endurance, that also brings Paradise within man's reach. Fasting or 'saum', one of the five pillars of Islam is a shield that protects man, and makes him aware of his obligations, and also enables him to control his desires. It distances man from the fire, for fasting comes between man and the fire. Every action of the son of Adam is given manifold reward, each good deed receives ten times its like, up to seven hundred times. Allah says "Except for fasting, for it is for me, and I will give recompense for it" (Muslim). The Glorious Quran, that came as a guidance to mankind was revealed in this Holy Month. Clear proofs of guidance and the criterion of (right from wrong) are also part of the revelations that follow. So "whoever of you who sights the crescent moon, on the first night, he must fast that month." (2-185). "O ye who believe, Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain righteousness." (2-183). Fasting enables man to master himself, and resist the cravings of his inner self. Instead of being a slave to his desires, he finds contentment, and inner peace, with the knowledge, that all this and fasting is for Allah's sake. Ramadhan is the month for good deeds, and Allah's blessings are manifest, for it has many virtues. It is the month that enables Muslims to strengthen their faith, and increase their practices in meritorious deeds. We have to keep in mind, that fasting in Ramadhan does not mean to only abstain from food and drink, from dawn to dusk, but also to control our tongue and actions, devoid of evil deeds and speech. As we fast we come to terms with the pangs of hunger, the poor experience in their daily life. If we fast in its true sense, we can reap its benefits, both spiritually and physically. It is for our well-being that Allah prescribed the fast in this Holy Month. Let us not be practising Muslims, only in this month to be seen by others, but let us devote our time throughout our life to Ibadah, and remembrance of Allah, the Lord our creator. Let's not be over indulgent, but resolve to be mindful, that fasting is not feasting, and restrict ourselves to the real meaning of fasting. The unity of the Muslim Ummah is once again Manifest, when the Muslim World fasts in obedience to Allah. Only Allah knows when man fasts. Unlike his other deeds, which may be seen by others, fasting is known only to Allah. Fasting overpowers 'Shaitan,' the enemy of Allah who leads man astray, because the base of all carnal desires is the stomach. In many homes, we know the over indulgence in practice at Ifthaar, with tables spread with food. This is the time, when we have to remember the poor, most of who, have not the where withal to break their fast. So lets remember to share this with at least one needy person. This is also the month of Charity. It is the poor due enjoined on man, that his wealth be also given to kith and kin. Give of the largesse Allah bestows on you. Wealth is a trust bestowed on man, not only for himself, to live a life of luxury, but also to assist the needy. Allah reiterates this in the Holy Quran thus" Covet not that which God has bestowed more freely on some than others. God loveth not the arrogant, and vainglorious. Nor the niggardly. Who hide the bounties that God has bestowed on them for we have prepared for them a punishment that steeps them in contempt (4-36). In Ch 2-215, Allah says, "they ask the (O Muhammed) what they shall spend" say: "that which ye spend for good, must go to parents, near kindred and orphans, and the needy and way farer whatever good ye do, Allah is aware of it. Believe in Allah and his messenger, and spend of that which he has made you trustees, theirs will be a great reward. Let him who hath abundance, spend of his abundance, and he whose provision is measured, let him spend of that which Allah has given him. It is obligatory on man who is in good health to fast. Allowance however is made for the sick, the traveller. The old who are unable to fast, he has to feed a poor person in lieu of each day he is unable to fast. May it be a peaceful and Blessed Ramadhan for the Muslim Ummah. |
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