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Sunday, 15 December 2002  
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An electronic engineer - his second choice

Playing an unplugged, solo scene at many nightclubs is singer/guitarist Deva de Silva, who captivates the audience with his renditions of nuggets from the folk scene as well from retro music. Deva who has played with many leading bands in the early years is now enjoying his solo act, which gives him freedom to sing the songs he always wanted to in his career.

Name : Devanand de Silva
Birthday: February 15
Status : Married

Fav colour: Black with mauve a close second

Trendy outfits: I'm not a keen fan of trendy outfits. I prefer casuals. Of course, occasions means that I have to be suitably dressed. I'm not one for designer clothes like David Beckham.

Hair do's: I like close cuts and also the spiky hair cuts.

Fav song of '70s and '90s: '70s - She's Always A Woman To Me -Billy Joel. '90s - Everybody Hurt- REM.

Any embarrassing day: Too many to mention!

Qualities you like in a girl: She should be honest in all her ways, and should be conscious of her looks. As for fashion she should be conscious of it in moderation.

How much of a party guy are you: I'm not a party freak as such but I like to party only with close friends. Are you superstitious: I don't believe in bad times and good times. What I believe is that we make things happen to ourselves.

Pet hate: People who don't know their job whatever job they hold.

What makes you happy in life: My family comes first and then of course I guess it's listening to music and playing my guitar.

How many rude thoughts do you have in a day: Too many to mention again! What keeps you awake at night: After work stress keeps me awake. So ever so often I play the guitar or watch a music video.

Where would you like to be most now: In Perth where my parents and brothers are living. Christmas in Perth brings back many happy memories.

What's your idea of fun: Playing with my children, meeting up with my friends.

What other profession would you like to be in: An electronic engineer inventing electronic equipment. In school I enjoyed Physics and Applied Maths.

What would you do if you ruled the world: I endeavour to see that there's a global balance in wealth between the rich and poor countries. I'd see that the rich countries share their wealth with the poor countries.

Also that men and women enjoy equal status in society.

Your fav food: Rice and curry.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be and why: I'd like to do more social work. I have no time now. I'd like to teach guitar and impart my knowledge to others.

What would you like to have been in a past life: I don't believe in a past life.

What do you think life would be like in the year 3000: People will be living in Mars - there will be too many people on earth. Travelling in 3003 will see people zooming around in rockets.

If you won two million rupees how would you spend it: I'd buy the best acoustic guitar and travel and see the world!

Which product would you like to most endorse: Acoustic guitar.

Your fav cartoon character: Mutt & Jeff. To me Jeff's character is interesting and amusing.

Worst song in the '90s: 'Who Let The Dogs Out' by Baha Men.

If Elvis Presley were still alive what would he be doing: I don't think he would have changed his style and voice but I think he would have incorporated other rhythms too like r&b, funk, latin, certainly not rap. If Tom Jones has done it - then maybe Elvis would too.



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