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Sunday, 15 December 2002  
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Budusarana On-line Edition

With Gamini Dissanayake

Planets in Signs and Nakshatras for the week (Sunday Dec 15th 06:00-Sunday Dec 22nd 06:00) Coordinated for the City of Colombo, 79E51, 6N56. Timezone: + 6 hours from GMT [incl 30 minutes DST].

Ayanamsa /Precession: Chitrapaksa/Lahiri: - 23:53:37

Where are the planets?

The Sun in Scorpio 28:55 -Sagittarius 06:03. Jyesta/Deta to Moola and Sagittarius on Monday @ 07:13 On GD/Gandantha up to Thursday 13:52

The Moon in Aries 05:15 on Ashvini/Asvida. To Bharani/Berana today @ 22:18. Krittika/Keti Tuesday @ 01:01. Taurus @ 07:39. Rohini/Rehena Wednesday @ 03:20. Mrigashirsha/Muvasirisa Thursday @ 05:12. Gemini @ 17:56. Ardra/Ada Friday 06:32. Punavasu Saturday @ 07:23. Cancer Sunday @ 01:43.

On PushKara Navamsa/PN: Monday 11:43-18:23, Tuesday 01:02-07:39, 20:49- Wednesday 03:22. 09:52-16:21. Saturday 01:14-07:24 and 13:32-19:39.

Mrityu Bhaga/MB Monday 23:42-Tuesday 01:42, Wednesday 07:16-09:13 and Friday 18:25-20:17 Mars in Libra 14:43-19:13 on Swati/Sa. On PN: Wednesday 06:30-Monday 10:45

MB: up to 16:20 today.

Mercury in -Sagittarius 15:22-25:11 on PoorvaAshda/Puvasala. On PN: Wednesday 10:31-Friday 20:12. MB: Thursday 03:33-20:465

Jupiter in Cancer -24:01-23:43R on Aslisha

Retrograde/R Dec 4 @ 17:45- Apr 4, 03 @ 09:11

Venus in Libra 15:36 -20:57. Swati/Sa to Vishaka/Visa on Saturday @ 01:51

PN: Monday 17:38-Saturday 01:51. In own house

Saturn in Gemini 01:55-01:21 R on Mrigashirsha/Muvasirisa

Note: Saturn Retrograde Oct 11th, 2002, 18:11- Feb 22, 2003 @ 14:05 Re-enters Taurus Jan 8 @14:25 and Gemini Apr 7 @20:41

Rahu in Taurus 14:02-13:40 R [Mean] on Rohini/Rehena

Note : Rahu on PN thru to 13:56 on Dec 28

Ketu in Scorpio 14:02-13:40 R [Mean] on Anuradha

Note: According to some authors Rahu and Ketu are exalted up to 20 degrees in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. The Nodes on exalted degrees thru to 2003 Sep 6th 04:19h

Periods of Rahu for day and night

Sun: 05.24-06.53 pm / 04.47-6.16 am

Mon: 08.14-09.43 am / 07.58-09.27 pm

Tue: 03.45-05.14 pm / 03.28-04.57 am

Wed: 12.45-02.14 pm / 12.29-01.58 am

Thu: 02.16-03.45 pm / 01.59-03.28 am

Fri:11.16-12.45 am / 11.00 pm-12.29 am

Sat: 09.47-11.16am / 10.00-10.59 pm

Forecast for Lagna/Ascendant December 15-22


Nice to wake up to a Moon in Lagna with a feeling of joy and determined to complete what is both in hand and what was put on hold during the past few weeks. Very caring and nurturing. The home and domestic environment gets more attention. Success in academic or learning activities and in real estate or auto/machinery deals.

The week strongly favours expansion of assets. Kids and dad will have more success and fortune. The Sun going to your 9th house tomorrow is excellent for all round fortune. A retrograde Jupiter your 9th lord [effective from your 3rd house] connects with the Sun and Mercury [and Saturn too] and creates a bunch of yogas for fortune, power and fulfilling travel and inner work. Those seeking and/or learning in foreign lands will have good fortune too. The weekend will find you in a very magnanimous/charitable mood. Note that the Sun will be on GD [can obstruct or negate good results] and will be strong after Thursday.

The Sun and Mercury in the 8th house is excellent for research work , higher knowledge and investigating into mysteries of life. Nice for unexpected, unearned income: inheritance , insurance benefits, gifts etc.

The downside is tensions with mother and problems with house and property and other assets, relationship with children and their success. [see Aries]Also for the rest of the year intimate and business partnerships can also be strongly obstructed. While Saturn still is the major significator for wealth and stability his connection with Jupiter and Rahu can give more material wealth and fame or losses depending on the specific dashas and other factors now unfolding in individual charts. More aspects to 9th house is nice to build and gain thru foreign sources.

Mercury and the Sun on the 7th house turns the spotlight to partnerships, travel, public life and how you relate or cooperate with others. On the plus side it supports all these plus success of partner and siblings. [see Aries] Aspected by Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn it is very nice for status in the outer world, harmony in partnerships and for travel.

The ability to persuade others thru effective speech and communication and to gain thru foreign sources get well blessed too. Today and Monday, Thursday and Friday are best for more gain.

Yet today and tomorrow can cause strong passion which needs to be consciously managed. The downside of all this is [depending on specific energies in individual charts] it can obstruct or negate good results mentioned above especially the bliss in partnerships.

The Sun and Mercury, and Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn have loaded your travel houses. [see Aries] The week begins with ruler Moon on the 10th house seen by Venus and Mars which is excellent for success and power and personal appeal or charisma.

The Sun and Mercury on the 6th house make you very competitive and determined to succeed in your career.

All nice things about Mars and Venus are still good and even better this week with Venus on PN. Helps good success in real estate, vehicles and business deals. And the two Vipareetha Raja Yogas [discussed last week] continue to unfold strongly.

With a strong Rhu on the 11th house of major gain [he performs best here] the unexpected opportunities capable of opening up by retrograde Saturn and Jupiter , are the ones to watch out for.

Last week we did fast-forward you to the middle of next year when Jupiter goes to your Lagna every 12 years.

This week ruler Sun goes to the 5th house tomorrow and connects with Mercury, the ATM and a retrograde Jupiter, your 5th lord [of fortune, luck and grace, dignity, spirituality, creativity and children] on the 5/11 axis of fortune and fulfillment which is very nice indeed with a friendly Saturn to boot. [Note Sun on GD. See Aries] YogaKaraka or most helpful Mars and Venus your 9/10 lords are supporting strong motivation and prowess, cognitive and communication skills and will be heading for the 4th house [a Kendra] soon to raise you up significantly.

This week Venus is excellent for success in your career and above indications on PN [see box].

Ruler Mercury on the 4th house seen by Jupiter [lord of 7/10] and Saturn [L5/6] is fine for prestige and power and success in academic, intellectual work.

The Sun joins Mercury tomorrow and this can greatly help your spiritual progress [Saadhana or spiritual attainments] and support your empathy like urging you to donate for less fortunate souls like the homeless. If you are running real hostile Dashas or periods, the next 4 weeks can cause problems with house and property, vehicles, agricultural produce/harvests, tensions with mother etc. The Moon this week is fine after Tuesday 07:39 for $$$ and gain and shine thru career.

With Mars out of MB [@ 16:20 today] and ruler Venus on PN Monday-Saturday [see box] your sense of mission will be well supported this week. Your skill of persuasion thru effective writing and communication will be at a high plane.

The Sun going to 3rd house to join Mercury tomorrow will super-charge above indications, make you adventurous and resourceful, and extremely competitive. Those in creative fields like writing, design, publishing, IT sales and marketing will have outstanding success. Good support from friends and siblings. [See Aries for Sun's GD] The Moon helps kick off the week with power and charisma but watch Tuesday-Thursday for jealousy on the work place. After 17:56 on Thursday she goes to the 9th house of fortune. [Note Saturn's retrogression is generally bad for happiness and well-being of mother. Some problems with house and property, vehicles can be experienced if running hostile periods in individual charts].

The Sun your 10th lord of success thru career, public life, wealth and happiness, good karma goes to your 2nd house tomorrow to support more earnings thru career.

To have 10/11 lords Sun and Mercury on the 2nd house is very nice for success thru speech and communication, learning, taste.

Especially favourable for singers, sales and marketing people, hospitality, food, finance, family business, jewellery and cosmetics, scholars etc. Note however that the Sun will be better after Thursday 13:52 when he gets out of Gandantha Zone. Expect some unexpected gain or glory from a loaded 2/8 axis but if running hostile periods or dashas in individual charts could cause problems to house and property, vehicles, and scandals.

The Sun joins Mercury [your most helpful lords of fortune and success] on your Lagna tomorrow and connects with Jupiter and Saturn. This is fine for all round fortune, happiness and shine in career and public life. Note that the Sun is still weak on GD thru to Thursday PM [see box] Six planets [expect the Moon] are on travel houses. Romance and relationships, how you relate to others, stability in career, status in the outer world, recovery of lost wealth all get well blessed after Thursday.

If travel is not your scene the progress/elevation in career or marriage are strongly shown if supported by current dashas in individual charts.

Tuesday-Thursday needs more health and safety awareness [Moon/Rahu connection].

The Sun on the 12th can cause an unexpected gain [thru a foreign connection] or glory in foreign land but until Thursday evening he will be on Gandantha [see box] That means like I said last week your health, father's well-being, problems with authorities, health problems, hospitalization, fines and losses are still possible if running hostile periods or Dashas in your natal charts.

Mercury can help with long travel and seeking fortune overseas and all things we discussed last week are still good and better after Thursday. The career shines well this week with Venus [in her own 10th house] will be on fortunate PN Monday 17:38-Saturday 01:52, and Mars coming out of MB this afternoon

The Sun goes to the 11th house to strengthen the 5/11 axis hot with Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter R and this is excellent for romance and relationships, wealth, abundance, fulfillment and also for those seeking child birth/conception.

With a powerful DharmaKarma still rolling on the 9th house all good things said in the last 3 columns are still very good and get better after Thursday when the Sun comes out of GD zone [see box or Scorpio] As for the Dharma/Karma of Mars and Venus, that too gets more fortunate after Mars comes out MB this afternoon and Venus your Yoga Karaka goes on PN Monday-Saturday. Be more aware Tuesday 07:39-Thursday 17:56. This period of an afflicted Moon can cause injury/accidents or damage vehicles or property.

The arrival of the Sun will give more power to your 4/10 axis or prestige, happiness, emotional joy, harmony at home, public life, success in career, financial well being of father, good karma etc. But the Sun will still be weak on Gandantha Zone until Thursday 16:52. For prestige in career and public life he is a major player being your 7th lord. So the excellent connection in this regard with Jupiter and Mercury will shift to high gear after Thursday evening.

Your goals could be obstructed on Tuesday-Thursday when the Moon too gets afflicted by Rahu. No major problems from Saturn unless he is weakly placed in natal charts. He can affect mother's health and some feeling of restriction in the home environment but his 11th house rulership is more helpful for gain and fulfillment.



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