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Sunday, 5 January 2003  
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Sri Lankan of the Year award

Biz Buzzby IRIS & AVED

The Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD) nominated Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe as the 'Sri Lankan of the Year' for his leadership and achievements in heralding in a period (not yet an era) of peace, stabilising the economy, cohabiting with the other major political party and its leader, the President, and enhancing business confidence and the country's image abroad.

Way back in 1994 when the UNP lost the Parliamentary Election, Ranil Wickremesinghe resigned the Premiership and left Temple Trees with a smile that few defeated candidates will ever have. He had that positive attitude perhaps, because he saw democracy at work, he was astute and self confident and was not intoxicated by the trappings of power to mourn the loss of office and also because he respected the people's verdict.

But for his decision to quit office so readily, the manoeuvring behind the scenes, to persuade several PA coalition partners to cross over for the UNP to remain in power, may have succeeded and the people's wish to change the Government after 17 years of UNP rule may have been suppressed.

It is necessary to recognise Wickremesinghe's respect for democratic principles and traditions. When a few weeks after the election, he was unseated from the position of the UNP Parliamentary group leadership and as soon as the group's vote was completed, he vacated his chair, welcomed Gamini Dissanayake to take the position and committed to work for the party under the new leadership. These are rare qualities, especially among politicians in developing countries.

During the seven years he served as he Leader of the Opposition, he showed no hurry to unseat the elected Government and this led to a near revolt in his party by those who were impatient. As the UNP leader, he used this time to organise management and leadership development seminars and workshops for the elected as well as the defeated candidates of the party and to strengthen the governing structure of the UNP. At these sessions, he is reported to have shaped the attitudes of his party faithful to place the national interests first in policy formulation and decision making.

Once elected as Prime Minister, he took some unpopular steps to put the economy right and courageous measures to open peace negotiations with the LTTE His instructions not to burden the Exchequer by employing people for non-existent jobs at government institutions and to offer employment only on a needs basis, selecting candidates on merit, deserve praise.

Under the Premier's leadership, those who broke the law have been brought to book whether they were the sons of ministers or party supporters.

Law and order have improved. Crime rates have gone down. The Independent Police Commission has started functioning.

The Police Force is gaining confidence that they can operate without political interference.

Society should credit Wickremesinghe for these improvements but also urge him to do more in this area.

Party men are yet in the habit of asking for the consent of the Member of Parliament or the defeated candidate of the UNF to send a Police officer to the respective electorate. This is not a healthy practice. There is hardly a prosecution against reckless or drunken driving of people with political connections. A prime minister cannot micro manage all such affairs, but the leadership he provides and the political and executive team he selects can make a big change.

Wickremesinghe deserves the Sri Lankan of the Year award. LMD has made an excellent choice. In the past, the cricket World Cup winning team of Arjuna Ranatunga, the star batsman Sanath Jayasuriya, and Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Chairmen Ken Balendra and Chandra Jayaratne were nominees. This is the first time a politician has been nominated. Let this nomination give the Prime Minister what he needs to forge ahead with his nation building programme; the support, understanding, patience and the trust of the people.

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