SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 5 January 2003  
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Colour me right!

Every season, the designers give us a list of hues and shades that are in. Dutifully, we try to fulfil the requirements of the gods of fashion....But at the end of the day, what we wear is a reflection of who we are and what we feel.

Colours also have an immense power to influence our moods and emotions and perhaps even our thoughts. So the only truly fashionable colours are those that make you feel good about who you are. The mini-colour chart can give you a rough idea about what colours can do for your mood, but remember, only you know how you feel. If a colour gives you a thrill when you wear it, go for it!

Red - An exciting stimulating colour that can energise you. It can be over-powering apart from auspicious occasions, a bright all-red outfit is not for everyone. But a touch of red a scarf, dupatta or red shoes, can add bounce to your day and put a smile on others faces! Bright pillar box red is supposed to be one of the colours that men are attracted to on woman....

Orange - A warm healing, colour that enhances most skin tones. In its softer versions, especially peach, it is flattering to any woman's complexion. Orange is a joyful colour.

Yellow - A cheerful colour, supposed to promote a long life - but not always flattering to all skin tones.

Green - A tranquil, refreshing, restful colour.

Blue - A cool, calm and relaxing colour - a universal favourite, there's a shade to suit everyone.

Violet - A sophisticated, yet feminine shade - Also according to ancient Indian supposed to embody dignity and compassion.

Again it's a colour that, in large doses, may not suit every complexion.

White - A cool, pure colour - for that innocent detached look. White is a colour that most people can handle and it means that you can experiment with a wide range of accessories and jewellery. And it's just perfect for bright sunny days - which have a tendency to be long and strong!

Black - The colour to choose for elegance and power. It's a colour that says 'don't mess with me.'

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