Starscope with Gamini Dissanayake
Planets in Signs and
Nakshatras for the week (Sunday Jan 19th 06:00-Sunday Jan 26th
06:00) Coordinated for the City of Colombo, 79E51, 6N56. Timezone:
+ 6 hours from GMT incl 30 minutes DST. Ayanamsa /Precession:
Chitrapaksa/Lahiri: - 23:53:46
Where are the planets?
The Sun in Capricorn 04:34-11:42. Uttrashadha/Uttrasala to
Shravana on Friday @ 13:47 Note: On fortunate PushKara Navamsa/PN:
Tuesday 07:08-Friday 13:48
The Moon in Cancer 11:30 on Pushya . To Ashlisa today @ 15:01. Leo
and Magha/Ma Monday @ 14:04. Poorva Phalguni/Puvapal Tuesday @
12:50. UttraPhalguni Wednesday @ 11:25. Virgo @ 17:03. Hasta
Thursday @ 09:57. Chitra/Sitha Friday @ 08:29. Libra @
19:47.Swati/Sa Saturday @ 07:05. Vishaka Sunday @ 05:48 On
PushKara Navamsa/PN: Wednesday 00:09-05:48, and 11:26-17:03,
Thursday 04:20-09:57 and 15:34-21:13, Sunday 00:07-05:49 Mrityu
Bhaga/MB: Monday 05:29-07:12, Wednesday 06:55-08:37, Thursday
11:39-13:19 Gandantha/GD: Monday 08:21-19:48
Mars in Scorpio 07:16-11:47 on Anuradha. Note: Mars on same degree
with the Nodes in the weekendOn PN: thru to Thursday 11:26.
Mercury in Sagittarius 19:35 R-18:36D on Poorva Ashadha/Puvasala.
Begins D/Direct on Thursday 07:08.
Jupiter in Cancer 21:04-20:11 R on Aslisha Retrograde/R Dec 4 @
17:45- Apr 4, 03 @ 09:11
Venus in Scorpio 17:54-25:28 on Jyesta/Deta
Saturn in Taurus 29:18-28:55 R on Mrigashirsha/Muvasirisa Note:
Saturn Retrograde Oct 11th 2002, 18:11- Feb 22, 2003 @ 14:05
Re-enters Taurus Jan 8 @14:24 and Gemini Apr 7 @20:41 Rahu in
Taurus 12:11-11:48 R [Mean] on Rohini.
Ketu in Scorpio 12:11-11:48 R [Mean] on Anuradha Note: According
to some authors Rahu and Ketu are exalted up to 20 degrees in
Taurus and Scorpio respectively. The Nodes on exalted degrees thru
to 2003 Sep 6th 04:19h Use PN in auspicious activities.
Highlights: This weekend Mars conjuncts with Ketu and opposes
Rahu on the 11th degree in Scorpio, Saturday 25th 11:00-Sunday
26th 13:55. With the orb of influence, it extends to 18:00 on
Sunday. On PN thru to Thursday 11:26 which brings the better side
of Mars [self-confidence etc] but on the same degree with the
Nodes and with Pluto at his side and, opposing a Rx [retrograde]
Saturn, these energies are noted for blood problems, accidents,
debility/physical weakness, sickness/hurt to siblings/partners and
also dents in relationships.
On Sunday night the Moon also gets to Scorpio, her sign of
debility, and can cause strong emotional distress. Saturn Pluto
connection weakens one's ability to control and transform. Pluto
on Mars generates awesome energy [to reach goals] but also kills
sensitivity. On RKA/Rahu Ketu Axis other planets generally get
confused. |
week we discussed [KN Rao calls it Rahu and Brain Poisoning] Rahu's aspect
on the 5th lord Sun on the 10th house of career. What Rahu generates here
is confusion and negative emotions, jealousy and wrong direction. It can
apply to some degree for Aries person. The danger days are Feb 8-12 when
Mercury [the 6th lord of aggression] joins the Sun [the 5/6 lords
The guardian angel is of course none other than divine Jupiter looking
up to the 10th house and who only has the capacity to stave off "a
thousand evils". Mercury goes direct on Thursday which is better for
travel and higher knowledge. The week begins nicely with Moon joining
Jupiter in her own house: prestige, learning, emotional joy, mother, home
front and $$$ but note her GD tomorrow. GD negates/liberates goodness of
the Moon here. Note the highlights. Mars/Nodes thing occurs on your
frustrating 2/8 house axis.
Nodes, Saturn and Pluto association [see Highlights above] occurs on your
1/7 house axis. Our vitality, honour, integrity, health and what David
Frawley calls the determining factor of "the whole structure of our
outer manifestation" represented by the Lagna or the 1st house and,
travel and public life, love , passion and personal [also business]
relationships. The capacity of Venus, Mars and Saturn [1/7/9/10 helpful
house lords] is checked by the Nodes and Pluto.
A stalemate RE: above indications. Mars also owns the 12th house
[liberation] and thus becomes a separative planet and the 7th house
especially the partnerships and our inter-action with others can get a
beating on the RKA. Jupiter can tame Rahu''s aspect on the Sun and helps
inner transformation.
Nodes are said to give good health, wealth and leadership on the 6th house
and, in your transit chart, that applies to a strong Ketu only. From the
12th [weary travel, unexpected expenses, lack of conjugal bliss:
especially as he sees the 8th house, health problems] Rahu now connects
with Saturn and Mars .
For this and Rahu's link to Venus [5th lord] and Mars [6th lord] see
Highlights above. Wealth and well being of younger siblings and father are
threatened by Rahu on the Sun, but checked by Jupiter. If these planets on
6/12 axis [see last week too] are booking/ confirming plane tickets, the
first week of February could see you thru departure gates. If right
combination of planets, dashas, ashtakavarga Kakshaya transits are working
now in your natal charts, you could be pleasantly surprised by a double
Vipareetha Raja Yoga by Saturn and Venus and, that has a foreign angle.
was discussed on Rahu aspecting 5th house and its lord is still good [in
fact until Feb 24] and, this weekend be very mindful [see Highlights
above] as Mars gets closest to the Nodes] Thanksgiving to Jupiter
suggested last week is good too because of Jupiter's duality [he owns the
6th house also] and, his aspect to the 7th house with Rahu may not be
great for relationships/partnerships, with a separative Sun to boot.
The Sun on PN Tuesday-Friday brings the best in him for public life. It
is the weekend that looks dangerous. Less evolved Cancer types running
truly hostile dashas etc in their natal charts could commit sexual
violence, problems thru deep cravings and mental confusion, substance
abuse etc. Those seeking childbirth should be very careful too.
last 2 columns on the fortunate Dharma/Karma of Mars and Venus [9/10
lords] with Nodes and Saturn are still good. Those natal charts running
fortunate dashas can expand assets, and if Jupiter is also associated
[especially Venus, Mars and Jupiter] some can even acquire assets
overseas, or at least some gain like earnings thru a foreign source or in
a foreign place.
Those in music, performing arts, shipping, hospitality, real estate,
food, beverages, perfumes/cosmetics, vehicles/machinery etc will enjoy
good success, and will helped by the "psychic" power of Rahu to
take advantage of "mass trends".
However, Mars getting closer to the Nodes and with Saturn on the side
it is better to be cool and more disciplined. These four planets when
associated are capable of denting one's integrity, cause uneasiness on the
work place, loss of interest in work, jealousy, harassment, and a feeling
of detachment.
planets on 3/9 house axis is very helpful long travel, and also for
spiritual progress thru pilgrimages/retreats and association with gurus
and teachers. On a material level, the association of Saturn and Venus,
your 5/9 lords is nice for wealth and fortune.
Feb 26-Mar 23 is better when Venus and Saturn exchange 5/9 houses for
fortune, lottery luck if supported by natal charts. Ruler Mercury going
direct on Thursday ensures success in intellectual and professional work.
The week begins with Moon and Jupiter in your 11th house of gain and
fulfilment [note Moon's GD tomorrow, and avoid speculation/invetsment] and
the Moon is fine rest of the week. Note: the downside of Rahu and Saturn
[see Highlights and Leo].
with Jupiter on the 10th house as the week begins is excellent for career.
On GD tomorrow the Moon gets weak [some frustration on the work place,
also Thursday and Friday ] but more earnings thru to Wednesday evening.
With a loaded 2/8 house axis it is the health, yours and family [parents'
too] that needs more awareness and attention.
Mars in the weekend [see highlights and other signs] gets very
disturbed and this can manifest in your partnerships. When Rahu is
connected to the 5th house lord [Saturn in your case] the rational mind
gets confused. A retrograde Saturn makes it worse. For the next 3 months
try to be very cool, make your decisions in your own time. Never rush.
Note that up to Feb 24 when Mars will be in the 2nd house with Ketu.
weekend Mars gets closest to Ketu and in opposition to Rahu [with Saturn
on the side] See Highlights above and other signs.
With a hot and hostile 1/7 axis what is written above for Taurus also
applies to you. All important activities this week could be done when Mars
will be on PN Tuesday-Thursday Noon. In the weekend, if you are traveling
or hanging out be very mindful.
You could get into confrontations and get hurt. Be very sensitive to
the emotional needs of partner. The hostile energies caused by 5 planets
on 1/7 houses requires much discipline in romance and passion.
Partnerships can turn violent and partners can get hurt. Your public life
needs to guarded against scandal/blemish.
turning Direct on Thursday can help you shine well again in your career. A
loaded 6/12 houses and Mercury can arrange long travel. Mars on PN up to
Thursday will give travel opportunities for education/upgrading skills.
Even some foreign job offers this week.
The Sun on PN Tuesday-Friday will be nice for what was said last week:
gives more than commensurate dividends/$$$ relative to input, earns
respect for magnanimity, goes for higher [philosophical] learning. Father
helps with $$$ etc. When Mars gets on the same degree as Ketu watch out
for unexpected expenses [fines too] sickness, frustrating travel, hurt in
the weekend. Note that up to Jan 30 , Rahu connects with both 5/6 lords,
and 5th lord Mars up to Feb 24 [see highlights, Aries and other signs].
Rahu also connects with a Retro-Mercury up to Thursday and with Venus [up
to Jan 30] note the highlights and Aries above. [Also last week piece for
you] The hostile indications of Rahu [sitting on the 5th house especially]
are never meant to bug you but help better understand the nature of mental
processes caused by the planets.
The effects are felt/experienced depending on what is going in natal
charts at a given time. This column is about transits/Gochara.
Next month both Venus and Mercury will be passing your Lagna which is
better . The Sun will be on PN Tuesday-Friday and that cools him down a
lot. Mars on PN up to Thursday is helpful for gain and also for friends
and elder siblings. Watch the weekend for Mars Ketu conjunction on the
same degree.
weeks ago we discussed the fortune of a hot 4/10 axis for career and
prestige. The Sun goes on PN Tuesday-Friday which brings out the power in
him. Mars the 10th lord [for success in career] also on PN up to Thursday
Noon. The 2/6/10 $$$ Trine, and 4/10/11 houses [also for $$$ and prestige]
are also loaded with 6 planets.
Note Highlights above for Mars Ketu conjunction etc. Be concerned.
Wednesday sunset to Friday sunset seems to cause more restlessness with in
the 8th house seen by Rahu. Take care not to hurt yourself. Venus goes to
11th house Jan 30 and that means substantial increase in $$$. Mars, Venus
and Mercury are heading for 11, 12 and Lagna in the next few months for
more glory, especially Mars from Feb 24.
turns Direct on Thursday @ 07:08 and that helps clarity of purpose and
mission, and will get you under the limelight. The Sun on PN
Tuesday-Friday and Mars on PN thru to Thursday Noon are all supportive for
fortune and fulfilment. A better period would be Feb 24-Jun 4 when Mars
passes 10/11 houses.
The weekend [see Highlights and Aries] could cause stress to father and
teachers, and also to siblings. The week begins with a full moon with
Jupiter on the 5th house which is nice for overall fortune, power and
luck. With the Moon also in the 8th house, the weekend is excellent for
spiritual activities. Be more mindful when you travel in the weekend.