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Sunday, 27 April 2003 |
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Illustrated encyclopaedia Amazing world - Volume 1 Printed by: Tharanjee Prints, Navinna. Distributed by: Vijitha Yapa Bookshops, Sarasavi Bookshops, Cargills
Book City, Cargills Food City, MC, Col-4, CWE bookshops in the island. Reviewed by Professor G. N. Gunawardane I had the privilege of reading "Amazing World - Vol. 1", authored and published by Mihindukulasuriya Susantha Fernando, the veteran author, journalist, researcher and graphic artist. It is a book of rare genre and also the first ever bilingual, illustrated encyclopaedia published in Sri Lanka, with the text both in English and Sinhala. The book is the first to be released from a series of Volumes presenting the incredible facets of history, technology, archaeology, mystery, exploration, travel, adventure, discovery, invention, mythology, beliefs, nature and a gamut of other interesting subjects. Illustrating the text are hundreds of stunning 4-colour photographs, flat-colour drawings, line-drawings and computer graphics, which are presented under different headings in visually captivating graphic styles and layouts; in the form of feature panels. The English text is enclosed within these panels, while its Sinhala translation is printed on the pages facing the panels. I learn that many of those beautiful colour photographs used in the book are from Susantha Fernando's collection as a globe trotter and the rest from his business association with a leading Art Gallery in Los Angeles, USA, which Fernando had visited recently. The author appears to have done voluminous research on the vast range of subjects presented in his book. Wherever necessary, he also gives references for additional reading. The most remarkable feature of the book is that it is the achievement of one single man, combining his skills, experience and knowledge as an English writer, Sinhala translator, computer graphic artist, commercial artist, book designer, photographer, globe trotter and researcher. Susantha Fernando is also a Life Member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. He has produced 37 books and magazines of educational value during the past 30 years. His last two books were entitled: "Alien Mysteries in Sri Lanka and Egypt" and "Ritual, Folk Beliefs and Magical Arts of Sri Lanka". "Amazing World" can be described as a fully illustrated encyclopaedia, travelogue or window on a world of wonders. It is of great educational value to the young and old. The graphic styles, bilingual text and the unique design concept of Amazing World are all the original ideas of Susantha Fernando. The book series is a boon to the young people in their search for hard-to-get material on subjects needed for their school curriculum. The visual excitement, the English/Sinhala text and the new style of book design in "Amazing World" will lure the young to the habit of reading. The bilingual text offers the young reader a grand opportunity to improve their proficiency and vocabulary in English and Sinhala. I must say that the service to the society rendered by Susantha Fernando in presenting "Amazing World" book series is most commendable. I would not be surprised if educationalists, social scientists and book development authorities in Sri Lanka commenced researching on the unique psychological and artistic appeal developed by Susantha Fernando in his "Amazing World" and used such techniques for developing new strategies to prompt the young to 'grab and read books'. Such efforts will make Sri Lanka the No. 1 literate nation in South East Asia, if not the whole world. * Special discounts to schools and public libraries are offered, when the book is ordered directly from the author/publisher, Susantha Fernando. Book of research on labour laws Consolidated & Codified Labour Laws Procedures & Implications Authored and published by U. Kariyawasam,Retired Senior Asst. Commissioner of Labour Auburn Side, Dehiwela. Price Rs. 1600 This book of research written and published by Mr. Kariyawasam, a retired Senior Labour Official, contains very valuable information on complex labour laws, which have been in existence for well over 100 years in Sri Lanka. All principal labour enactments have been consolidated, codified and updated and presented in readable simple language. This publication can be considered as a labour code of ethics and procedures to be followed by employers, employees and trade unions. In particular the book explains various provisions contained in the principal labour statutes with special reference to normal working day, hours of work, overtime, holidays, maternity benefits, gratuity and compensation payable for injuries and deaths of workers at work places. In addition the procedures applicable to disciplinary control of workers and the settlement of industrial disputes are also explained including the records and forms to be used by employers and employees. A special feature of this book is that rules and regulations are discussed under each statute while the different application of labour laws under various subject areas is enumerated. This publication will be useful to students and professionals in the field of labour management as well. A monumental book on Gardening Gardening by Gwen Herat An author publication Available at Vijitha Yapa Bookshop and Bookland, Colombo. 385 pages Reviewed by R. S. Karunaratne Ballet, cricket and gardening - Gwen Herat handles them all, with conviction. She appears to think that it is important for her to find different things and prove she can do them all correctly and convincingly. Looking at her long and varied career I sometimes tend to think that inside her there are many sleeping princesses, and each time she lays her hand on some project, one of these princesses wakes up and delivers the goods. Gardening is one such major achievement. Basically, gardening is cultivation of plants in enclosed areas for ornamental purposes. It is often a matter of recreation for the home gardener who usually follows the patterns and methods established by commercial and professional gardeners but adapted to smaller operations. The type of garden planted by the average homeowner generally depends on a number of cultivation variables, as well as on individual tastes and preferences. Among such variables are soil type and fertility, wind and sun exposure, air pollution, position of existing trees and shrubs, visual effects desired, amount of land available, size and design of buildings, need for walks and pathways, desire for privacy, and ease of maintenance. The author laments the fact that many of our gardens lack character because the array of brilliant tropical flowers that are native to us never fit into our borders or beds. Hibiscus, Frangipani, Day Lily, Mini Mal, Lotus and other wild flowers can be found on pathways and roadsides. These are plants that give Sri Lankan identity but we do not care to grow them in our gardens. As a result, most of the native flora fades away into oblivion. Gwen Herat reminds us that gardens are not meant only for flowers, foliage, trees and shrubs. They are also meant for wildlife and a good gardener will have some place for them in a nook in his garden or beside a pond if he has one. Water is essential for gardening. The book opens with a grim reminder to gardeners that water is precious and must be conserved. It provides many hints on how to conserve water by selecting drought tolerant plants, pruning, moving containers to shady places, using saw dust to retain moisture, weeding, making ridges of soil around large plants, storing rain water in tanks, and applying water directly to the root zone of plants. In the chapter entitled "Drought - the gardener's nightmare", the author explains how using precautionary methods could save root vegetables, new shrubs, seeds, perennials, trees, lawns and climbing plants. She says that there is an art of handling water for plants and advocates that less watering will suffice without damaging roots or plants until the rains come down. She suggests a simple experiment: Dig out a small hole and if it is wet where the roots are, do not water. The book is full of such practical hints to gardeners. Taking plants individually, the author explains how they could be grown and looked after. The chapter on "Potting orchids" will appeal to many readers because many of us love them. Most of the orchids grown as houseplants are epiphytes growing on trees, shrubs, rocks and driftwood. The book suggests that there is no need to add any fertilizer since orchids dislike a rich growing medium. What is more, all orchids can be grown in clay or plastic pots. Gardeners will find the preceding chapters on Dendrobiums, Oncidium and Vandas highly instructive. They deal with the history, potting, propagation, pests, diseases, field planting, watering and fertilizer. From orchids, the author turns her attention to popular Anthurium culture. Anthurium is an easy-going plant that produces flowers around the year under most prevailing climatic conditions. The book explains the method of growing Anthuriums, compost mixture and secretion. This is immediately followed by useful hints on growing marigold, sunflowers, dahlias, carnations, water lilies, petunias, gloxinias, African violets and chrysanthemums. The chapter on chrysanthemums takes me back to a short story I read many moons ago. It is a flower for all seasons and all gardens because it can be successfully propagated in any part of the island. The brilliant russets, deep purples, creams, as well as pristine whites of chrysanthemums are wonderful creations of nature. Reading through the chapters on Hibiscus, Geraniums, Begonia Rex and Hydrangea, the reader will get a clear picture of these garden flowers and how they could be grown systematically. Then we come across an enlightening chapter on jasmine - the wonderful but innocent looking little flower. The fragrance of jasmine is identified with the mysterious east. Flipping through the chapters on cactii and sword lilies, the reader will come across William Wordsworth's "Golden daffodils" that can be propagated here with some effort. Meanwhile, Gwen Herat treats Begonias that take pride of place due to the numerous varieties available. The bright, beautiful and colourful Begonias can be easily propagated. By the way, have you ever wondered what role seeds play in gardening? The seeds possess all the material to give birth to a young plant. Therefore, "Growing flowers from seed" will help many gardeners to understand various aspects of another wonderful creation of nature. The chapter gives many hints on the selection of seeds, raising seedlings, and the techniques of seed sowing. This information necessarily drives us to the important area of plant magic. A seasoned gardener can easily identify the magic in plants. The author says that good quality plants with healthy growth and abundant flowing, season after season, will add magic to your plants. Her treatment of the subject is clinically accurate. Any amateur gardener would be temped to buy plants in bloom, attracted by their colour and scent. Caveat emptor! Gwen Herat comes out with a few do's and don'ts that might save your hard-earned money. The chapters dealing with soil functions, water nutrients, acid soils, nutrient sulfur, nutrient calcium, crop boost with phosphorous and potassium and pesticides show the importance of scientific knowledge for any gardener. The technical know-how contained in foliar feeding, various types of fertilizer, band application, photosynthesis, herbicides, and caring for climbers will help any gardener to achieve the best results from his efforts. This monumental book on gardening comes to a close with a comprehensive account of roses - a very popular flower down the ages. The account covers many varieties of roses, rose management, life span of cut roses, pests, diseases, rose propagation and pruning. Taken as a whole, Gwen Herat's Gardening can be referred to as the most comprehensive book on the subject published in Sri Lanka. It is an invaluable compendium of ideas, facts, and figures written by an authority on gardening. |
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