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Sunday, 13 July 2003 |
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Information technology Sel lipi by Gotabhaya Swasthi Shree! Thus says his sacred Majesty, the gracious Great King, glorious Chakravarthi, King of the Kings of Maya, Pihiti and Ruhuna, Mahoora of the Vanniala-aeththo and ruler of all lands from Yapapatuna to Sampanthota: The past three decades have seen the increase, by leaps and bounds, of the numbers of those magical calculating yanthras known as pariganakas in this world. More and more of the works of humans are done by these wondrous machines and more and more are the numbers of pundits needed to master the shilpa-shaastra of information, which is that branch of the techniques of humankind dealing with the control of these magical artifices. It has come to the notice of the Maha Wasala that the rashtrapathis of Dhambadhiva have girded up their loins and established throughout that vast realm schools for those who are to be instructed in this arcane science. Now, in the land of the Andaras (which is not known for the modernity of its techniques) seven shilpa-shaasthraalayas are to teach budding pundits the use of pariganakas and the shilpa-shaasthra of information. Here in this resplendent island, we were not second to our cousins to the north: not only have we emulated them, we have surpassed them. Many years ago, at the agra shaasthraalaya of Moratuwa, we established a separate school of the shilpa-shaasthra of information, and fifty aspiring golayas were being inducted each year, with the expectation of training 500 per year in the not too distant future. Now it has come to the notice of the Maha Wasala that this school may have to be closed down, since the amount of kahapanas granted to it by the treasury are insufficient for it to continue in existence. However, this does not mean a step back for this Dhammadweepa. Far from it: indeed, we are poised on the brink of a revolution in the management of knowledge. It has been announced that, of the denizens of the vast and greatly rich realm of Amerikaawa, a large proportion believe that Takritiye Sadhdham, the chakravarthi of the Land Between the Rivers, was involved in the suicide attack by dhandumonaras on the dhe-atalla 'World Trade Centre' in Navayorkpura, on the 11 day of Binara two years ago. An even greater number believe that their own armies have actually found, in the land of Sadhdham, the deadly agneyashthra and pashupathasthra weapons (which were the ostensible cause of the war which still goes on). An even greater number than that believed their chakravarthi, Pandhura, when he told them on the first day of the month of Vesak that all the fighting was over in the Land Between the Rivers. Now, Amerikaawa possesses many more pariganakas than any other realm in this world. Its people have sources of information like unto the thousand eyes of the god Sakra. And a larger number of its denizens have been trained in the shilpa-shaasthra of information than in any other country on this plane of existence. Yet, its citizens remain ignorant of manifest facts. Obviously, by the logic of the hethu-pala-dhammaya, of cause and effect, there must be a connection between these. If Amerikaawa is so far ahead in the number of trained technicians of information and if the populace is so far behind in its knowledge, one of these facts must be the cause, the other the effect. Therefore, in order to keep the meritorious people of this resplendent isle away from the trap of ignorance, education in the shilpa-shaastra of information should cease forthwith. Swasthi Shree! This rock edict is made on the day of Ravi of the month of Esala of the year of the Saka Era 1930. |
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