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Sunday, 13 July 2003  
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"Double A"- a person like no other

Good Morning Everyone. This Sunday let me introduce you to Fathima Aaysha (C) Cader. This nineteen year old "intellectual" as she describes herself, the 1st runner-up of the "Young Woman in Public Affairs" 2003 awarded by Zonta (the award ceremony is tonight by the way) is a girl or rather person like no other.

From achieving general proficiency and coming first in nearly every subject she touched at St. Bridget's Convent from year three onwards, to winning school and all island English Speech, English Essay, Sinhala Essay, Do You Know, Spelling Bee, Debating and Scrabble Contests, to finally being ranked 1st in Colombo District at the G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination 2000, being made Deputy Head Prefect, President of the Scrabble Club, Secretary of the Debating Society and Head of Delegation for Norway at the Security Council at Indian Model United Nations 2002 and winning best school delegation in it.

Being in the MUN (Model United Nations) she says was fun. "I love the whole system in it, which is like being in the real UN. You get to discuss matters, argue, debate and even put up your own new resolutions". Extremely interested in what's happening in the world around her, Aaysha (C) does not just concern herself about it only at MUN but gathers information and looks deep into matters, in whatever way she can, whether it be surfing the net, reading magazines or books (showing the latest one she's on - "Inside Alqueeda").

Being a night bird in whatever she does, whether it be studying, reading, chatting, e-mailing or surfing the net, while most of Sri Lanka is tucked up in bed Aaysha (C) is up, in front of the screen, surfing through the latest news, checking the editorials, and constantly following what's happening in Palestine. Having been there at the age of eleven and seen for herself its situation, she is a Pro-Palestinian person. "It is outrageous that such a blind eye is being turned over to a people who have suffered and are suffering so much of injustice since 1947. Islam is against suicide. These people resort to it cause they are driven to it" she said.

So what about the UN's role in all this? What the UN needs is a new set of people who are honestly keen about justice and strong enough to make decisions to put the UN into action". Well UN watch out cause joining it and becoming one of the "new set to make a change" is one of her many options (and let me tell you, this constantly arguing "intellectual" does not give up and is not easy to push around). Go for it girl, the world needs people like you.

Born somewhere in February 1984, Aaysha (C) Cader showed her thirst for knowledge and mental challenges from being a toddler at montessori. Being given little purple note pads full with sums of addition, substraction, multiplication and division (how come I don't remember doing all this, going to the same montessori and being just a year older?) she would gobble up the sums, completing one book after another, always wanting more. "Double A's drawer came first that year" she gleefully recalls, describing her childhood as an intelligent, good child.

Speaking of "Double A", let me clear this matter up, if such a thing is possible. According to Miss Cader, who constantly keeps saying how normal she is (no doubt to convince herself of the matter as well) the double A at the beginning of her name is a registered trade mark and her own copyright spelling. "So let there never be another Aaysha with a double A" says "Double A" (pretty normal behaviour Huh).

Anyway from montessori to primary which she says was a bit too strict, Aaysha developed a love for English with the introduction of ESSAYS! Alphabets, word making and sentence processing being too boring for "Double A" she just loved doing essays. A love which lead her to win many essay and speech contests later on.

Having a love for hammering things "Double A" joined the primary and collegiate school western band, playing the side drum, through out. "I am not a musical person. I do not understand notes. Drums just suited me. I had a lot of fun banging them away to the beat".

Doing Bio-Science for her A Levels, Aaysha loved Bio, especially Human Bio, but hated Physics, and often wished she could have done English Lit instead. "Unfortunately I couldn't do that combination to do medicine" she says. Doing the subject she hated however did earn her, her Tigger. Tigger, her favourite soft toy (see pix). "My parents gave me a small Tigger during the physics exam, and I have been a Tigger fan ever since".

Tigger is not however her only love. Aaysha also loves, arguing (???), SMSing (she received about ten beeps during the interview), reading John Grisham (she loves the law parts), biting her nails (Okay. Okay. She has stopped doing so now) her friends and family. Friends she says are the most important people in life next to family.

With four younger sisters, a father and mother Aaysha's happy she comes from a large family, cause she's hardly ever alone, and has so many more people (or rather victims) to argue with. Speaking of her siblings here is her descriptions of them all. Asma-the youngest-is a basket ball fanatic, Zara-another arguing person in the family, Aamina-calm and religious, and Mariam whose closest to her in age, is closest to her as well. Of her mum and dad she says they are the best people in the world. "They trust me and give me the freedom to make my own choices. I love them a lot".

So who is Aaysha (C) Cader? she is not a nerd reveals "Double A". "It is annoying when people think I'm nothing but a nerd who spends the whole day buried in books. I'm much more than that".

Trying to remove the whole nerd image people seem to have got of her, Aaysha's motto in life is that life is not just about how much you study but how good a person you are. "Intellectual", "Awesome" and "Happy" is how she describes herself. On a more serious note, she says she is sincere, dedicated, responsible and always enjoys a laugh. A religious person too she says "I am glad I have my faith and I believe a lot in prayer".

Having been to Mecca when she was just ten, it made a big impact in her life. Believing and loving her religion passionately Aaysha has appeared for three consecutive years on Rupavahini's special Islamic programme for the month of Ramazan as guest speaker on the topic "Lailathul Qadr, The Night of Power".

Having finished her 'A' Levels early this year Aaysha is sitting for the law entrance, hopes to do medicine in University and later join the UN or WHO if she can. She is also at the moment going to do a spot of journalism, so watch out, you might see some "Intellectual", "Double A" articles in the newspapers.

PS - Aaysha was the Runner-up of the same Zonta Award last year, and also Runner-up of the Toast Master's Best Speaker Competition last year which she says was the best thing ever happen to her.



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