SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 10 August 2003  
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 Explosive in the blues fashion 

Making a return performance in Sri Lanka, the Bill Heid Trio once again delighted music lovers with an exciting and explosive blues and jazz programme at the Barefoot Gallery on Friday, July 25. Bill Heid - pianist/vocalist distilled new wine from some recognised and established vintage blues and jazz tunes by cleverly reworking them with shifting tempos.

Bill Heid Trio

Acclaimed for his driving right hand fluency on the keyboard and that raspy blues voice of his, Bill Heid's programme that evening included jazz standards from the books of Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, Cole Porter, blues favourites and also an up tempo original of his, 'Brother George', from the trio's latest album.

From their opener which Bill Heid termed as 'Some Kind of Pop' to their last tune about the Chinese chopsticks the trio had the dedicated music lovers with them till the last note was struck. Patrick O'Leary, this time around playing an upright bass, and Michael Petrosino on drums gave understanding support and their versatile solos in their 'blowing spaces' revealed their artistry which gave added thrust to the programme. Petrosino's showcased extended solo in 'Caravan' was a display of effective stick and snare language.

Bill Heid's interpretation of Ellington's 'I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart' was a lyrical cruise with enchanting drum and piano exchanges, Petrosino using brushes to suit the mood. The dedication by Bill Heid to Chiran of the USIS 'Save Your Love For Me' saw Heid in true impromptu blues form, using his voice in an extended solo that contained the emotional nuances that blues singers are noted for. Cole Porter's Night and Day' sung by him was an engaging trip away from its conventional tracks. His solo (piano and voice) giving a break for the drummer and bassist, was another highlight as well as Gershwin's 'Summertime.'

All in all it was an evening of weighty music laced with emotional power - jazz and blues impresses you immediately and grows on you. The last time the Bill Heid Trio performed in Sri Lanka, the Lionel Wendt saw a capacity packed audience enjoying the culture of America. Unfortunately this time, this remarkable trio performed to a very limited audience and sadly many music lovers were not able to be present to enjoy the trio's excellence.

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