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Sunday, 14 September 2003 |
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Golden fleece Sel lipi by Gotabhaya Swasthi Shree! Thus says his sacred Majesty, the gracious Great King, glorious Chakravarthi, King of the Kings of Maya, Pihiti and Ruhuna, Mahoora of the Vanniala-aeththo and ruler of all lands from Yapapatuna to Sampanthota: It has come to the notice of the Maha Vasala that in the fair, Yonaka land of Misara, watered by the great Nila river, many of the greatest pundits of the neethi dharmaya, of both Misara and the Parangi lands, have gathered together in order to study the ancient legal pus-kolas. It appears that plans are afoot to bring a charge of grand larceny against the Yudhewu people. Those familiar with the recent events in the lands of the Yonakas and the Yudhewus would, it is surmised, immediately think that any such matter would be laid against Ariya Sha-rona, the chakravarthi of the land of brimming-over milk and beeshoney. Sha-rona, after all, was a senapathi of the battalions of dhandumonaras and war-rathas that took away lands from the Yonakas six and thirty years ago. However, it seems that this supposition would be a maya, a false image. What is actually taking place is that the pundits of the neethi dharmaya, of both Misara and the Parangi lands, are preparing the ground for a law suit against all the Yudhewus of the Earth, for the crime of having plundered the ancient denizens of the Nila valley of kotis worth of gold, thousands of years ago. Their authority for the fact of the crime comes from the very sacred puskola potha of the Yudhewus themselves. It seems that, in the five-and-thirtieth and six-and-thirtieth stanzas of the 12th chapter of the second part (that which deals with the efflux out of Misara of the Yudhews) of the holy grantha, it is stated that the Yudhewus did as (their leader) Musaa said: they asked the denizens of Misara for silver and gold ornaments and for raiments, and thus robbed them. Certain of the Yudhews have replied that this fleecing of gold was justified, as the same book says that the people of Misara enslaved them for 400 years, never paying them for their rajakariya work. They plan to bring a counter-charge against Misara for this crime. The Maha Wasala considers that this is a good opportunity for the people of this resplendent isle. They should follow the same course of action, bringing charges against their erstwhile oppressors. The Parangis of Pratikaalaya, of Olandha and of Brithaanya must be asked to pay us back for centuries of plunder, and the restitution should be immense. And we need not stop there: we should accuse Maha Cheena of kidnapping and grand larceny, for their senapathi Dos abducted the sovereign Vijayabahu and took untold amounts of treasure as well. And we should cause plaint to be made against Dhambadhiva, because Rama and his monkey army came and destroyed the city of Ravana (which was like unto the fabulous Alakamandhaava of Vaishravana) and stole all the treasures of Lanka. How timely this opportunity is, we can see from the dilapidated state of the treasury, where the coffers are empty of kahapanas, and for which we must beg or borrow from less spiritual countries than ours. Therefore, let the royal mahabaandaagarika, the most noble and wily Kshathriya, Narimanas Shoka-siha manthri, forthwith start proceedings against the earlier predators on the wealth of this nation; for he himself is not ignorant of the neethi dharma. And let him fill up the emptiness of the coffers of this dhammadhweepa with the compensation that will surely flow Lanka-wards from those countries. What need shall we then have to beg or borrow? Swasthi Shree! This rock edict is made on this day of Ravi of the month of Binara of the Year of the Saka Era 1930. |
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