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Sunday, 2 November 2003  
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Be your own doctor with - Acupressure

by Dr. T. Chandiramogan Base Hospital, Puttalam.

Acupressure can be described as "Acupuncture without needles." When there is pain on any part of the body, we generally try to get relief by rubbing or pressing that part. If we take this natural reflex into consideration, we should not be surprised at the evolution of acupressure. Certain points on the skin must have connections with the internal organs of the body.

The Chinese believe that energy flows through the human body continuously. It is a vital motivating force. It is called Qi or chi or vital energy. Indian philosophers know it as "Prana" or "Pran Wayu." Which exists in the body, the heart beats, brain works, lungs breathe.

The vital energy flows through definite courses or channels called "Meridians". The Chinese call them "Jing". There are in all 14 meridians in our body. Out of these 14 meridians 12 are located in pairs, each on the right side and the left side of the body while the remaining two are single.

The 12 paired meridians comprise six "yin" meridians and six yang meridians. These meridians maintain the flow of vital energy with the main organs of the body and each meridian has been given the name of the organ with which it is connected. Ex: The meridian, which is connected to the Heart is called "Heart meridian."

When there is any disorder in an organ of the body the whole of its corresponding meridian does not become tender, or painful. But only some points lying on that meridian become tender (referred pain) and severe pain is felt when these points are pressed.

How does this happen? Why is the whole meridian not painful? The reason is that acupressure points work as "regulators". They regulate and direct the energy flowing in the meridians.

Acupressure points 'regulate' vital energy which flows through the meridian. By stimulating certain points lying on that meridian by applying pressure on them and the disease of that organ can be eliminated. The decisive proof of this fact is that as soon as the disease is eliminated, the pain in the acupressure point is relieved.

Though it is true that early and differential diagnosis of a disease is possible with the help of acupressure, the patient is advised not to attempt to diagnose his disease on his own. The work of diagnosis should be left to an experienced physician.

Effect of acupressure:

1. Anaesthetic effect: The benefit of this effect is of value in the cases of painful conditions like joint pain, headache, toothache, backache, sprain and abdominal pain etc.

2. Sedative effect: It is found that delta and theta waves have been depressed. It means that the brain has been tranquillised.

3. Homeostatis effect: It maintain the all body function become normal. Such as, heart beats, respiratory system, metabolism, blood pressure, body temperature, blood cholesterol etc.

4. Immune enhancing effect: It strengthens the body's natural resistance power, due to increase the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, gammaglobulin etc.

5. Psychological effect: Improvement in mental health due to the effect on a part of the midbrain called reticular formation.

6. Musculo Skeleton effect: Increased strengthens the muscle, bone, tendon. The benefit of this effect is taken in the cases of paralysis, polio, cramps and athletics.

Advantages of acupressure:

Easy, safe, drugless and simple acupressure is an effective treatment.

It is a self-treatment, you are your own doctor.

This treatment can be taken as often as needed.

It is cost free, and completely free from side effects.

Diagnosis of disease; Even in the initial stage, is possible with the help of painful points.

Usefulness of acupressure:

1. It gives relief from the symptoms of a disease

2. It can be used as a first aid till a doctor arrives or a patient is admitted to a hospital.

3. It can prevent relapse of a disease.

4. Acupressure can beneficially be used along with other therapies. It helps to Increase the efficiency of the organs and the system of the body. It strengthens the joints and the muscles.

Locating the pressure points

During the acupressure treatment, if you want to find the point on another person, you must remember to use his hand or thumb to measure his body.

The width of the hand, the thumb or the fingers is in keeping with the constitution of an Individual.

1. Pain or sensitivity to pressure is the surest Index of accurately finding the point." Its corresponding point becomes very sensitive and tender. The pressure on the area around the exact point gives less pain.

2. The colour of the point appears different from that of the area around it, It appears yellowish, white or red.

3. The skin on that point looks swollen or rough, tiny boils may be found there.

How to use thumbs or fingers for acupressure:

The thumbs, Index or middle fingers can be used. More pressure can be applied by putting the tip of the Index finger on the nail of the middle finger. Blunt devices called Jummy are also available for applying pressure.

The nails of the thumbs and the fingers should be properly clipped and smoothened in order to avoid any injury or abrasion on the skin while pressing the points.

How much pressure should be applied?

The degree of pressure to be exerted depends on site of point, patient's disease, age, physical condition and physique.

The following circumstances light or moderate pressure is considered proper;

1. If the patient is taking the treatment for the first time.

2. When there is acute pain in the point.

3. When there is swelling around the point

4. When the underlying muscles are week or flabby.

5. When the corresponding organ is seriously diseased.

When the light pressure is to be applied the pad of the finger may be used;

Hard pressure is applied in the following circumstances;

1. If the disease is chronic

2. If the patient is not suffering from other complications of the disease

3. If the patient is not very tired.

When hard pressure is applied, used tip of the finger.

Age Duration

Newborn babies 1/2 - 3 minutes

Babies 3-6 months 1-4 minutes

Babies of 6-12 months 1-5 minutes

Children aged 1-3 years 3-7 minutes

Children aged 3-12 years 5-10 minutes

Adults 5-15 minutes

Important Instructions of Acupressure;

1. Under conditions such a fatigue, profuse perspiration, rapid heart beats, one should postpone taking acupressure treatment till one regains normal condition.

2. If hungry, one should better take some food before taking the treatment.

3. Acupressure treatment should not be taken immediately after meals or on full stomach. The treatment should be taken two hours after meals

4. One should not take acupressure treatment within two hours of taking any drug.

5. One should not take acupressure treatment within half an hour after bathing in hot water.

6. In ordinary circumstances acupressure treatment is not recommended during pregnancy.

7. Treatment should be taken on the point which lies beneath a scar or an injured part on the skin.

8. One should not take acupressure treatment on the part beneath which a bone is fractured on account of some injury.

9. If one's vertebrae are seriously injured or if one is suffering from sciatica, one should not take acupressure treatment on that part of the spine.

During the initial stages of the acupressure treatment, the patient sometimes suffers from some discomforts. Such as headache, diarrhoea,mental irritation. These discomforts disappear on their own in a few days


Point of view: 

No scientific basis that chicken is heart healthy

by Dr. D. P. Atukorale

Following an advertisement for chicken over electronic and news media by Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, there is a misconception in the minds of Sri Lankans that chicken is 'a highly nutritious food for healthy living.' As far as I am aware there is no medical basis for this advertisement and I would be very grateful to any reader if he or she could enlighten the public as to whether there is any truth in the above advertisement.

As far as I am aware, from cardiovascular point of view, consumption of chicken does not prevent heart disease and excessive consumption of chicken is not beneficial for patients suffering from hypercholesterolemia (high serum levels of cholesterol).

Most of the fat in the chicken is in the chicken skin. Deep fried chicken contains more fat than the so-called 'curry chicken.' A plain 3 ounce serving of chicken breast has one gram of saturated fat which is not heart healthy, and it is common knowledge that excessive consumption of saturated fat raises your bad (LDL) cholesterol.

In addition to saturated fat, chicken meat (as in the case of all other meat products) contains cholesterol which is again not heart healthy. In general, chicken meat contains less cholesterol, less saturated fat and more unsaturated fat than beef, pork, mutton and lamb. This is why many doctors and dieticians recommend the replacement of beef, pork, mutton and lamb with chicken.

According to Prof. T. W. Wickramanayake who is an international authority on Nutrition, chicken is considered heaty and is best avoided during pregnancy. "It is believed to induce abortion and cause deformity of the baby". (Food and Nutrition, 3rd Edition).

I understand that chicken raised for broiler meat are routinely given antibiotics and hormones (to make the chicken fatter in a matter of few weeks). These antibiotics and hormones (growth hormone) have undesirable side-effects on humans who consume broiler chicken.


Leukorrhea or white discharge

Leukorrhea or white discharge is a very common symptom which nevertheless causes unnecessary fears and anxieties to those who have this condition, because of misinformation. Dr. Fathima Rahman answers some frequently asked questions on the subject.

Q: What is Leukorrhea.

A: It is a whitish vaginal discharge. As puberty advances the development of glandular-structures and of the calcyciform epithelial cells progresses rapidly, and is re-stimulated at each menstruation and gestation.

The mucous membrane lining the body of the uterus differs from all other mucous covering. The epithelial cells assume calcyciform characteristics, and the glands secrete mucus. The vaginal secretion is recognized as nature's protection against the infection of the uterus from micro organisms invading the vagina. Immunity being insured as long as the secretion remains acid. The normal secretion is a thin colourless mucoid fluid, and is free from micro organisms.

Q: Is it a disease?

A: It becomes a disease when the cervical barrier is broken down and the micro organisms enter the cavity of uterus, they multiply with great rapidity and give rise to the most serious diseases of the female pelvis.

Catarrh is exclusively a product of mucous membranes. It is a mucoid degeneration that finds its physiological type in the mucous secretion of mucous membrane and mucous glands.

All catarrhs of the genital canal have their origin in local congestion and irritation. Simple gynaecological catarrh occurs most frequently in children and young adults. It is usually confined to the vulva and vagina, rarely involving the uterus and represented by an increased secretion of mucus that contains few cellular elements.

In virgins it is usually associated with displacement of the uterus, congestion of the ovaries, or general pelvic congestion, in married women it may be connected with defective sexual hygiene, or when a part of a multipara's history, with sub involution of the uterus.

Q: Explain the conditions where Leukorrhea or white discharge prevail as a disease?

A: Any cause that induces a chronic congestion of the pelvic organs and structures may be looked upon as most potent in the etiology of simple gynaecological catarrh. Simple catarrh may continue through all phases of life, it may become chronic even before puberty, and persist without material changes during menstrual life in unmarried woman.

When, however, the simple catarrh of childhood continues into menstrual life, or develops after puberty, it is frequently of the mucopurulent variety, and therefore, while this catarrh may occur at any period of life it is the form most frequently associated with maturity.

Mucopurulent gynaecological catarrh which is the chronic inflation of the mucous membrane, is usually a chronic disease. It belongs to adult life more especially, and is connected with the period of sexual activity. It is most frequent in married women and especially in those who have borne children.

Women who have borne children and those who employ means to prevent conception, or to arrest gestation, are also frequent subjects of mucopurulent catarrh. The causes are either mechanical injury to the Cervix, or an irregular congestion of the uterus without the means nature provides for the emptying of the surcharged vessels.

The most common symptom that accompany gynaecological mucopurulent catarrh is a persistent backache. This is a dull, wearisome pain below the waistline. It is aggravated by standing, but is never wholly absent save during menstruation, when there may be relief.

Q: What can be done to prevent Leukorrhea?

A: Establishing a regular daily habit of bowel movement will help to overcome intestinal inaction, and will induce an onward movement of the faecal mass. Diet is also important. Immoderate use of sweets, rich highly seasoned food, alcohol, without outdoor exercise to counteract its baneful effects, all tend to congest the liver, and induce constipation. Tea and coffee should be taken sparingly.

Q: What is the treatment given to cure Leucorrhoea permanently in Homeopathy?

A: The Homoeopathic Medicines are given according to the symptoms present and the causation of the disease.


New life for crippled knee joints

More than 200 people faced with the prospect of being crippled for life are walking again following successful "Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR)" at the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital, the country's premier teaching hospital.

The knee replacement surgery in progress.

In the four years since it began knee replacement surgery, the hospital has achieved a remarkable 99 per cent success rate with this procedure. This average is considered excellent in terms of international standards. It offers victims of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or congenital or trauma-related knee deformities a chance to return to a relatively normal life.

In the first nine months of this year alone, Sri Jayewardenepura has performed 51 knee replacement procedures that involve the implantation of artificial components or prostheses into the living bone of the femur (the bone that connects the hip and knee - thigh area) and tibia (the bone that extends from the knee joint to the ankle) to replace degenerated knee joints.

The procedure is performed by Dr. Ananda Perera, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Sri Jayewardenepura, who has had extensive training in the diagnosis and non-surgical and surgical treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves.

According to Dr. Perera, patients who undergo knee replacement surgery recover full mobility of the knee joint, allowing them to perform their daily functions with the exception of contact sports and squatting without pain. Patients who undergo total knee replacement experience a dramatic reduction of knee pain and a significant improvement in the ability to perform common activities of daily living.

The prosthesis costs Rs. 150,000 for one knee and the entire stay at the hospital in a normal ward is around Rs. 10,000 - 15,000, states a press release from the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital.


What natural Vitamin E - can do for you

by Dr. Laxman Mavarkar, Consultant dermatologist, Apollo Hospital, Colombo.

Vitamin E - (also known as alpha tocopherol) is an essential nutrient that functions as an antioxidant in the human body. It is essential, because the body cannot manufacture its own Vitamin E and thus it must be provided by foods and supplements.

There are two types of Vitamin E preparations available in the market, natural and synthetic Vitamin E. Recent studies indicate that the effectiveness of natural Vitamin E is approximately twice that of synthetic Vitamin E in the body, as the natural Vitamin E is retained longer in the body tissue.

Natural Vitamin E is extracted from vegetable oils, nuts and wheat germ oils while synthetic Vitamin E is derived from petrochemicals. Moreover the body prefers natural to synthetic. Free radicals are normal byproducts of cell activity and serve necessary and desirable functions in the body. However, an overload of free radicals (resulting from certain lifestyle and environmental exposures) are toxic and damages the normal cells, making us more susceptible to chronic diseases.

Antioxidants play a significant role in the body's defense against excess levels of free radicals and the damage they cause. These antioxidants include Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Carotinoids.

Each antioxidant is important and each has a separate role in the protection against free radical damage. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E is of particular importance because it is the primary defence against damage to cell membranes that are vital to healthy functions of human organs.

Vitamin E as an antioxidant protects against the negative effect of ageing, which include wrinkles, pigmentation and rough skin. Recent scientific studies reveal that Vitamin E may help slow the ageing process. Vitamin E can also reduce damage caused by sun exposure and its important to remember here that the skin is the most sensitive organ of the body while that of the face is even more sensitive.

In addition, research suggests that Vitamin E enhances the action of the immune system to fight bacterial invasion, may help microcirculation (blood circulation) of the skin to promote hair growth and prevent premature ageing of the skin.

Further, Vitamin E improves wound healing, scar formation and supports acne treatment. Vitamin E may also be useful in a variety of cancer, coronary heart diseases, cataract formation, arthritis etc.

In conclusion, let me emphasise that popping Vitamin E pills everyday can give you a youthful look.

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