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ITI hosts 52nd Exco meeting of WAITRO

The Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) will host the 52nd Executive Committee meeting of the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organisations (WAITRO) from March 8 - 11 at the request of the WAITRO Secretariat located at SIRIM in Malaysia.

It has been the practice, of the Institute's of the Executive Committee members to host these bi-annual meetings on a rotation basis. Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris, Head of the Corporate Services Division of the ITI, serves as the 1st Vice President of WAITRO and it has now become the turn of the ITI to host the meeting. This will be the first time that such a meeting is held in Sri Lanka. The ITI (formerly the CISIR) has been a member of WAITRO since 1974 and Dr. Pieris has served as a member of the executive committee initially as the Asia Pacific Regional representative from 1998 and 2002 and subsequently as the first vice-president from 2002.

WAITRO presently has over 150 R & D and related organizations as members from more than 80 countries throughout the world. The executive committee members comprise a president, two vice presidents and seven regional representatives who are elected at a general assembly held biennially.

The present Executive committee was elected at the general assembly of WAITRO held in Porto Alegre in Brazil in September 2002.

Members who will be participating at the meeting are Dr. Bjorn Lundberg, president WAITRO and managing director of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd., Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris, 1st vice president and Head, Corporate Services Division, ITI, Mr. David Grier, 2nd vice president of the Saskatchewan Research Council, Canada and the Regional representatives, Prof. Henry Moses Thairu of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya, Dr. Anung Kusnowo of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Prof. Jacek Kijenski of the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Poland, Prof. Dr. Adel Nofal of the Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, Egypt, Denis Gossielin, of Industrial Research Centre of Quebec, Canada, Dr. Dirk Meints Polter of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany and Dr. Julio Cesar Trois Endres from CIENTEC, Brazil, representatives of the Commonwealth Science Council, UNESCO and UNIDO have also been invited to attend.

Mr. Aziz Manan, senior vice president of SIRIM Berhad, Malaysia and Secretary General, WAITRO and Ms. Goay Peck Sim also of SIRIM Berhad who is the deputy secretary general will also attend it.

The executive committee meeting to be held at the ITI on March 8 and 9 will be followed by a networking session on the theme "Quality and Performance in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs)" to be held on March 10 at The Colombo Plaza Hotel.

The Networking session which is an experience-exchange program will be supported by UNIDO and APCTT (Asia Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology) and is intended to be the first in a series of activities aimed at raising quality and performance in RTOs and will focus on modules such as Quality Certification, Customer Management, Employee Management, Organisational Culture, Knowledge Management and Benchmarking of Best Practices.

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