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Sunday, 25 April 2004  
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Speaker worships the Sacred Tooth Relic

by Pradeepkumara Dharmaratne and Mahanama Galahitiyawa - Kandy North Special Corr. and Kadugannawa Group Corr.

I concentrated my mind recalling the doctrine of the Buddha in the Dhammachakkappavattana Sutta at the troubled situation that arose at the meeting to elect the Speaker of the 13th Parliament and by virtue of this craving was eliminated and I emerged victorious the newly elected Speaker W. J. M. Lokubandara told journalists at the Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy.

The power of the Dhamma is nobler than every other power and I got the post effortlessly by controlling my mind eliminating desire, he said.

The Speaker who came to worship the Sacred Tooth Relic was received at the entrance to the Temple of the Tooth by the son of the Diyawadana Nilame, Naveendra Wijeyeratne by giving him a tray of jasmine flowers.

The Speaker said that it was for the first time that a high post like this was bestowed to Uva-Wellassa and although it could have been by unanimous choice it was not to be owing to certain untoward acts. The Speaker said further "I regret very much that the President and the Prime Minister did not take steps to make the selection to this post unanimous. However I can thankful to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna for helping to get elected to this post with the patronage of the Jathika Hela Urumaya owing to the conduct of the JVP. I condemn outright the unseemly acts in Parliament that day. It is my view that every people's representative should be so large hearted as to accept both victory and defeat.

I am now an independent person liberated from the bonds of Parliament.

I shall act without party differences to set in motion the machinery of Parliament for social welfare and meting out justice in the service of the people. I also dedicate myself to create an institution with strength for the fruition of the wishes of the people.

Expressing his views on the constitution the Speaker said that he will act legally and according to his conscience obtaining the written legal opinion of intelligentsia of this country and international legal experts. He said in conclusion that he is a person who does not belong to one section but to the whole Parliament. The Mahanayake Thera of the Malwatte Chapter Most Ven. Rambukwelle Sri Vipassi said: "A great disapproval has arisen in the minds of the people with regard to the manner in which the Bhikkhus of the Jathika Hela Urumaya acted in electing a Speaker. The Mahanayake Theras intend to discuss this matter at length. In future all must act with one mind and unitedly. I am extremely happy about Mr. W. J. M. Lokubandara being elected the new Speaker".

The Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter Most Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkhitha said "I regret the untoward incident that occurred in Parliament on the occasion of the election of the Speaker".

Addressing the Speaker the Mahanayake Thera requested him to act putting aside all disputes.

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