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Sunday, 30 May 2004 |
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Compiled by Carol Aloysius Tomorrow is World No Tobacco Day : How smoking can kill you Tobacco smoke is packed with poisons that can damage the heart and blood vessels. Nicotine - an addictive poison, makes the heart beat faster, and makes blood pressure soar temporarily. It also increases the risk of blood clots. Carbon monoxide - a poisonous gas released when tobacco burns. Inhaled by the smoker, it dramatically cuts the amount of oxygen the blood can carry around the body and to the heart.
Smoking dramatically increases the risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer and many other diseases. These diseases are not always fatal but can seriously affect your quality of life. Smoke and you're more likely to die before you retire. 40 per cent of heavy smokers (those smoking over 20 cigarettes a day) die before retirement age, compared to only 15% of non-smokers. Women at risk Women are as much at risk as men of developing diseases from smoking - smoking-related diseases in women are still on the increase. The risk of heart disease is dramatically increased for women who are over 35, smoke and who take the contraceptive pill. But now, thankfully, people are more aware of the health hazards and women, like men, are choosing to quit smoking. Why not join them? Sidestream smoker Cigarettes give off two types of smoke - 'mainstream smoke' is filtered by the cigarette and inhaled by the smoker. The other type is sidestream smoke which goes directly from the end of the cigarette into the air. As it is not filtered it contains higher concentrations of harmful substances than the mainstream smoke. It is therefore potentially dangerous to non-smokers, especially when they are exposed to it for long periods of time. Children at risk Children who are exposed to their parents' sidestream smoke are more prone than other children to serious chest illnesses such as pneumonia, lung cancer and bronchitis. They are also more likely to smoke if their parents do. How to quit Stop day - choose a day to stop and stop completely on that day. Identify times when you particularly crave a cigarette and make sure
you have something to occupy your hands (worry beads, a pencil to doodle
with, sewing). Ash cash - work out how much you're saving and plan how to spend it. Think positively - you're a non-smoker, not a smoker who's given up. When you're offered cigarette say 'No thanks, I don't smoke' - every time! When you feel the urge to smoke, remember how well you've done so far and how hard it was to give up in the first place. Find out what's available locally. Ask your family doctor about the availability of techniques like nicotine chewing gum, stop-smoking groups, hypnosis, acupuncture, aversion therapy and relaxation classes. People are quitting smoking for many reasons, most of all, the growing realisation that smoking is one of the greatest health hazards mankind has ever faced. Ask most people about the health risks of smoking and lung cancer will be the swift reply. It often comes as a surprise that heart disease caused by smoking kills as many people as lung cancer. . Middle aged male smokers are twice as likely to suffer the crippling chest pains of angina; . One in three 40 year old men who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day will die of a heart attack before reaching retirement; . In fact, smoking doubles your risk of dying from heart disease. Each year 35,000 British smokers die from heart disease. Add to that the risk of cancer, the hacking cough, bronchitis, diseases linked to the circulatory system sore throats, ulcers and it's little wonder that people choosing the healthy heart option say NO to tobacco. (Courtesy: 'Flora') *** The killer weed People (mostly males in our country) smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes and beedi. In each of these, tobacco is the essential ingredient. The tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which produces a temporary stimulation of the body. Like most substances which stimulate the body, nicotine (and therefore tobacco smoking) is addictive - people develop a craving for it and become slaves to it. Nicotine has many harmful effects. It causes a stimulation of the heart, which starts beating faster and sometimes irregularly. There are other harmful substances in the tobacco smoke. All these play a role in the causation of atherosclerosis where the blood vessels become obstructed and cause heart disease, strokes and painful limbs (peripheral vascular disease). Apart from nicotine, tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, tar and poisonous agrochemicals that may have been sprayed on to the tobacco plant. These cause illnesses, which range from frequent respiratory infections to dreaded diseases such as cancer of the lungs. Smoking is known to cause cancers in other sites as well, such as in. the mouth, (especially in pipe and cigar smokers, where the tar is in close contact with parts of the mouth for long periods). the throat, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach, due to swallowing of the carcinogens (cancer producing substances). A recent WHO publication reports that. * About half of all tobacco related deaths occur at ages 35-69 years in developed countries; * Smokers in their thirties and forties have five times as many heart attacks as non-smokers; * Tobacco related mouth cancer; is found to be a significant risk factor in Sri Lanka. The passive smoker The risks of smoking affect not only those who smoke but also those in close contact with them. These contacts would also breathe the air that is contaminated with tobacco smoke. Furthermore, those who inhale the smoke from others are at a greater risk because they do not have the protection which smokers get from the filter of the cigarette filter. These passive smokers are those living in the same house - spouse, children and others, or those in smoke filled cinema halls, buses, etc. If women start acquiring this harmful habit (as they have done in some countries), mothers and mothers-to-be in particular, should understand that smoking would cause harmful effects on the unborn baby during pregnancy and especially on the newborn during breast feeding. Tobacco smoking is the largest single factor in premature death, disability and disease world-wide. Tobacco smoking will cause about 4.9 million deaths every year with about 1.1 million of them in developing countries. Many millions will suffer from tobacco-induced heart disease, stroke or cancer. According to current smoking trends there will be about 17,000 deaths annually in Sri Lanka due to tobacco smoking and many thousands more will suffer from heart disease, cancers and stroke. (From Your Child, Your Family) - Dr. H A Aponso et al Pranic healing Pranic healing is the answer to many of the "modern illnesses". Thousands across the world have gained total recovery from ailments such as stress, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, gastro-intestinal problems, skin ailments, and so on. It has no particular religious bias, but emphasizes loving kindness, right livelihood and character building. Global coordinating Centres have been set up in many countries including Philippines, UK, USA, UAE, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Canada, Thailand, Lebanon, Singapore, Brazil etc. It is a great blessing to millions of people living in some developing countries, who are in dire poverty and do not have access to medical care! Pranic Healing has its origin in time immemorial. Ancient sages, Chinese Taoists, Tibetan Monks among others have been using Prana or energy healing techniques. However, the system has been shrouded in mystery since it was taught and practised secretly and selectively for fear of misuse. That the mystique of Aura was familiar since ancient times is evident from the fact that portraits of Deities and Saints belonging to almost every religion show light surrounding their heads, enveloping their bodies or emerging from their palms. These are all depictions of energy. Pranic Healing is a simple yet scientific "no-touch" method of healing that utilises "Prana" or "Life Force" to heal physical, mental and emotional ailments. The technique is based on the principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing is a way of life and teaches one pranic breathing, proper diet, proper exercise, proper emotions and thoughts, proper human relationships, proper livelihood, proper lifestyle and the Law of Karma. What is Prana? Prana means energy, the vital energy or life force that forms the outer layer of the physical body and in all life forms. This energy is called Ki in Japanese, Chi in Chinese Pneuma in Greek and Ruah, the breath of life, in Hebrew. Prana is the invisible energy feild that surrounds the human body. It is universally known as the energy body or the Aura.In Yogic terms, we call such a body the Annamaya Kosha Kirilian photography has already documented the Aura through high frequency cameras that are capable of capturing these energy fields. Prana and Healing The energy body and the physical body are closely related so much so that the energy body is referred to as "the Etheric Twin" of the physical body. What affects one, affects the other. Any disease should first penetrate the energy body, before it manifests itself on the physical body. A disease can be located in the energy body three months before it would manifest on the physical body. While modern medicine treats the physical body to cure diseases, the Pranic Healer treats the energy body and thereby effects a cure. However it must be emphasized that Pranic Healing does not intend to replace modern medicine, but to complement and supplement it. How is healing performed? The energy body comprises of Chakras (corresponding to the vital organs in the physical body) and the Nadis (corresponding to the blood vessels in the physical body). For maintenance of good health, the chakras should be balanced and the Nadis should be free flowing. Any imbalance in the form of congestion, depletion, under-activation or over activation of chakras, blockage or leakage in the nadis causes the corresponding vital organ in the physical body to malfunction, manifesting as disease. Scanning, a method of feeling the energy body of a person using your palms, is taught in the basic pranic healing course. The pranic healer proceeds to assess the energy condition of the patient, before commencing the healing. Energy blocks and leakages in the Aura are detected and they are cleansed and sealed. Healing is accomplished by cleansing the affected charkas and the Aura by removing the diseased energy and replacing it with fresh vital energy, thereby restoring good health to the patient. Distance and Self-Healing Another powerful aspect of Pranic healing is the ability to heal a person without having the person to be physically present in front of the healer. Strange as it may sound, the effect of pranic distant healing is the same as close-range healing. Pranic healing also empowers the healer to heal himself. These techniques are taught extensively in the basic pranic healing course, and verified using easy-to-perform experiments. One of the greatest benefits of Pranic healing is Preventive Healing. As mentioned earlier, the pranic healer is able to detect the disease before it manifests in the physical body and therefore he is able to eradicate it. This ensures maintenance of good health at all times. Health Line : Snoring can cause high blood pressure by Dr. Rani Goonewardene In general snoring has no medical significance. It keeps you awake and
others from sleeping. It is an undesirable sound originated in the upper
air ways. Snoring is due to the turbulent air flow in the Pharynx which will cause vibratory trauma to the soft tissue of upper airways resulting in incomplete obstruction. Snoring is not under your control. It is more frequent in males and overweight persons., and grows with age. Other conditions that will propagate snoring are: (a) Blocked nasal passages or airways due to cold or sinus infection. (b) Seasonal allergies-nose stuffiness (c) Enlarged swollen Tonsils or adenoids. (d) Being over weight- obesity with a fat neck cause narrowing of the air passages-making breathing difficult. (e) Drinking alcohol -can relax the tongue and the throat muscle too much which will partially block the air passages. (f)Anatomical obstruction to nasal passages - deviated nasal septum. A more serious problem related to "Severe snoring" can occur when the soft tissues block the air passages completely at the back of the throat while asleep and interferes with the ability to breathe. This condition is known as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, and needs management, to prevent some of the complications like high blood pressure, and pulmonary hypertension. Socially and medically snoring can be serious. Socially: snoring disturb others and causes sleepless and restless nights. Snorer may be subjected to ridicule and it may also end up in divorce. Medically: snoring deprive the snorer of adequate sleep, rest and disturbs the normal sleep pattern. If snoring is severe it will result in Obstructive Sleep Apnea resulting in complications - High blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension. Please remember that snoring can be a result of obstructed breathing. Obstruction may be serious if snoring is severe, but not hopeless. Therefore take steps to solve the problem of snoring by consulting your doctor. Self help for the light snorer Weight reduction. To gain an ideal body weight.eg. Body Mass index of 20-25 (body mass index is weight in kilograms/height squared in metres. Adopt a healthy lifestyle develop good muscle tone. Prompt treatment of hay fever, nasal congestion and obstruction. Establish regular sleeping pattern. Never to sleep on your back. If you tend to roll on to your back to device a mean of sewing ping pong or tennis balls on to back of night wear/or a bra with tennis balls back to front. Avoid alcohol at least 4 hours/snacks for 3 hours before sleep. Abstain from smoking and taking sleeping pills, hypnotics and antihistamines. Neck collar to extend neck. Tilt the head of your bed upwards 4 inches. Use snoring intranasal device "breathing wonder' if available. Is baldness due to vitamin B deficiency? In a recent T.V. discussion on baldness, one consultant dermatologist mentioned that vegetarians are prone to baldness due to B12 deficiency as they don't consume fish and meat. I contacted three retired consultant dermatologists. All three of them told me that they were sure that B12 deficiency does not cause baldness. Majority of Sri Lankan vegetarians consume milk and milk products which contain B12 and B12 deficiency among vegetarians has not yet been reported in Sri Lankan medical literature. Even among Sri Lankan vegans (pure vegetarians) who do not consume milk, B12 deficiency has not yet been reported.I have read a number of textbooks and journals on vegetarianism and I have not yet come across this new finding: As I have received a number of telephone calls from vegetarian friends as to whether the statement made by this dermatologist is true, I would be very grateful if he or any other reader can enlighten the readers by giving the reference and the name of the medical book or journal where this finding has been published. - Dr. D.P. Atukorale |
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