Sunday, 20 June 2004  
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Daily News


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A B/G respectable parents seek suitable partner for pretty educated employed daughter 35, 5'3". Dowry available willing to live abroad. Reply with horoscope. 

A Professional is sought for very attractive daughter with a doctorate. We are a respectable family and well established in the US. She is 41, but looks 30. We are Govi, Catholics, but caste, religion is immaterial. Must be willing to relocate to the US. Please write to: [email protected] 

Catholic/K parents seek a suitable partner preferably M.B.B.S. Doctor or an Engineer for their fair pretty daughter 27 years, 5' 1" studying in her final year at the medical faculty. She possesses a handsome dowry. Full details in first letter please. 

Catholic parents seek educated professionally qualified partner for their pretty daughter 24 years 5'5" Graduate Software Engineer in reputed IT Company. Only brother is undergraduate, Govi / Karawe considered. E-mail: [email protected] 

Ceylon Moor parents from Colombo seek professionally qualified Muslim partner for their pretty lively and religious youngest daughter age 31, 5'5" tall presently in USA reading for Ph.D. in leading University in Washington DC. Person employed / resident in USA / Canada / UK preferred. Please reply with full details. 

Christian Vellala parents, visiting Colombo July, father Doctor in England, welcomes correspondence from Christian parents of fair, tall, good-looking professional boy below 30, working overseas, preferably Doctor working in England, Canada or USA, for 5'8" tall, fair, pretty, 23 year old Doctor daughter working in England, brought up with religious values. Full information in first letter. 

Educated respectable family seeks professional or businessman partner with sober habits for fair beautiful daughter, excellent character, well employed, divorced, no children, tall, 32, Catholic, substantial assets, differences not considered. e-mail [email protected] 

G/B parents from well connected family seek professionally qualified partner for 41 yrs tall, fair, IT Graduate daughter accomplished owns considerable assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. 

G/B parents from Colombo suburbs seek and educated, good looking partner below 31 for their pretty daughter, only child 25, of fair complexion, height 5'1", educated in UK and Sri Lanka. She graduated obtaining BBA from a University in USA. She works for a BOI company drawing a monthly salary of Rs. 41,000 and stands to inherit assets over 40 million. Reply with horoscope. Email: [email protected] MB1918

GB sister seeks an honest & loving husband, preferably a Dr, Engineer or an Accountant for younger sister, 29 yrs, 5'1", slim, v. pleasant, v. kind hearted, well brought up Early Childhood Teacher, resides in NZ while completing her Diploma. Pls. Reply with full details along with a copy of horoscope to [email protected] 

Govi Buddhist respectable parents seek a suitable partner for only daughter, Attorney employed in mercantile sector drawing over twenty five thousand 39 years, looks younger, five feet. Kuja in Seventh. Assets over four million. Write with details & horoscope. MB2048

Govigama, R/C parents seek kind, caring, professionally qualified respectable groom for well accomplished, never married daughter, Executive in Government Organization overseas living with parents, 35 years, looks very much younger, 5'2", fair, slim and pretty. Kind, caring, Convent educated well mannered with good moral character. Well educated, inherits a house from Colombo and dowry Rs.40 Lakhs. Will be in Sri Lanka soon for early marriage and willing to settle in Sri Lanka or abroad. Please reply with all details with the telephone number and copy of horoscope in the first letter. Religion and Caste immaterial. E-mail: [email protected] 

Govi / Salagama Buddhist parents from Colombo seek an educated partner preferably a professional in Medicine / Law / Finance for daughter 23 yrs pursuing postgraduate studies in law in U.S.A. Preference for those residing / studying in U.S.A. U.K. Reply with horoscope. Phone- 94-11-2912762. 

Highly respectable Kandyan Govi Buddhist mother seeks a suitable partner for pretty daughter aged 29, holding a foreign degree, currently serving as an Executive in the private sector. 

Kandyan Govi Buddhist professional parents from Kandy seek a suitable partner with sober habits for only daughter ex Bank Executive 44 looks much younger fair beautiful smart height 5' 4" excellent character substantial wealth including a house. Details with horoscope. E-mail: [email protected] 

Mother looking for educated son for her daughter 40, 5'2" slim Accountant. Reply with H.C. [email protected] 

Muslim family from Colombo seeks partner for daughter, practising Muslimah, 32, 5'6", slim, divorced after brief marriage, no encumbrances. Seeking practising Muslim for marriage for sake of Allah. Daughter non-working professional, hence prefer professional partner with stable career. Interested parties please reply with complete details to : [email protected] 

Parents G/B seek for daughter just 29 Doctor in Australia, 5' 4", a professionally qualified party 29 - 32 presently living in Australia / NZ for marriage. Caste immaterial.  [email protected]

Parents of Sinhala Govi-Buddhist background living in Australia seek a Western educated boy who is currently living in the West in marriage for their professionally qualified daughter. She is 29Y., attractive and has assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. All correspondence will be treated in absolute confidence. E-mail [email protected]  

Professionally qualified partner sought by Catholic Karawa parents for well educated and employed daughter, fair, very pretty, 26, 5'6", assets modern house, property cash, other castes considered. MB1966

Sister looking for educated person for her sister age 40, height 5'6" Accounts Executive. Willing to settle abroad. Reply with H.C. [email protected] 

Tamil Hindu Koviya parent seeks a suitable partner for her 1964 born senior lecturer daughter. Contact [email protected] 94-11-2735786, 94-777-346536. 

Well educated tall suitable partner sought for Karawe Buddhist 41 years 5'3" slim fair good looking Doctor MD working abroad. 



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