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Sunday, 11 July 2004    
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UPFA policy statement receives widespread acceptance

The policy statement of the UPFA Government titled " creating our future building our nation" was launched last week by Minister of Finance Dr Sarath Amunugama.

The "Sunday Observer" spoke to a cross section of top business personalities and trade chambers and they while welcoming the policy statement said that implementation is most important. Therefore setting up target dates and completing it before the due date is key to realising the economic goals of the country.

Nihal Abeysekera, President Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industries Sri Lanka (FCCISL), said the policy statement of the UPFA Government has addressed many areas while it has left out some areas.

" My main concern is the implementation which is the most important aspect of any statement and at most times it is very poor."

In the area of SME's the statement has addressed most of the areas that needed attention as the SME sector received step motherly treatment in the past though it provided employment to half of the labour force and contributed to 50 percent of the GDP.

It has addressed issues in the agricultural sector but issues such as post-harvest technology and better seed management have not been addressed.

Though problems in the fisheries industry have been looked into it has not provided for any kind of incentives to the canning industry. During the season fish is cheap and much goes waste, but during the off season it is expensive and as a solution to this the fish canning industry should be promoted.

Chairman Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI), Ranjith Hettiarachchy said the policy statement is very good as it has spelt out the action needed in many areas such as agriculture, industry, infrastructure but the most improtant aspect is getting to work immediately, setting targets and achieving them. He said the ministers concerned should be responsible for completing the targets on time or before the scheduled date. For example, in Bangkok an underground railway system was completed one month before the scheduled date which is very commendable.

The President Sri Lanka Fruits, Vegetable Producers Processors and Exporters Association, Sarath de Silva, welcomed the policy statement as it has looked at agriculture in a very positive manner.

The Government should get the advice of the experienced people in the industry and should bridge the gap between the government and the private sector and the country's knowledge bank the universities. At present the agriculture sector is facing difficulties due to increasing interest rates, non- availability of land for cultivation, inadeqate water supply as well as the restrictions by the Quarantine Department.

In the event we solve these problems we can increase the production as well as the yield per acre, the benefits will go to the outgrowers this will no doubt help the economy grow rapidly.

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