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Threats, challenges, change : 

All UN member states await recommendations

Foreign Affairs Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, on the occasion of the formal raising of the UN flag in commemoration of the 59th anniversary of the United Nations - Monday 26th October 2004.

The historic factors that led to the formation of the United Nations are well-known to all of us and need not therefore be recounted in detail. However, the fundamental reason for the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations and the creation of the United Nations Organisation should never be allowed to fade from the memory of mankind.


The United Nations rose from the ashes of the most cataclysmic war ever inflicted on mankind. The establishment and preservation of global peace became the most cherished hope of mankind. It is perhaps only when the Charter is viewed in historical perspective that one can appreciate fully the nature of the future that its framers envisioned for the world and strove to create for the peoples of the United Nations.

The United Nations, together with its Specialised Agencies, has been a power of good for the world. In countries everywhere, in the farthest corners of the world, in the most trying and testing conditions imaginable, UN staff, UN peacekeepers and volunteers work tirelessly on a daily basis, often at the risk of their lives, to serve the poor, the weak, the hungry, the homeless the oppressed, the under-privileged. It is only right and fitting that on this anniversary we should acknowledge, applaud and recall with gratitude the services they render for the benefit of mankind.

We realise that some provisions of the Charter need to be reexamined. We also recognise the need for comprehensive reform to render the UN more responsive to the needs and aspirations of all of its member States. We look forward, as I am sure all member States do, and all those who believe in the United Nations do, to the recommendations to be presented in December this year by the 'High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change', appointed by the Secretary General.


Peace and development, as recognised by world leaders in the UN Millennium Declaration, are interdependent. It is important, therefore, that the nations of the world, both developed and developing, act with renewed vigour to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

As pointed out by the Secretary-General in his Report on the Implementation of the Millennium Declaration, as the UN prepares for the five-year review of the Declaration next year, a major breakthrough is needed if the 2015 targets are to be met. It is necessary for developing countries to fulfil their commitments by taking necessary action to increase development assistance and foster technology transfer.

As the United Nations plans events to celebrate its 60th anniversary. Sri Lanka will plan events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our membership of the United Nations next year.

The partnership between the United Nations and Sri Lanka has evolved steadily over 50 years with the encouragement of successive governments. As President Kumaratunga noted in her address to the General Assembly last month, we in Sri Lanka have consistently, since Independence, laid great emphasis on human development.

The present government has made a special effort to ensure that Sri Lanka's economic and social development programmes are aligned with the UN's Millennium Development Goals. Sri Lanka's emphasis on human development since gaining Independence has been recognised and its programmes in that area have been considerably assisted by the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies.


In more recent times, the UN and its Specialized Agencies have helped us greatly in the provision of humanitarian assistance in the war affected areas of our country and in rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts.

I have no doubt that the people of Sri Lanka will join me today in expressing our sincere appreciation to the United Nations and its family of Agencies for the work they have already done, and continue to do, for our country. By way of recompense we must renew our own commitment to the realization of the noble principles to which the United Nations is dedicated and support the United Nations and its Agencies in the various international forums of which we are a member.

Sri Lanka has always been committed to the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter. In her General Assembly address President Kumaratunga warmly endorsed Secretary-General Kofi Annan's appeal to member States to uphold the rule of law everywhere without discrimination.

He pointed out that today the rule of law is at risk around the world. Again and again, he said, we see fundamental laws shamelessly disregarded - those that ordain respect for innocent lives, for civilians, for the vulnerable - especially children. He mentioned a few flagrant and topical examples:


"In Iraq civilians are massacred in cold blood and relief workers, journalists and other non-combatants are taken hostage and put to death in the most barbarous fashion. At the same time, we have seen Iraqi prisoners disgracefully abused. In Darfur, we see whole populations displaced and their homes destroyed and rape being used as a deliberate strategy.

In Northern Uganda, we have seen children mutilated, and forced to take part in acts of unspeakable cruelty. In Beslan, we have seen children taken hostage and brutally massacred. In Israel we see civilians, including children, deliberately targeted by Palestinian suicide bombers.

And in Palestine we see homes destroyed, lands seized, and needless civilian casualties caused by Israel's excessive use of force. And all over the world we see people being prepared for further such acts, through hate propaganda directed at Jews, Muslims, against anyone who can be identified as different from one's own group".

The Secretary-General argued that "at the international level all States - strong and weak, big and small - need a framework of fair rules which each can be confident others will obey. From trade to tourism, from the law of the sea to weapons of mass destruction, States have created an impressive body of norms and laws. This is one of our organisation's proudest achievements".

Speaking with unusual and memorable candour the Secretary-General warned us all "that the victims of violence and injustice are waiting. They are waiting for us to keep our words. They notice when we use words to mask inaction.

They notice when laws that should protect them are not applied". He ended his address with a plea that bears constant repetition, I will conclude this address with the same plea: we can try to restore and extend the rule of law throughout the world, but ultimately success will depend on the hold that the law has on our consciences. Today we must look again into our collective conscience and ask ourselves whether we are doing enough. Let our generation not be found wanting.

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