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Sunday, 7 November 2004    
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Impressions of Japan

These are impressions of staffer DEEPAL WARNAKULASURIYA who spent a profitable six weeks in Japan on the an Asia-Pacific Journalist Fellowship Program-2004 conducted by the Foreign Press Centre in Japan.

Street sweeper

Three tremors measuring 6.8 and 6.0 on the Richter scale struck central Japan region two weeks ago causing widespread devastation. For the first time in Japanese history, a bullet train with passengers on board was also derailed on October 23.

The bullet train service completed 40 years of reputed service recently. But, by Sunday noon the service began as usual as though nothing had happened and the countrymen were seen busy with their due tasks. The devastation caused by the tremors is nothing compared to the losses suffered on a consequence to the Second World War. But then too Japan rose as a courageous country forgetting all the turmoil in a short period.


Only Japan and the Japanese people can do it. If it had happened to another country, it would have been difficult to overcome such a situation. Japan acquired a reputation of being 'Established' from situations of 'Defeated' and 'Occupied' in a considerably short period.

Although one can say their efforts to be economically established has compromised their traditions and social values, Japan still has and respects its traditions and social values.

Though the saying goes "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", in Japan you are welcome to remain yourself.


Cycling to work

The Japanese have an ingrained sense of good behaviour with a heightened sense of modesty and sincerity. They always try to have a pleasant smile for each other. Among the cultural differences you will notice the Japanese general greeting is bowing. They do not hesitate to bow to the other on every occasion they meet.

Sometimes, at the very first sight each person will bow four-five times. But that is the Japanese culture. Even in a lift, till the doors are closed they keep the bowing posture.

Even the ticket conductor in a bullet train bows to the commuters before and after issuing the ticket.

In government as well as private sector offices, employees are very busy. There are no minor employees unlike in Sri Lanka, instead they work as a team. In every office or institute there is a telephone with a directory for the visitor to directly contact the person they want to meet without wasting time.

The number of employees in offices are also less. For an example the Foreign Press Centre annexe which includes a library, an auditorium and over eight cubicals with laptops for the use of foreign journalists is run by one female. She works very hard and also finds time for her hobby, photography. The loyalty of the Japanese to their country is proved by the fact that there is only one security officer in each establishment.


Japanese are disciplined. No one is required to guide them towards a queue at an ATM machine, bank or post office. Even for a train or a bus they stand in the correct queue. If they see a foreigner in the queue, most of the time he/she will be allowed to go first. Even at a lift, they politely allow a foreigner to go first.

Queue at railway station

Japanese are always willing to help. The only drawback is the language. They are friendly too. During my first week in Japan, I wanted to go to the Sri Lankan Embassy at Minato-Ku. The very first youth whom I asked for directions had a communication problem. But he understood my destination and guided me to the Embassy which was a more than 15 minutes walk.


On another day, we were unable to find our way on a subway, we asked a young couple for directions and the girl who said "Chotta Matte" or something suddenly vanished. We thought we should ask someone else. But the next minute the girl was in front of us again with someone else. The next day we learnt that "Chotta Matte" means wait a bit.

Though Japan has one of the highest average life expectancies in the world, it is also facing the problem of rapidly ageing population at the same time.

The ratio of people aged 65 and over has doubled from 7.07 per cent in 1970 to 19.05 last year. The number of aged under 15 dropped to a new post-war record low of 17.9 million as of October 2003. It is a decrease of 197,000 from the previous year (2002). The Present Japanese Government has to find the alternatives to decide who will shoulder the responsibility of the country in 15 or 20 years time.

The problem has also worsened by the decreasing rate of marriages. In 2002, the rate fell to 6.0 marriages per 1000 persons.


The average age of marriage also rose from 26.8 to 29.1 for men and 24.2 to 27.4 for women. Unmarried women in their twenties or thirties are common everywhere in Japan. A youth is unable to run a separate family due to the high cost of living as well as the girls preferring to live with their parents.

Sometime ago, Japanese recorded a high incidence of tuberculosis. This was the largest cause of death after the second World War. By 1950s the Japanese government was capable of controlling the issue but, then the mortality rate due to cancer went up.

However, the National Police Agency (NPA) in Tokyo says that the suicide rate in Japan is also rising. In 2002, the number of suicides was 32,143 with an increase of 3.5 per cent from 2001.


The most notable fact here is 38.6 per cent suicides are caused by hardships and sicknesses, and 34.6 per cent due to financial difficulties. The NPA also reports that this is a 14.8 per cent increase compared to the pervious year.

Japan's primary industries' contribution to the country's economy is also rapidly declining and the workforce in agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors has fallen to 4.7 per cent from 32.7 per cent in 1960s.

The total number of farming households in January 2003 had decreased 1.5 per cent from the previous year. The workforce even in forestry industry has been declining yearly, from 439,405 in 1960 to 67,153 in 2000. The situation is same with the fishing industry too. In 1975, fishing employed 0.8 per cent of the working population. It has become 0.4 per cent in 2002. As the apparel industry was started in 1960s in Japan, fashion shows like "Tokyo Fashion Week" came up in 70s.

In fact, Japan has become one of the world's major retail markets for designer wear - both domestic and imported. As a result, it is very rare to see a woman in a 'Kimono' or a man in a 'Yukata' in Tokyo these days".


While women go for mixed fashions, men's attire has become completely westernised.

'Mcdonald' and 'KFC' outlets are common sights in every nook and corner. Fitting their speedy lifestyle they have got used to fast foods. However, Japanese style restaurants are everywhere. Philippine, Italian, Indian or Sri Lankan restaurants provide meals mixing their recipes with Japanese stuff.

Computer games are very popular in Japan and most men do not forget to drop in at least for a half hour daily in their leisure time.


Such places are common in every city. Cellular phone games are also popular among females, with many switching on their mobile and playing games whenever they get the opportunity.

However, they are also obedient and switch off at public places and turn it to a silent mode when they are close to pregnant women, elderly people, or infants.

Japanese are also much careful about the differently abled. They have the braille system everywhere. In ministries and government institutes as well as on pavements, there are separate yellow lines for blind persons. Every museum as well as other cultural sites have a replica of the statues done separately for the blind. By touching these statues they are able to get an idea of monuments or structures.

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